Understanding and Evaluating Health and Mental Health Disparities among Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer: Investigation Findings from an Integrative Research Group Affiliated with an AYA Oncology Program, 5th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress, Discussant, Long Beach, CA, June, 2023.
Shanks, T., Huang, J., Elliott, W., Zheng, H., Clancy, M. & Sherraden, M. (2023). A Policy Platform to Deliver Black Reparations: Building on Evidence from Child Development Accounts. Workshop for special issue, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY. April 21, 2023.
Wexler, L., Porter, K., Leys, Megan, Apala-Flaherty and Moto. (2023, October) Building on Family Strengths to Increase Firearm Safety at Home: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Study of an Innovative Approach to Lethal Means Reduction. International Association of Suicide Research, Barcelona, Spain
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) GCWS Graduate Student Conference “Liberating Spatiality and Temporality” Presentation: Therapeutic Wayfinding and Complex Trauma in Forced Migration: Advocating for Spatial-Based Practices with Refugee and Migrant Youth.”
Ghazi, A. (2023, October) Conference Presenter- Accessibility in Hybrid/Community-Engaged Learning & Teaching, International Teaching & Learning Conference, San Diego, CA
Heberlein, C. Riebschleger, J. (PI), Rosario, R. & Irish, K. (2023). Mental Health Literacy Needs of Rural & Migrant Youth [UURAF mentor for student poster presentation]. University Undergraduate Research & Arts Forum (UURAF) 2023, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Tan, C., Stelmak, D., Levin, N., Zhang, A., & Zebrack, B. (2023, April) Sex differences in reproductive concerns for adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients. Poster Presentation. Society of Behavioral Medicine 44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions: Translating Science into Impact, Phoenix, AZ.
Professionalizing Grandma: Ambiguous Roles in the Indirect Welfare State, Third Annual Global Casework Summit. University of Costa Rica, San Jose, June, 2023.
Ghazi, A. (2023, September) Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, Asian American Community Leaders Event, Office of the Governor, State of Michigan
Smith, T., Sokol, R. & Ewell Foster, C. (2023). Firearm safety attitudes and beliefs among rural firearm owners with children. National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Chicago, IL
Staller, K.M., (2023). Spotlight on Key Issues in Qualitative Inquiry. Panel, Chair. Staller, K. M. “Surveilling Faculty: Neoliberal university alignment with for-profit corporations. “19th Annual International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry. May 2023.
Clowney-Robinson, Marna and Lee, Jasmin. Joint Council of Librarians of Color (JCLC). “Mixed-Race Student Needs Across the Library Ecosystem.” St. Pete Beach, FL 2023 (Invited).
Anglin, D., DeVylder, J., Munson, M., Oh, H., & Fedina, L. (2023, January). Socioenvironmental factors
underlying racial/ethnic inequities in psychosis risk. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and
Research 27th Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ
Zhang, A., Ghazal, L., Jackson Levin, N., & Zebrack, B. (2023, Oct.). Considerations and recommendations for mHealth interventions for substance use among Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) adults: A narrative review of qualitative studies. Poster Presentation at The Science of Cancer Health Equity for SGM Communities Conference, New York, NY.
Quinn, C. R., Coker, E. J., A., Collins-Anderson, A., A., Hughley, Boyd, D. T., Allen, J. L., Mitchell, M., Radney, DiClemente, R. J., & Voisin, D. R. (November 2023). Investigating lawbreaking behavior of Black girls in a southern detention center individual paper abstract submission for the American Society of Criminology Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Looking back to move AYA cancer survivorship research forward: Illustrating a method to harmonize secondary qualitative data, 5th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress, Long Beach, CA, June, 2023.
Adunbi, F. (2023, June) "Lost Opportunities, Missed Conversations: Ethical Considerations for Cannabis Use Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients", Michigan Society of Hematology & Oncology