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SSW Presentations

  • Wood, A. K. (2024, August) My Brotherhood or My Brothers? Fraternities Navigate the Necessity of Organizational Change. Oral Paper Presentation Accepted at the Society for the Study of Social Problems

  • White, L., Sherwood, K., Bailey-Walsh, C., Weaver, A. Social workers harnessing implementation scienceframeworks and community-engaged research and practice to build solutions for health equity. Workshop at theSociety for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference, January 2024, Washington, DC.

  • Kattari, S.K., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Emrick, B., Alexander, F., Kluger, H., Kattari, L., Niedzwiecki, A., Scheim, A. & Misiolek, B. (2024, January). “It's a Big Ordeal”: A Mixed Methods Study of the Experiences of Non-HIV STI Testing Among Trans and Gender Diverse People. Accepted for oral presentation at the 28th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Cross, F., Esqueda, A. P., Hunt, R., Ku, C.P., Lucio, J., Williams. C., Marsh, E., Resnicow,K. Incentivizing Immunity: Black and Latinx Individuals’ Attitudes about COVID-19Vaccine Incentives. Paper submitted to the American Public Health Association andAnnual Expo.

  • 3. Ellis, K.R. (January, 2024). Understanding and supporting African American adults withcancer and their families. Invited presentation to the Hematology/Oncology FellowsProgram at the University of Michigan.

  • Watkins, DC. The Promise and Potential of Mental Health, Manhood Redefined, and Social Support Through the YBMen Project. Merrill Palmer Skinner Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. February 8, 2024.

  • Chanmugam, A. & Christensen, M.C. (2024). Encouraging research participation: lessons learned from recruiting survivors of sex trafficking. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.

  • Social Genomics As a Framework for Understanding Health Disparities Among Adolescentand Young Adult Cancer Survivors, Poster presentation at the 28th Annual Conference ofthe Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, DC, January, 2024.

  • Trauma and Resilience in Early Childhood; Project Outreach; Ann Arbor, MI

  • Zhang, A. & Zebrack, B. (2024. January). Advancing health equity for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer: The role of (advanced) technology. Symposium Session at the 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science, Washington, D.C.

  • Bechtel, T. (2024, January) “Marine Mammals in Black Feminism, Jewish, and Christian Ethics” presentation at the Society of Christian Ethics, Chicago, IL

  • Wexler, L. (2024, February) The Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience (ANCHRR) and the Alaska Native Resilience Study: Doing Research ‘in the Right Way’. Alaska Forum

  • Cureton, A. (2024, January). "We are living from a lack of death": An exploration of the mental health needs of Syrian refugee women in Lebanon. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, D.C.

  • Kattari, L., Kynn, J., Kattari, S. K., & Singh, R. B. (2024, June). “Queering and cripping social work education and mentorship: Integrating critical pedagogies in dynamic learning. Workshop accepted to be presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  • Lopez, K., Gonzalez Benson, O., & Yoshihama. (April 2024) Aiming for critical, reflexive, transformativeglobal SW pedagogy: Insights on curriculum development, Joint Social Work and Social Development Conference, Panama City, Panama

  • Bornheimer, L., A., Brdar, N. M., Humm, L., Hiltz, B., & Smith, M. (2024, April). Simulated Training in SuicidePrevention for Mental Health Trainees and Providers. Oral presentation at the 2024 Suicide Research Symposium.

  • Moto, R. & McEachern, D., …PC CARES Team…Wexler, L. (2024, May) Community-led and research informedcommunity-based suicide prevention. Statewide Suicide Prevention Conference. Anchorage, AK

  • Wernick, L. J., Yamada, A. M., Evans, D., & Kattari, S. K. (2024, October). Council on Disabilities and Persons with Disabilities Connect Session: Mentoring doctoral and early career scholars with disabilities. Workshop presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Kansas City, MO.

  • Smith, M., Ellis, K.R., Wayas, F.A, Contreras, A., Vincent, C., Perez, S., Resnicow,K. Stoffel, E. (September, 2024). Development of an ehealth intervention to promoteAfrican American family communication about and use of genetic testing for hereditarycancers. Michigan Momentum: Showcasing the Cutting Edge of Social Work Science.

  • Smith, M. J., Smith, J. D., Blajeski, S., Ross, B., Jordan, N., Bell, M. D., McGurk, S. R., Mueser, K. T., Burke-Miller, J. K., Oulvey, E. A., Fleming, M. F., Nelson, K., Brown, A., Prestipino, J., Pashka, N. J., & Razzano, L. A. (2024, April). The Evidence for Virtual Job Interview Training to Support Job-Seeking Adults With Schizophrenia. In E. Thibaudeau (Chair), Digital Technologies and recovery: Current and Future Directions to Improve Care in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders [Symposium]. Schizophrenia International Research Society, Florence, Italy.

  • Raeymaeckers, P., Mosley, J., Bode, I., Arvidson, M., Almog-Bar, M., & Park, S. (2024, July) Ships passing in the night? Improving scholarly conversations between social work, nonprofit studies and public administration. ISTR, Antwerp, Belgium

  • Thompson, H. & Ellis, K.R. (February, 2024). Career development award. Seminarpresentation for the Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research(MCUAAAR) Scholar Program.

  • Ghazal, L., Zhang, A., Cheung, C. (2024, May) Experiences of underrepresented adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors engaging in research-related activities. Poster presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

  • Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Humm, L., Hiltz, B., & Smith, M. S. (2024, January). A Computerized Simulated Training Tool for Suicide Prevention: Potential for Utility and Scalability in Social Work Education and Practice Settings. Oral presentation at the 28th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Renn, T., Trawver, K., & Schultz, K. (2024). Crafting a research agenda for addressing justice involvement among American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Presentation. International Academy of Law and Mental Health XXXVIII Congress, Barcelona, Spain.


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