Littman, D., Hamilton, G., Gutierrez, L., Sonsteng-Person, M., Pinto, R. (2024, January). Democratizing Knowledge through Teaching, Collecting, and Disseminating Arts-Based Research. 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Conference
Cureton, A. (2025, March) Possibility Development: A Model for Theorizing and Catalyzing Youth Development, Oral presentation at the Comparative and International Education SocietyAnnual Conference, Chicago, IL
“I call it my backpack office”: Organizational materiality of refugee-led grassroots organizations vis-a-vis refugee-serving professionalized agencies, International Sociology Association, Rabat, Morocco, Jun 2025.
Hammond, I., Park, S. Okpych, N. J., Harty, J., & Courtney, M. E. (2025, January) Differences in satisfaction and perceived benefit of foster care: insights from CalYOUTH study participants. Society for Social Work and Research Conference (SSWR). Seattle, WA.
Brdar, N. M., Bornheimer, L. A., Koo, H. J., Zheng, K., Eisenberg, D., & King, C. A. (2025, April). Latent profilesof identity characteristics, discrimination, and victimization in LGBTQ college students at heightened risk forsuicide. Poster presentation at the 2025 Mental Health on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Park, S., Okpych, N. J., Harty, J., & Courtney, M. E. (2025, January) Does transition planning increase service use among older adolescents in foster care? Society for Social Work and Research Conference (SSWR). Seattle, WA.
Zhang, A., Brandon, R., & Chen, M. (2025, March). The integration of research and clinical agendas inAYA oncology programs. Symposium Presentation at the 2025 American Psychosocial OncologySociety: Strengthening Bridges between Clinical Practice and Research: New Perspectives inPsychosocial Oncology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Cureton, A. (2025, January) Girls rule art! Exploring Forcibly Displaced Girls’ Engagement in Arts-based Programs, Oral presentation at the International Association for the Study of Forced MigrationConference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Ortiz, G.C., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Emrick, B., Underhill, A., Côté, P., Kyne, L.T., Besharati, A.A.,Armstong, I., Fung, R., Chan, L.Y.L., Weisdorf, T., & Loutfy, M. (2025, January). Factors associated withtrans women's recency of last visit with a primary care physician: Implications for social work researchand practice. Accepted for oral presentation at the 29th Annual Society for Social Work and ResearchConference, Seattle, WA.
Todić, J., Castellanos, C., McMahon, S., Christensen, M.C., Park, K. & Garner, J .Restorative and transformative justice responses to sexual violence: A critical scoping review. Paper presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
Cureton, A. (2025, February) An Exploration on how Racism and Discrimination Impact the Mental Health of Latine Youth, Oral presentation at the Latine Research Week, University of Michigan Puentes.
Cross, F. L., Lucio, J., Blanco, S., Canino, J., Shapiro, L. F., González, E., Stupple, K.,Linares, R. Leveraging a Community-based Partnership to Support the Mental Health ofLatinx Immigrant-origin Youth. Oral presentation accepted to the 2025 Society for SocialWork and Research Annual Conference in Seattle, WA.
Brdar, N., Campbell, M., Hoener, K., Florence, T., & Bornheimer, L. A. (2025, January). Innovative disseminationstrategies: Amplifying suicide prevention research through academic-community partnership. Poster presentation atthe 29th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Bornheimer, L. A., Brdar, N., Koo, H. J., Li Verdugo, J., Czyz, E., Eisenberg, D., Zheng, K., Pistorello, J., Albucher,R., Coryell, W., Favorite, T., & King, C. (2025, January). Suicide risk profiles and barriers to help-seeking amongcollege students at elevated risk for suicide and not engaged in mental health services. Oral presentation at the 29thAnnual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Nyerges, E., Gonzalez Benson, O. & Storer, S. Navigating burnout and resilience among practitioners in turbulent political times: Insights from refugee resettlement agencies, Society for Social Work Research Conference, Seattle WA, Jan 2025
Zhang, A. & Chen, M. (2025, January). An open pilot testing solution-focused brief therapy as a strengthbased approach for depression in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors. Oral presentation at the2025 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Strengthening Social Impact throughCollaborative Research, Seattle, Washington
Zhang, A., Chen, M., & Brandon, R. (2025, March). Strategies promoting recruiting diverse AYA cancerpatients across research programs. Symposium Presentation at the 2025 American PsychosocialOncology Society: Strengthening Bridges between Clinical Practice and Research: New Perspectives inPsychosocial Oncology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Kattari, S. K. & Erickson, D. A. (2025, January). "If you're asking for my diversity, you're asking for all of me: Neurodivergent higher education faculty experiences in the U.S.”Paper to be presented at the 29th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Brdar, N.,Tigadi, N., Pasiak, S., Wylie, A., & Bornheimer, L. A. (2025, January). Risk factors and attemptcharacteristics among transition-aged youth and young adults who attempted suicide. Poster presentation at the 29thAnnual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Educating Social Workers in Palliative and End-Of-Life Care in Oncology (ESPEC-O): APilot Evaluation, American Psychosocial Oncology Society annual meeting, Pittsburgh,PA, March, 2025
Cureton, A. & Bechara, S. (2025, January) “Not even children get their rights here”: Syrian Refugee Children and Adolescents’ Experiences with Education, Child Labor, and Mental Health in Lebanon, Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Cureton, A. & Bechara, S. (2025, January) “We can’t afford the cost of a burial shroud if something were to happen to someone”: Economic Precarity and Multi-dimensional Deprivation among Syrian Refugee Families in Lebanon, Flash talk presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Chanmugam, A. & Christensen, M.C. (2025). Healing journeys: Survivor perspectives on recovery from sex trafficking. Paper presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Seattle, WA
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Ortiz, G.C., Kluger, H., Iyer, H., Underhill, A., Fung, R., Armstrong, I., Kia, H., &Loutfy, M. (2025, January). A scale to center and measure trans women/transfeminine persons’satisfaction with feminizing hormone therapy: Results of the feminizing hormone satisfaction scale (FEMSQ). Accepted for oral presentation at the 29th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference,Seattle, WA.
Cureton, A. (2025, January) “Living in America is not easy”: Exploring Afghan Evacuees Resettlement Experiences in the United States, Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.