Littman, D., Hamilton, G., Gutierrez, L., Sonsteng-Person, M., Pinto, R. (2024, January). Democratizing Knowledge through Teaching, Collecting, and Disseminating Arts-Based Research. 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Conference
Ellis, K.R. (January 2025). Roundtable presentation on “Dyadic healthresearch: promise, pitfalls, and emerging directions” to be presented at the Society forSocial Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington. Role:Presenter with T. Thompson (Organizer/Chair).
Ellis, K.R. (January 2025). Symposium “Improving health & health equityamong middle aged-and older adults by targeting modifiable socio-contextual factors” to bepresented at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference inSeattle, Washington. Role: Organizer/Chair.
Kattari, S. K., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Emrick, B., Alexander, F., Kluger, H~., Kattari, L., Niedzwiecki, A., Scheim, A., Misiolek, B. A. (January, 2024). "It's a big ordeal": A mixed methods study of the experiences of non-HIV STI testing among trans and gender diverse people. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research’s Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Despard, M., Friedline, T., Shanks, T., Hamilton, L., & Smith-Ramani, J. (2024, January). Research toReduce Extreme Economic Inequality: How Are We Doing? Society for Social Work and Research(SSWR) Roundtable. Washington, DC
Ellis, K.R. & Woodard, A. (October, 2024). Managing research teams. Seminarpresentation for the Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research(MCUAAAR) Scholar Program.
Sokol, R., Gerlein-Safdi, C., & Wallace, M. (2024) Developing the Hazard-Violence Model: Associations between weather extremes and firearm violence in Wayne County, Michigan. Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research, 2024; Chapel Hill, NC
Moto, R….PC CARES Team…Wexler, L. (2024, May) Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide: Developing local solutions to address the colonial issue of Alaska Native youth suicide. American Association of Suicidology. Las Vegas, NV
Wastler, H., Manges, M., & Bornheimer, L., A. (2024, April). Reasons for Thinking About Suicide Among Individuals with Psychosis: A Real Time Assessment. Data Blitz presentation at the 2024 Suicide Research Symposium
Nguyen, A. & Ellis, K.R. (November, 2024). Symposium “Enhancing support systemsfor older adults' health and well-being: A health equity approach” to be presented at theGerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington.Role: Co-Chair with A. Nguyen (Chair).
Bornheimer, L., A., Brdar, N. M., Florence, T., Hoener, K., Taylor, S. F., Himle, J. A., & King, C. A. (2024, April). Suicide Prevention Among Adults with Psychosis in Community Mental Health. Oral presentation at the 2024 Suicide Research Symposium.
Ellis, K.R. (September, 2024). Panelist on “Career paths in the academy” panel for theUniversity of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR) CONNECT Early CareerCohort Panel.
Bechtel, T. (2024, January) “Teaching Restorative Justice: Exploring Traditions, Transforming Practice” presentation at the Society of Christian Ethics, Chicago, IL
Cureton, A. (Jan 2024). Welcome to the Great Lakes and Automotive State (Michigan): Exploring how Refugee Resettlement Workers Supported Afghan Evacuees in Michigan. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Schultz, K., Storer, H., Armstrong, C. & Utterback, L. (2024). Disrupting academic gaslighting: Strategies for building resilience and cultivating joy in academic life. Presentation. ResilienceCon 2024, Nashville, TN
Bornheimer, L., A., Brdar, N. M., & Holzworth, J. (2024, April). Depression and Distress as Mediators in the Relationship Between Psychosis Symptoms and Suicide Ideation. Poster presentation at the 2024 Suicide Research Symposium
Wiland, S. R. (2024, May) Trauma-informed Behavioral Health Care for Older Adults preconference training session, Michigan Mental Health & Aging Project Conference, Lansing, MI
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Ichikawa, V., Gill, M., Doll, K., Tepjan, S., Sebastian, S., Massaquoi, N., Tharao, W. & Newman, P.A. (2024, January). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of transgender and gender diverse persons in Toronto, Canada: A convergent parallel mixed methods study. Accepted for oral presentation at the 28th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Hong, S., Michael, C., Hardi, F., Tillem, S., Brooks-Gunn, J., McLoyd, V. C., Mitchell, C., Hyde, L. W. & Monk, C. S. (2024) Interpersonal Support, Functional Brain Architecture, and Internalizing Symptoms during Adolescence. Poster presentation at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seoul, South Korea.
Victor, B., Sokol, R., & Perron, B. (2024). Integrating ChatGPT into social work research: A workshop on prompt engineering, API integration, and recommendations for ethical use. Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.