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School of Social Work Events Calendar

  1. Tips for Successful Graduate School Writing

    February 10, 2025 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    Join Betsy Williams, SSW Writing Skills Coordinator, and Jennifer Nason, Social Science Librarian, on zoom for an overview of expectations and resources for graduate-level academic writing and library research. Short presentations will leave plenty of time for your questions.

    All MSW students are welcome to join us. You can register in advance or just show up on zoom. 

     Join the zoom using your umich email.  

    This zoom session will be recorded.

    Click here to register

  2. Online Educational Agreement: Assignments Selected & Saved

    February 10, 2025 - 5:00 PM ET

    Please refer to your Canvas site for more details. Students should select and save an Assignment for each competency. You will not be submitting the Ed Agreement to your field instructor at this time that will happen at the end of the term.

  3. MSW Prospective Student Information Session - Virtual MSW Prospective Student Information Session - Virtual

    February 11, 2025 - 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM ET

    This online session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor's School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: Online Program, On-Campus Program, Curriculum Options, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more!

    All registered attendees will receive a recording of the session.

    Click here to register »

  4. Half-Baked Ideas (Fully Baked Pizza)

    February 11, 2025 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    The Associate Dean of Research is hosting a Half-Baked Brown Bag for Faculty and Doctoral Students to share their early-stage ideas with peers for feedback. Please join John Tropman (Henry J. Meyer Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Social Work) and Alexandra L. Crampton (UMSSW grad '07; and current visiting scholar) (15 min each) followed by a 30-minute discussion (each). Pizza and drinks provided. Space for up to 20 attendees!

    Register here »

  5. Community Conversation - Aging within our Current Society

    February 11, 2025 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    We invite you to a Community Conversation about Aging within our Current Society.

    At our conversation, we'll consider questions like what is expected of us as we age? How are we perceived by others, and does it change as we age? Is it impacted by our status? Our income? What expectations does society seem to hold about the worth of a person as we age?

    Register here »

    This is a time for conversation – to share feelings, raise concerns, and talk together as a school community.

    About the format. With these smaller Community Conversations, our hope is to explore restorative dialogue and build community, creating a space where we are all teachers and learners. We will draw heavily on practices from intergroup dialogue and restorative justice.

  6. Black Love Day Kick-Off: An Uplifting Celebration

    February 12, 2025 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Join us as we commemorate Black Love Day, observed annually on February 13th. This day is dedicated to celebrating love, forgiveness, and acceptance within Black communities.

    We are honored to welcome Dr. Natalie Malone, a counseling psychologist trainee, researcher, and yoga instructor, whose work centers on the sexual, spiritual, and holistic wellness of Black women. Dr. Malone’s intentional integration of social justice, embodied healing, and holistic wellness offers an inspiring approach to fostering love and healing within ourselves and our communities.

    Come connect, reflect, and uplift as we celebrate the beauty and power of Black love.

    This event is virtual and the Zoom link will be shared prior to the event. 

    Click Here to Register

  7. Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning

    February 14, 2025 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    Suicide is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States and worldwide. Nearly 50% of individuals who end life by suicide see a primary care provider within a month of death, yet suicide risk assessment and treatment is consistently difficult in practice. With the majority of mental health services in the US being delivered by social workers, it is imperative that risk assessment and safety planning knowledge and skills are in place for our work with clients with the ultimate goal being to prevent premature suicidal death.

    This webinar will discuss and present on suicide as public health issue in the US, risk and protective factors, warning signs, barriers to help-seeking, risk assessment process and risk formulation, safety planning, and cultural humility in risk assessment with use of a clinical case. This workshop is also focused on the adult population.

    Visit the CE Course Catalog »

  8. CommuniTea with Dr. Lindsey Bornheimer

    February 17, 2025 - 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM ET

    Please join us for CommuniTea with Associate Professor of Social Work and Associate Professor of Psychiatry in the Medical School, Dr. Lindsey Bornheimer! Dr. Bornheimer is a clinical social worker and researcher specializing in suicide prevention among adults with serious mental illness, specifically schizophrenia, with a focus on cognitive-behavioral interventions, implementation science, and advancing evidence-based mental health care. Join us for coffee, tea, snacks, and to learn from Dr. Bornheimer!

    Click here to register

  9. MSW Prospective Student Information Session - In Person MSW Prospective Student Information Session - In Person

    February 17, 2025 - 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET

    This in-person session at the School of Social Work will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: On Campus Program, Online Program, Curriculum Options, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more!

    Click here to register »

  10. Unity in Diversity Dinner

    February 17, 2025 - 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM ET

    The Unity in Diversity Dinner event is back for the Winter 2025 Term!

    Co-sponsored by the Office of Global Activities, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the Global Social Work Practice Pathway, this event aims to bring together all members of the SSW community who are interested in engaging in conversations about social justice from a global lens. Join us to connect with the SSW global community, discuss ways that social justice issues manifest in our different home communities, and enjoy foods that tell stories about diverse cultural backgrounds.

    The event will feature small-group discussion tables and participants will choose which topic they would like to engage with. Participants will have the opportunity to rotate to different tables to discuss more than one theme. Please use the form below to indicate which topics you are most interested in discussing.

    Light refreshments representing a variety of global cuisines will be served at the event!

    Kindly note that the deadline to fill out this RSVP form is Friday, February 14 at 12:00 PM.

    Click here to register

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