Wood, A. K. (2024, August) My Brotherhood or My Brothers? Fraternities Navigate the Necessity of Organizational Change. Oral Paper Presentation Accepted at the Society for the Study of Social Problems
Kattari, S.K., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Emrick, B., Alexander, F., Kluger, H., Kattari, L., Niedzwiecki, A., Scheim, A. & Misiolek, B. (2024, January). “It's a Big Ordeal”: A Mixed Methods Study of the Experiences of Non-HIV STI Testing Among Trans and Gender Diverse People. Accepted for oral presentation at the 28th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Watkins, DC. The Promise and Potential of Mental Health, Manhood Redefined, and Social Support Through the YBMen Project. Merrill Palmer Skinner Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. February 8, 2024.
Chanmugam, A. & Christensen, M.C. (2024). Encouraging research participation: lessons learned from recruiting survivors of sex trafficking. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
Zhang, A. & Zebrack, B. (2024. January). Advancing health equity for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer: The role of (advanced) technology. Symposium Session at the 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science, Washington, D.C.
Bechtel, T. (2024, January) “Marine Mammals in Black Feminism, Jewish, and Christian Ethics” presentation at the Society of Christian Ethics, Chicago, IL
Wexler, L. (2024, February) The Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience (ANCHRR) and the Alaska Native Resilience Study: Doing Research ‘in the Right Way’. Alaska Forum
Lopez, K., Gonzalez Benson, O., & Yoshihama. (April 2024) Aiming for critical, reflexive, transformativeglobal SW pedagogy: Insights on curriculum development, Joint Social Work and Social Development Conference, Panama City, Panama
Bornheimer, L., A., Brdar, N. M., Humm, L., Hiltz, B., & Smith, M. (2024, April). Simulated Training in SuicidePrevention for Mental Health Trainees and Providers. Oral presentation at the 2024 Suicide Research Symposium.
Moto, R. & McEachern, D., …PC CARES Team…Wexler, L. (2024, May) Community-led and research informedcommunity-based suicide prevention. Statewide Suicide Prevention Conference. Anchorage, AK
Smith, M. J., Smith, J. D., Blajeski, S., Ross, B., Jordan, N., Bell, M. D., McGurk, S. R., Mueser, K. T., Burke-Miller, J. K., Oulvey, E. A., Fleming, M. F., Nelson, K., Brown, A., Prestipino, J., Pashka, N. J., & Razzano, L. A. (2024, April). The Evidence for Virtual Job Interview Training to Support Job-Seeking Adults With Schizophrenia. In E. Thibaudeau (Chair), Digital Technologies and recovery: Current and Future Directions to Improve Care in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders [Symposium]. Schizophrenia International Research Society, Florence, Italy.
Raeymaeckers, P., Mosley, J., Bode, I., Arvidson, M., Almog-Bar, M., & Park, S. (2024, July) Ships passing in the night? Improving scholarly conversations between social work, nonprofit studies and public administration. ISTR, Antwerp, Belgium
Ghazal, L., Zhang, A., Cheung, C. (2024, May) Experiences of underrepresented adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors engaging in research-related activities. Poster presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Humm, L., Hiltz, B., & Smith, M. S. (2024, January). A Computerized Simulated Training Tool for Suicide Prevention: Potential for Utility and Scalability in Social Work Education and Practice Settings. Oral presentation at the 28th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Renn, T., Trawver, K., & Schultz, K. (2024). Crafting a research agenda for addressing justice involvement among American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Presentation. International Academy of Law and Mental Health XXXVIII Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
Gzesh, A., Paceley, M., Shelton, J., Prince, D., Kattari, S. K., & Hillier, A. (January, 2024). “I had to fight for this!” Implications for youth, caregivers, and providers amidst attacks on Gender-Affirming Care. Roundtable presented at the Society for Social Work Research’s Annual Conference, Washington, D.C
Bornheimer, L. A., Brdar, N. M., & Campbell, M. (2024, August). Community Events to Disseminate Suicide Prevention Research Findings: An Academic-Community Partnership. Oral presentation and workshop at the 2024 Michigan Suicide Prevention Commission Summit, Lansing, MI
Christensen, M.C. & Chanmugam, A. (2024). Recovering from Sex trafficking: Advocate perspectives. Paper presentation at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
Cureton, A. (2024, April). Human Rights and Social Justice: Experience-Based Approaches in Global Social Work Education. Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Panama City, Panama.
Paceley, M., Jenkins, T., Kattari, L., Klein, L. B., Kattari, S. K., & Christensen, M. C. (January, 2024). The personal is professional is political: A roundtable of transgender and gender expansive scholars on integrating research, organizing, and advocacy to promote trans justice. Roundtable presented at the Society for Social Work Research’s Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D. M., Lea, C., Simmons-Horton, S., Coker, E. J., Kim, B. K., Menon, S. E., Quinn,C. R. (Panel Chair), DiClemente, R. J., Voisin, D. R., (March 2024). System-involvement of Blackyouth/emerging adults: Identifying risk and protective factors to generate alternatives todetention/incarceration. Plenary Panel for the 16th Annual Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.Chicago, IL.
Chalker, S. A., Sicotte, R., Bornheimer, L. A., Parrish, E. M., Wastler, H., Ehret, B. C., DeVylder, J., & Depp, C. A.(2024, April). Research Gaps in Suicide Prevention among Individuals with Psychosis: A Call to Action to Advance Knowledge and Inform Practice. Oral presentation at the 2024 Schizophrenia International Research Society,Florence, Italy
Zhang, A. & Ghazal, L. (2024. March). Frontiers in adolescent and young adult psycho-oncology research and practice: A forward-looking approach in a changing landscape. Symposium Session at the 21st Annual American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference: Advancing Psychosocial Oncology within a Changing Landscape, Albuquerque, New Mexico.