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SSW Presentations

  • Maguire-Jack, K. (April 2023). Innovative child maltreatment prevention strategies. Symposium presented at ResilienceCon, April 16-18, 2022.

  • Gilbert, T. (2023, June) Divert and Decriminalize: Empowering Judges for Change. Developing a Risk, Needs, Responsivity Approach to Juvenile Justice, Michigan Probate Judges Association.

  • After High School, What’s Next? Exploring Refugee Youths’ Perceptions and Preparations around College Choice and Transition. Oral presentation at the Possibility Summit 2023, Global Possibility Network, University of Pennsylvania (Virtual).

  • Khang, E & Abney, N (2023) Breaking Bad News. Kellogg Eye Center Retinal Dystrophy inservice.Ann Arbor, MI.

  • Kattari, S. K. (2023, September). It’s like running a cheese grater over my soul: Disability, ableism, and providing accessible care. Workshop virtually presented at the GLMA Annual Conference, Virtual.

  • Ellis, K.R. (2023). Subject matter expert panel member for August 2023 American Cancer Society Health Equity & Caregiving Series: Medical mistrust (part 2) – how to address it in your health system.

  • Bechtel, T. (2023, December) “The Loving Deployment of Technology” presentation to the Faithful Deployment of Technology Series, Minister Dr. Malaney L. Brown Institute for Ministry Initiatives, Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Historic St. James Missionary Baptist Church, Detroit, MI

  • Ribaudo, J. (2023). “Tough All Day and Frightened All Night”: The Role of Fear Regulation in Attachment and Behavior. University of Wisconsin Infant, Early Childhood Family Mental Health Capstone Program. Madison, WI. (Virtual Presentation)

  • Annual Gender Identity Seminar: Gender Affirming Care for Trans Youth and their Families, Michigan State University, April 2023

  • Park, S., Okpych, N. J., Harty, J., & Courtney, M. E. (November 2023) Does transition planning increase service use among older adolescents in foster care?. ARNOVA Conference, Orlando, FL.

  • Fike, K., Goodwill, J., Johnson, N. & Quinn, C. R. (July 2023). An intersectional view of Black girls’ emotional wellness: Investigating the role of parents, peers, and neighborhoods. Quinn, C. R. inBetter Together: Contextualizing Black Youth and Young Adult Outcomes. Organized PaperSymposium for the session for the APA Division 45 Conference. San Diego, CA

  • McEachern, D., White, L., Wexler, L. and the PC CARES Team. (2023, October) Translating Research to Upstream Suicide Prevention Practice on People’s Own Terms: Theory and Outcomes of Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide (PC CARES), International Association of Suicide Research,Barcelona, Spain

  • Ivanich, J. D. & Schultz, K. (2023). A social network study with American Indian youth on a Northern Plains reservation: Substance use, suicide risk, and exposure to violence. Presentation. Sunbelt 2023 – International Network for Social Network Analysis, Portland, OR.

  • Gonzalez-Benson, O. (2023) The limits of rights discourse in sovereign space: U.S. refugee policy, Society for Social Work Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ

  • Gilbert, T. (2023, March) Girls in the Justice System: Who are they and how do we best serve them? State Appellate Defender's Office.

  • Calhoun, K., Burns, T., Smith, A., Ehrlich, E., Gultekin, L., Asabigi, K., Hijazi, M., Buckhoy, N., Rowe, Z., Neff, M., Vaughter, D., Voepel-Lewis, T., Piechowski, T., Jazdzyk, D., Braddix, L., Cordova, D., The Detroit Area Mental Health Leadership Team. (2023, April). A community-academic partnership to prevent and reduce substance use disorders in metropolitan Detroit during COVID-19. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice. San Francisco, CA.

  • Chen, Z. Fedina, L., DeVylder, J., Lemieux, C., & King, C. (2023, January). Financial hardships and mental health crises: An examination of young adults’ COVID-19 pandemic experiences. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

  • Lacombe-Duncan, A., Persad, Y., Shokoohi, M., Underhill, A., Machouf, N., Côté, P., Wheatley, M., Gupta, M., Kyne, L.T., Besharati, A.A., Chan, L.Y.L, Hranilovi, S., Nguyen, Q., & Loutfy, M. (2023, February). HIV prevalence and associated factors among a clinical cohort of transgender women in Canada: Bridging gaps in knowledge for priority populations. Accepted for poster presentation at the International Workshop on HIV and Women 2023, Seattle, WA.

  • Bechtel, T. (2023, September) “Farmed Animal Welfare: The National Discussion” presentation at the Rooted and Grounded conference, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, IN

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy for cancer patients reported outcomes: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Oral Presentation at the 2023 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

  • England, K. (2023) Facilitating Inner Adventures: Safety & Ethical Considerations for Navigating Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness, Adventure Therapy Best Practices Conference

  • Mattison, D. & Irish, K. (2023). Forgiveness: Exploring its power and complexities. Association of Oncology Social Workers Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

  • Torres, C., Riggs, J., Ribaudo, J., & Walsh, T. (2023). Improving IMH-HV training to strengthen cultural responsiveness and increase equity [Virtual presentation]. Early Start National Home Visiting Summit.

  • Pinto, R. M. & Conrad-Cohen, S. Social Work Science and Complex Problems: Battling Inequities + Building Solutions. Special Session on Research Priorities and Capacity Building Title: Using Artbased Research in Social Work Science. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

  • Professionalizing Grandma: Ambiguous Roles in the Indirect Welfare State, Moving the Field Forward: Understanding Latinx Populations in Communities with Low-Income. May, 2023.


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