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2021 National Food Hub Survey

Survey design: PEG will work with project team members from CRFS and the Wallace Center to design the survey instrument. This will include collaborating to apply a racial-equity lens by articulating how the survey can adopt a critical race analysis as well as advance equity through its design and dissemination. We will also work with the project team to apply a utilization-focused lens by ensuring the survey is designed with the intended use of the findings in mind and the team has a shared understanding of the key research questions. The design phase will include participating in meetings with an advisory committee of food hub stakeholders and people of color. This phase will also include developing a list of contacts and a recruitment plan. Survey dissemination: PEG will be responsible for inputting the survey into Qualtrics, testing the instrument, and disseminating it to identified food hub owners and managers based on the established recruitment plan. This phase will include monitoring incoming responses and respondent characteristics to identify if additional recruitment is needed either broadly or targeted to specific groups. Data cleaning and analysis: PEG will be responsible for all data cleaning. PEG will conduct initial descriptive analyses based on the key research questions identified in the design phase. This will include univariate analyses of all survey variables, cross-sectional analyses of the 2021 data, and longitudinal analyses of prior data sets from 2013-2019. Data interpretation and report development: Following the completion of initial analyses, PEG will work closely with the project team and advisory committee to interpret the data, including both identifying other relevant analyses and articulating the implications of the findings. If resources and safety protocols allow, this phase could include an in-person data interpretation meeting. PEG will lead the creation of the survey report, continuing to work in collaboration with the project team and other stakeholders to ensure findings and recommendations are useful and actionable. Deliverables: The primary deliverables will be the survey instrument in Qualtrics and a report on survey findings. If warranted, PEG could also develop additional data briefs or infographics to highlight particular findings from the full report for specific audiences. Final deliverables will be produced in Microsoft Word without graphic design. The lead evaluator will work with the graphic designer as needed and will review design drafts.

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