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  1. Physical Safety Training for Social Workers

    Safety is subjective and context dependent, and as such, a structured physical safety training program tailored to empower social workers enables social workers from all different backgrounds and life experiences to protect themselves. And, by equipping social workers with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate various safety challenges, we can ensure a more comprehensive and responsive approach to service delivery in both micro and macro social work settings.

    Physical Safety Training for Social Workers will provide participants with tools to appropriately address work-place physical safety risks through practice of verbal boundary setting and physical self-defense skills. The skills taught in this course are intended to be easy to use and easy to remember; and are meant to be accessible for a range of physical abilities, and adaptations will be taught as needed.


    • Anika Sproull


    • 3/13/2025 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2.5 regular in-person


    U-M School of Social Work
    1080 South University Avenue
    Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
    Room: 1840 (ECC)


  2. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Social Work

    This webinar is designed for social work professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Every community is is impacted by traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI happens in a variety of age groups and populations with varying severity, from things like domestic violence, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, accidents/falls, community violence, and military injuries. Due to varied presentation and lack of external visibility, traumatic brain injury is often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed, leading to increased challenges and barriers for these individuals. Appropriate screening and advocacy by social workers can have a crucial positive impact for these individuals. Participants will learn to identify the symptoms and symptom clusters unique to TBI for improved screening during social work assessments, as well as learning common interventions and additional supportive resources to provide. This course will improve participants’ understanding of the prevalence and challenges of TBI among key populations including adult and child survivors of domestic violence, (including those involved in child protective services) athletes, and veterans.

    By the end of the lecture, attendees will:
    - Understand short-term and long-term symptoms and implications of TBI on cognitive, psychosocial, and behavioral well-being.
    - Learn many symptoms of TBI and presentation during social work assessments to improve screening for identifying TBI in clients.
    - Explore the prevalence of TBI in different populations, with a focus on some at higher risk such as survivors of domestic violence, families engaged with child protective services, and athletes.
    - Develop strategies for supporting clients with TBI by learning the types of medical and psychological resources most commonly needed in this TBI population.


    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 3/14/2025 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 1 regular live interactive online




  3. Competent Social Work Practice in the Context of Anti-Trans Policy, Legislation, and Rhetoric

    Recent years have witnessed a drastic increase in anti-trans policies and legislation proposed and pass across the U.S. Given the ethical mandates of the profession and the values rooted in social justice, social workers must be at the forefront of addressing these harmful policies and the rhetoric surrounding them. Clinical and macro practitioners alike have a critical role to play in supporting transgender and gender expansive children and adults, as well as their families, and advocating against policies that seek to do harm to transgender people. This workshop will first provide social work practitioners with a background on the current U.S. context as it relates to anti-trans policies, legislation, and rhetoric. Next, practitioners will develop clinical, macro, and multisystem skills for supporting transgender individuals and advocating at the community or state levels.


    • Megan S Paceley
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 3/20/2025 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 regular live interactive online




  4. How To Be an Organizational Leader in Any Role

    Whether you sit on a board of directors or work exclusively with individual clients, you create culture, policy, and impact through your work every day. Regardless of role, all social impact professionals are leaders. Yet many of us never receive any formal leadership training, and those who do often receive little guidance for translating business-oriented leadership approaches to the unique contexts of social impact work. Further, some of the most familiar concepts from leadership practice are not inclusive of all identities.

    In this continuing education course, you will be asked to think critically about commonly accepted leadership “norms.” This course will also help you recognize cultural contexts that impact how a social impact organization sets priorities, manages resources, and shows up on behalf of its communities. Finally, recognizing that you, as a leader, have influence even without power, this course will challenge you to articulate your own framework for making decisions that further the goal of social justice.


    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 3/21/2025 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 ethics synchronous interactive
    • 1 implicit bias synchronous interactive
    • 1 regular synchronous interactive




  5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Psychosis

    Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental illness affecting roughly 26 million people, equating to 1% of the global population. Psychosis is experienced within schizophrenia spectrum or other psychotic disorders in addition to several other disorders, often framed as being 'psychotic features.' Since the majority of mental health services in the US are delivered by social workers, it is important for clinicians to be prepared for work with clients including the need for interventions tailored to the experience of psychosis. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis is a cognitive and behavioral approach tailored for individuals experiencing psychosis and is an effective and valuable evidence-based intervention to use in practice.

    This webinar will discuss an overview of psychosis and its prevalence, a brief overview of CBT theory and basics, a central focus on intervention using CBT for psychosis, and the use of 2 clinical cases.

    Course created 8/26/2020
    webinar (asynchronous)

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 regular asynchronous online

    Skill Level



  6. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Depressive Disorders

    Depression is a leading cause of disability in the United States and worldwide. It is estimated that one in five individuals will experience depression in their lifetime, and while these symptoms are common, under-treatment is often seen in practice. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a valuable evidence-based intervention and effective approach to use in practice for individuals experiencing depressive disorders. This workshop will discuss depressive disorders, CBT theory, and use of CBT to treat depressive disorders.

    Course created 8/27/2020
    webinar (asynchronous)

    CE Contact Hours

    • 1.5 regular asynchronous online

    Skill Level



  7. Foundations of Sports Social Work

    This course will serve as an introduction to the foundations of sport social work. It will explore how social work and sport have worked in parallel to combat racism, oppression, inequality, and discrimination which has been an integral part of our society's history and development. The course will examine the intersection of the history of social work and the professionalization of athletics. Foundational knowledge of understanding sport social work practice will include identifying the role of sport social workers, defining sport social work practice, and looking at Social Work's Values and Ethics and CSWE competencies through a sport social work lens. With the role of social workers being to serve and advocate for vulnerable populations, athletes will be identified and defined as a vulnerable population and key human development theories will be applied to sport social work. Finally, evidence-based practices will be discussed throughout the course, but specifically, research trends, the current state and future directions of sport social work will be analyzed.

    Course created 9/9/2021


    webinar (asynchronous)

    CE Contact Hours

    • 1 ethics asynchronous online
    • 1 regular asynchronous online

    Skill Level





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