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Active Projects & Grants Managed in the School of Social Work

  1. Shawna J. Lee
  2. Lisa M. WexlerAndrew C. Grogan-Kaylor
  3. Shawna J. Lee
  4. Shawna J. Lee

    127171 - Michigan Medicine OHEI Evaluation

    Lee, Shawna (PI)

  5. Shawna J. Lee
  6. Shawna J. Lee
  7. Shawna J. Lee
  8. Rogério Meireles Pinto
  9. Lydia W. Li
  10. Shawna J. Lee
  11. Giovanna Gonzalez (Odessa Gonzalez) Benson
  12. David CórdovaRogério Meireles PintoAshley Lacombe-Duncan
  13. Trina R. Shanks
  14. Addie Weaver

    Weaver Oscar Stern Award - 2020

    Weaver, Addie (PI)

  15. Shawna J. Lee
  16. Sue Ann Savas
  17. Anao Zhang
  18. Katrina R. Ellis

    Rogel Scholar in Cancer Health Equity 2022

    Ellis, Katrina (PI)

  19. Lindsay A. Bornheimer
  20. Trina R. Shanks

    DCE Research Subsidy

    Shanks, Trina (PI)

  21. Katie E. Richards-Schuster
  22. Katie A. Schultz

    Uniting Statewide Tribal DV against AI AN Women - Curtis Center

    Schultz, Katie (PI)

  23. Jaclynn M. Hawkins
  24. Daicia R. Price

    Increasing Access for Black Transgender Individuals in Detroit

    Price, Daicia (PI)

  25. Shawna J. Lee

    Promoting Infant Health and Wellbeing by Engaging Father in Home Visitation: Detroit URC Award

    Lee, Shawna (PI)

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