Ewen, A., Hawkins, J., Kloss, K., Funnel, M., Nwankwo, R., & Piatt, G. (2023). Findings from a Peer-Led Diabetes Self-Management and Social Support Program.. Poster presented at the American Diabetes Association’s 83rd Scientific Sessions.
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Emrick, B., Alexander, F., Kluger, H., & Kattari, S.K. (2023, June). Access to
non-HIV STI testing among trans and nonbinary people: Bridging gaps in research to promote health
equity. Accepted for oral presentation at the LGBTQ Research Symposium, Virtual.
Genova, H. M., Haas, M., Elsayed, H., Dacanay, M., & Smith, M. J. (2023, April). IMPRoving Expression of Skills and Strengths in Interviewing in a Virtual Environment: The IMPRESSIVE trial in Autistic Youth. Oral presentation at the 2022 Rutgers Center for Autism Research Education and Services conference. New Jersey, NJ.
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Ortiz, G.C., & Kluger, H. (2023, November). Developing a Scale to Measure Trans Women’s Satisfaction with Feminizing Hormone Therapy: Preliminary Results of the FEM-SQ. Accepted for oral presentation at the 3rd Annual Trans Women HIV Research Initiative (TWIRI) Conference, Toronto, Canada
Newman, P.A., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Chakrapani, V., Massaquoi, N., Tepjan, S., Akkakanjanasupar,
P., Roungprakhon, S., & Dinh, D. (2023, April). Intersectional experiences of COVID-19 and HIV among
LGBTQ+ people living with HIV-Protective behavior adherence, pandemic distress, and HIV care disruptions: A mixed methods study (#SafeHandsSafeHearts). Accepted for oral presentation at the 32nd Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) Conference, Quebec City, QC, Canada.
Ribaudo, J., Lawler, K., Petroff, R., Goodrich, J. M., Muzik, M., & Rosenblum K. L. (2023). Infant Mental Health Home Visiting buffers the effect of methylation on infants' socioemotional health [Conference presentation]. Society for Research on Child Development, 2023 Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Kattari, L., Kattari, K., Scheim, A.I., Alexander, F., Yonce, S. & Misiolek, B. (2023, January). Barriers and facilitators to HIV testing among transgender and nonbinary persons in Michigan, United States: Results of a community-based survey. Accepted for oral presentation at the 27th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Kattari, S. K. & Gross, E. B. (2023, June). “I have had several providers who recognize my humanity”: Exploring the overall health and positive healthcare interactions of transgender and gender diverse college students. Paper presented at the LGBTQ Research Symposium, Virtual.
Ellis, K.R., Wayas, F., *Vincent, C., *Smith, M., *Contreras, A., & *Perez, S. (2023). Facing Forward research study: Update and next steps. Virtual community dinner and presentation to families participating in the Facing Forward Research Study at the University of Michigan.
Inclusive Design of Clinical Trial Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Survivors, The Science of Cancer Health Equity in Sexual and Gender Minority Communities, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York City, NY, October, 2023.
Phanudulkitti, C. Mattison, D., Bavireddy, V. & Gross, Melissa (2023). The impact of course design, gender, and academic level on student responses to an introductory IPE experience. Collaboration Across Borders (CAB) Annual Conference: Hope and Trust in Health Care,
Lacombe-Duncan, A. & Kattari, S. K. (2023, April). Improving non-HIV STI testing access among trans and nonbinary people: Results of a community-based mixed-methods Study. Paper presented at the LGBTQ Research Symposium, Killarney, Ireland.
Ellis, K.R. (2023). Subject matter expert panel member for September 2023 American Cancer Society Health Equity & Caregiving Series: Mental health and caregiving.
Mattison, D., Smith, L. & Bishop, T. (2023). The team that “teams” together, stays together:
Balancing transactional and relational teamwork. Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) VIII
Conference. Oral Presentation.
Allen, J. L., Houston, K., Boyd, D. T., Quinn, C. R. (January 2023). “It Made Me Feel Comfortable Talking about Sex...”: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Parent-Child Communication, Abuse, and Sexual Behavior with Gay Men. Paper presentation for the Society for Social Work and Research. Phoenix, AZ.
Gross, E. B. & Kattari, S. K. (2023, October). “Pronouns aren’t just performative”: Learning about affirmation from trans and nonbinary students. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Brydon, D. M. (2023, June). "You don't have to be prison:" Narratives of coping and transformation while serving a life sentence. Invited paper presented at the Long-term and Life Imprisonment Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Berringer, K., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Green, J., Jacobs, A., & Hamdi, A. (2023, January). Geographies
of HIV care: Imagining virtual care before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Accepted for oral
presentation in the symposium “In the Field: Theorizing Space and Place in Social Work Research and
Practice” at the 27th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Pei F., Kleinberg J., Maguire-Jack K., Li X., Li Z., (Jan 2023). Longitudinal Changes in Perceived Collective Efficacy: A Further Analysis of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Data Set, Poster Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Phoenix, AZ, January 11-15, 2023.
Smith, L., Mattison, D., Anderson, O., Balzer, K., Trupiano, N. & Edwards, H. (2023). The new waveof IPE: Scaling strategies and impact. University of Michigan Health Professions Education (HPE) Day.
Berry, M. (2021, November) "The Role of Faith in Suicide Prevention: Mental Health Among Muslim Communities", Growth Works Mental Health Conference, Livonia, MI
Making a Change! Refugee Youths’ Involvement in Out-of-School (OST) Programs to Cultivate Critical Consciousness. Oral presentation at the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC