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  1. Behavioral or "Process" Addictions

    For the majority of time that addiction treatment has been available in the United States, the focus has been on the destructive misuse of alcohol &/or other chemical substances. However such "process addictions" as gambling, compulsive sexual behavior, and an increasing variety of internet-related pursuits have gained increasing amounts of attention, as unchecked involvement has led to negative outcomes that have impaired quality-of-life and crippled level-of-functioning for many. This webinar will discuss cross-cutting elements found to be common to all forms of chemical and behavioral addiction, as well as reviewing existing recovery resources and further implications for treatment & recovery.


    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 4/28/2020 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 regular synchronous interactive

    Skill Level

    Beginner & Intermediate




  2. Sexuality, Social Work, and Exploring Implicit Bias

    This course challenges learners to explore their personal values, beliefs and judgements related to issues of sexuality. Interpersonal practice tools will be offered to assist clients in holding personal beliefs and values and remaining present to client's sexual self, needs, beliefs. Lecture and discussion will examine how implicit bias can limit services and harm clients, particular limits to sexually diverse populations. Sexual health will be considered as a social justice issue.

    This course has been developed to meet the Michigan implicit bias training requirements for health professionals.
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 5/19/2023 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 implicit bias live interactive online

    Skill Level





  3. Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning

    Suicide is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States and worldwide. Nearly 50% of individuals who end life by suicide see a primary care provider within a month of death, yet suicide risk assessment and treatment is consistently difficult in practice. With the majority of mental health services in the US being delivered by social workers, it is imperative that risk assessment and safety planning knowledge and skills are in place for our work with clients with the ultimate goal being to prevent premature suicidal death.

    This webinar will discuss and present on suicide as public health issue in the US, risk and protective factors, warning signs, barriers to help-seeking, risk assessment process and risk formulation, safety planning, and cultural humility in risk assessment with use of a clinical case. This workshop is also focused on the adult population.
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 6/7/2023 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 regular live interactive online

    Skill Level





  4. Non-profit Human Service Organizational Finance 101

    This two-day webinar will present the basic knowledge and skills needed to understand the financial statements and budget of a nonprofit human service organization and its programs. The workshop will cover (1) the conceptual bases of human service organizations (HSOs) and organizational finance/accounting/budgeting, (2) brief introductions on commonly used financial statements at nonprofit HSOs, (3) how to make sense of the information on the financial statements (e.g., ratio calculation), and (4) ways to use information from financial statements in organizational decision-making processes. This workshop will use multiple instructional methods including but not limited to lectures, case studies, discussions, and group exercises.
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 2/23/2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET
    • 3/1/2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 8 regular live interactive online




  5. Certificate in Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care | Adult Health Track

    Introduction to Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care - In this module, participants will learn about the nature and implications of integrated care, and will become fluent in the key terms that have come to describe it. Topics will include key public policies affecting the integrated care movement, including the Affordable Care Act; successful models of integrated care; population health management and health disparities; and ethical challenges and opportunities in integrated care. The transition to integrated care will be framed as a paradigm shift from disease-oriented to recovery-oriented service delivery, resulting in new opportunities and challenges, and direct implications for consumers and their families.

    Integrated Health Systems and Implementation - In this module, participants will obtain knowledge and skills related to the implementation of integrated care services. Implementation of integrated team-based collaborative care presents challenges and opportunities for providers and managers, with significant implications for access to care and patient satisfaction. Topics include basics of integrated health implementation; telepsychiatric consultation; culturally responsive practice; Patient Centered Medical Home recognition; oral health for collaborative care; and provider mindfulness and self-care.

    Bidirectional Integrated Care - In this module, participants will build upon their knowledge of integrated care implementation in adult healthcare settings. Topics will include the Wagner Chronic Care Model; collaborative care; stepped care; care coordination; and billing in integrated health environments. Participants will learn the "care coordination standard" for integrated primary care and discover new roles in primary care for the behavioral health consultant.

    Assessment in Integrated Care
    Initial and follow-up assessments play a critical role in effective integrated care. This course addresses free-form interviews such as biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment, structured screening tools such as the PHQ-9 and the AUDIT-C, and mixed assessment and intervention models such as SBIRT. The strengths, weaknesses, benefits, and limitations of common assessment tools in integrated health environments are reviewed.

    Behavioral Intervention in Integrated Care
    Common elements often form the basis of evidence-based behavioral health interventions. This course teaches and reviews behavioral intervention skills relevant to everyday clinical practice across disciplines and practice settings. Brief interventions around motivational enhancement, psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and values-based behavior change can help promote adaptive health behaviors in support of improved wellness. There is a strong emphasis on feasible brief interventions in a fast-paced clinical context and on adapting interventions to each consumer's unique biopsychosocial, socioeconomic, and cultural context.

    Biomedical Aspects of Integrated Care
    Many presenting medical problems are deeply influenced by health behaviors, and a growing body of evidence suggests that mental health consumers, especially those with serious mental illnesses or substance use disorders, are faced with a broad range of physical health disparities. In this module, participants will deepen their understanding of bidirectional integrated care for medical issues such as diabetes and obesity, and behavioral health issues such as substance use disorders and depression. This courses emphasizes the medical sequelae commonly associated with behavioral health diagnoses and psychotropic medications. There are special sections on primary care psychopharmacology and prescription drug abuse.


    hybrid certificate program


    • 2-28-2024 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    • 3-4-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-6-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-11-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-25-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 4-1-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 4-8-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 4-15-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-13-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-15-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-20-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-22-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 ethics live interactive online
    • 2 pain management live interactive online
    • 16 regular asynchronous online
    • 19 regular live interactive online




  6. Certificate in Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care | Pediatric and Adult Health Track

    Introduction to Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care - In this module, participants will learn about the nature and implications of integrated care, and will become fluent in the key terms that have come to describe it. Topics will include key public policies affecting the integrated care movement, including the Affordable Care Act; successful models of integrated care; population health management and health disparities; and ethical challenges and opportunities in integrated care. The transition to integrated care will be framed as a paradigm shift from disease-oriented to recovery-oriented service delivery, resulting in new opportunities and challenges, and direct implications for consumers and their families.

    Integrated Health Systems and Implementation - In this module, participants will obtain knowledge and skills related to the implementation of integrated care services. Implementation of integrated team-based collaborative care presents challenges and opportunities for providers and managers, with significant implications for access to care and patient satisfaction. Topics include basics of integrated health implementation; telepsychiatric consultation; culturally responsive practice; Patient Centered Medical Home recognition; oral health for collaborative care; and provider mindfulness and self-care.

    Foundations of Pediatric Integrated Health Care - Although "pediatrics" describes the age range from birth through 18 years of age, children develop through a number of distinct developmental, psychological, and social stages. The Pediatric track explores how to address the most common issues of these stages using a pediatric integrated health model of care. Topics include an introduction to the model, the role of the pediatric behavioral health consultant, pediatric social determinants of health, and interventions in the medical setting.

    Pediatric Interventions - As the health care system is transformed from non-integrated to integrated, many services and interventions can be provided directly to the pediatric population as well as their parents in the medical clinic. Although many clinicians know typical child and adolescent diagnoses from a clinical perspective, this module helps participants develop an integrated understanding of typical topics that may present in the medical setting. Topics include ADHD, pediatric asthma, DD-autism, anxiety, depression, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences.

    Adolescence - Many adolescents are required to attend at least one physician appointment a year, presenting an annual opportunity to engage them in management of their own health care and in the detection and early intervention of risky behaviors which can have lifelong consequences. Adolescents can be best engaged in self-management when their unique social, developmental, physical and psychological needs are considered. Topics include adolescent-centered medical homes, adolescent sexual health, substance abuse, suicide, eating disorders, and school-based health centers.

    Bidirectional Integrated Care - In this module, participants will build upon their knowledge of integrated care implementation in adult healthcare settings. Topics will include the Wagner Chronic Care Model; collaborative care; stepped care; care coordination; and billing in integrated health environments. Participants will learn the "care coordination standard" for integrated primary care and discover new roles in primary care for the behavioral health consultant.

    Assessment in Integrated Care
    Initial and follow-up assessments play a critical role in effective integrated care. This course addresses free-form interviews such as biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment, structured screening tools such as the PHQ-9 and the AUDIT-C, and mixed assessment and intervention models such as SBIRT. The strengths, weaknesses, benefits, and limitations of common assessment tools in integrated health environments are reviewed.

    Behavioral Intervention in Integrated Care
    Common elements often form the basis of evidence-based behavioral health interventions. This course teaches and reviews behavioral intervention skills relevant to everyday clinical practice across disciplines and practice settings. Brief interventions around motivational enhancement, psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and values-based behavior change can help promote adaptive health behaviors in support of improved wellness. There is a strong emphasis on feasible brief interventions in a fast-paced clinical context and on adapting interventions to each consumer's unique biopsychosocial, socioeconomic, and cultural context.

    Biomedical Aspects of Integrated Care
    Many presenting medical problems are deeply influenced by health behaviors, and a growing body of evidence suggests that mental health consumers, especially those with serious mental illnesses or substance use disorders, are faced with a broad range of physical health disparities. In this module, participants will deepen their understanding of bidirectional integrated care for medical issues such as diabetes and obesity, and behavioral health issues such as substance use disorders and depression. This courses emphasizes the medical sequelae commonly associated with behavioral health diagnoses and psychotropic medications. There are special sections on primary care psychopharmacology and prescription drug abuse.
    hybrid certificate program


    • 4-8-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-22-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-20-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-15-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-13-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-8-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-1-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 4-15-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 4-10-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 2-28-2024 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    • 4-1-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-25-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-20-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-13-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-11-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-6-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-4-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 ethics live interactive online
    • 2 pain management live interactive online
    • 22 regular asynchronous online
    • 29 regular live interactive online




  7. Certificate in Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care | Pediatric Health Track

    Introduction to Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care - In this module, participants will learn about the nature and implications of integrated care, and will become fluent in the key terms that have come to describe it. Topics will include key public policies affecting the integrated care movement, including the Affordable Care Act; successful models of integrated care; population health management and health disparities; and ethical challenges and opportunities in integrated care. The transition to integrated care will be framed as a paradigm shift from disease-oriented to recovery-oriented service delivery, resulting in new opportunities and challenges, and direct implications for consumers and their families.

    Integrated Health Systems and Implementation - In this module, participants will obtain knowledge and skills related to the implementation of integrated care services. Implementation of integrated team-based collaborative care presents challenges and opportunities for providers and managers, with significant implications for access to care and patient satisfaction. Topics include basics of integrated health implementation; telepsychiatric consultation; culturally responsive practice; Patient Centered Medical Home recognition; oral health for collaborative care; and provider mindfulness and self-care.

    Foundations of Pediatric Integrated Health Care
    Although "pediatrics" describes the age range from birth through 18 years of age, children develop through a number of distinct developmental, psychological, and social stages. The Pediatric track explores how to address the most common issues of these stages using a pediatric integrated health model of care. Topics include an introduction to the model, the role of the pediatric behavioral health consultant, pediatric social determinants of health, and interventions in the medical setting.

    Pediatric Interventions - As the health care system is transformed from non-integrated to integrated, many services and interventions can be provided directly to the pediatric population as well as their parents in the medical clinic. Although many clinicians know typical child and adolescent diagnoses from a clinical perspective, this module helps participants develop an integrated understanding of typical topics that may present in the medical setting. Topics include ADHD, pediatric asthma, DD-autism, anxiety, depression, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences.

    Adolescence - Many adolescents are required to attend at least one physician appointment a year, presenting an annual opportunity to engage them in management of their own health care and in the detection and early intervention of risky behaviors which can have lifelong consequences. Adolescents can be best engaged in self-management when their unique social, developmental, physical and psychological needs are considered. Topics include adolescent-centered medical homes, adolescent sexual health, substance abuse, suicide, eating disorders, and school-based health centers.


    hybrid certificate program


    • 2-28-2024 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    • 3-4-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-6-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-13-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 3-20-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 4-10-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-1-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-8-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-13-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-15-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-20-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    • 5-22-2024 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 ethics live interactive online
    • 14 regular asynchronous online
    • 21 regular live interactive online




  8. Building Efficient Meetings and Producing Effective Decisions: Achieve Twice as Much in Half the Time

    This session shares results from the Meetings Masters/Decision Maestros Research Project intended to help social workers conduct more effective meetings. The first part of the session highlights practices from Meeting Masters, including the Menu Agenda, and the Agenda Bell. Principles of the Meeting Masters help social workers in the four phases of meeting - preplanning, facilitating/running the meeting itself, processing items for the next meeting, and follow up and implementation of decisions and actions. The second portion reviews several examples of "decision rottenosity" and outlines the process of decision crystallization.


    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 3/7/2024 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 regular live interactive online




  9. USHERS: Understanding the Role of the Therapist in Transition-Related Care for Transgender and Nonbinary Populations

    Mental health professionals are often taught a wide variety of clinical skills while in training and experience an array of situations in which they are able to apply and adapt their skillsets depending on what is needed for their clients. One area that has a profound need for these clinical skills are transgender & nonbinary individuals who are seeking medical interventions to alleviate gender-related distress. These clients in particular may come to therapy for short-term or long-term services, and face significant barriers to accessing hormonal or surgical interventions due to outdated beliefs, biases, and misinformation about what is necessary to approve them for care. Furthermore, therapists have historically not been provided necessary information to tailor their assessment skills to advocate for clients to access transition-related medical care, or face their own outdated beliefs & biases about providing support to these clients.

    This training workshop is designed to educate mental health professionals about the history and present-day applications of gender-affirming healthcare in the United States, as well as empower professionals to apply existing assessment and report-writing skills to contexts with gender-diverse populations (namely, transgender & nonbinary populations). Participants will be come familiar with clinical considerations when writing letters of support for clients accessing gender-affirming hormones or surgery, applying the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria to a client, and recognizing the overlapping symptom manifestation of Gender Dysphoria with other mental health diagnoses. Participants will participate in a workshop and engage with the provided material to become familiar with their role as mental health professionals to support gender-diverse populations by following and applying up-to-date standards for letters of support, based on the most updated version of the WPATH Standards of Care. This workshop is intended for practitioners who have a foundational and functional understanding of common experiences & identities within the LGBTQIA2S+ community, particularly those of transgender, nonbinary, and other gender-expansive individuals.


    • Brodie Lobb
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 3-22-2024 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 1 ethics live interactive online
    • 5 regular live interactive online




  10. We Need You: Volunteer Management in Nonprofits

    Volunteers play an important role in non-profit organizations, often supplementing the work of paid staff in order to improve or expand services to communities. This course will review the current state of volunteerism in the United States, which has been greatly changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This course will also discuss volunteer recruitment, training, management and retention practices. The course will explore the use of volunteer personas in the above areas and discuss strategies for managing challenging behaviors and termination.


    • Meghan M. Thiel
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 4/18/2024 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 regular live interactive online






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