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  1. Behavioral or "Process" Addictions

    For the majority of time that addiction treatment has been available in the United States, the focus has been on the destructive misuse of alcohol &/or other chemical substances. However such "process addictions" as gambling, compulsive sexual behavior, and an increasing variety of internet-related pursuits have gained increasing amounts of attention, as unchecked involvement has led to negative outcomes that have impaired quality-of-life and crippled level-of-functioning for many. This webinar will discuss cross-cutting elements found to be common to all forms of chemical and behavioral addiction, as well as reviewing existing recovery resources and further implications for treatment & recovery.


    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 4/28/2020 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 regular synchronous interactive

    Skill Level

    Beginner & Intermediate




  2. Sexuality, Social Work, and Exploring Implicit Bias

    This course challenges learners to explore their personal values, beliefs and judgements related to issues of sexuality. Interpersonal practice tools will be offered to assist clients in holding personal beliefs and values and remaining present to client's sexual self, needs, beliefs. Lecture and discussion will examine how implicit bias can limit services and harm clients, particular limits to sexually diverse populations. Sexual health will be considered as a social justice issue.

    This course has been developed to meet the Michigan implicit bias training requirements for health professionals.
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 5/19/2023 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 implicit bias live interactive online

    Skill Level





  3. Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning

    Suicide is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States and worldwide. Nearly 50% of individuals who end life by suicide see a primary care provider within a month of death, yet suicide risk assessment and treatment is consistently difficult in practice. With the majority of mental health services in the US being delivered by social workers, it is imperative that risk assessment and safety planning knowledge and skills are in place for our work with clients with the ultimate goal being to prevent premature suicidal death.

    This webinar will discuss and present on suicide as public health issue in the US, risk and protective factors, warning signs, barriers to help-seeking, risk assessment process and risk formulation, safety planning, and cultural humility in risk assessment with use of a clinical case. This workshop is also focused on the adult population.
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 6/7/2023 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 regular live interactive online

    Skill Level





  4. We Need You: Volunteer Management in Nonprofits

    Volunteers play an important role in non-profit organizations, often supplementing the work of paid staff in order to improve or expand services to communities. This course will review the current state of volunteerism in the United States, which has been greatly changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This course will also discuss volunteer recruitment, training, management and retention practices. The course will explore the use of volunteer personas in the above areas and discuss strategies for managing challenging behaviors and termination.


    • Meghan M. Thiel
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 4/18/2024 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 2 regular live interactive online




  5. Intergenerational Lifecourse Perspectives on Risk and Protective Factors of Child Abuse and Violence

    This comprehensive course delves into the intricate dynamics of child abuse and various forms of violence through an intergenerational lifecourse lens. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the multifaceted factors that contribute to these issues, along with effective assessment and intervention strategies for child welfare workers. With a strong commitment to creating positive change, this course equips learners with the knowledge and tools to make a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children and families.

    To ensure a thorough understanding of the course material, participants will be evaluated through a combination of assessments, including case studies and scenario-based assessments that require the application of knowledge and skills in real-life situations. Group discussions will encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and commitment.


    in-service training webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 5/3/2024 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 regular live interactive online

    Skill Level





  6. Where Do I Start? Grant Writing for Beginners

    Non-profits should engage in a diverse funding model. Grants often are a part of a diversified strategy. That said, many non-profits do not have the resources for a dedicated grant writer, therefore these responsibilities fall within other roles. This presentation allows social workers to begin to understand what type of grant funding is available and to learn the first steps required to initiate an application.


    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 5/3/2024 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 regular synchronous interactive




  7. Sexuality, Social Work, and Exploring Implicit Bias

    This course challenges learners to explore their personal values, beliefs and judgements related to issues of sexuality. Interpersonal practice tools will be offered to assist clients in holding personal beliefs and values and remaining present to client's sexual self, needs, beliefs. Lecture and discussion will examine how implicit bias can limit services and harm clients, particular limits to sexually diverse populations. Sexual health will be considered as a social justice issue.

    This course has been developed to meet the Michigan implicit bias training requirements for health professionals.
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 5/10/2024 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 implicit bias live interactive online




  8. Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning

    Suicide is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States and worldwide. Nearly 50% of individuals who end life by suicide see a primary care provider within a month of death, yet suicide risk assessment and treatment is consistently difficult in practice. With the majority of mental health services in the US being delivered by social workers, it is imperative that risk assessment and safety planning knowledge and skills are in place for our work with clients with the ultimate goal being to prevent premature suicidal death.

    This webinar will discuss and present on suicide as public health issue in the US, risk and protective factors, warning signs, barriers to help-seeking, risk assessment process and risk formulation, safety planning, and cultural humility in risk assessment with use of a clinical case. This workshop is also focused on the adult population.
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 5/17/2024 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 regular live interactive online




  9. Social Work License Exam Preparation Course - Advanced Generalist Exam

    This online review course* is designed to help you prepare for the Advanced Generalist licensure examination. This self-paced course gives you access to the highest quality review materials, in addition to the support of an instructor and other course participants. With this online course, you will receive:

    - Electronic access to the Social Work ASWB Exam Guide for your test by Springer Publishing Company, which includes practice test questions.
    - Guidance on developing a self-directed study plan
    - Online forum for ongoing support on major content areas
    - Virtual office hours for guidance and coaching
    - Other electronic resources to promote learning

    * This licensure preparation program and materials associated with it were not included in the Association of Social Work Boards’ Approved Continuing Education (ACE) review and are not approved by ASWB for continuing education nor endorsed by ASWB in any manner.
    exam preparation


    • self-paced

    Skill Level





  10. Positive, Problematic, and Productive Social Media Use

    Technology and social media shape the identities and worldviews of today’s teens. Adolescent sexuality and relationships are interwoven with cell phones and social media. Many caregivers and professionals are left wondering: what does it all mean? This workshop will start from the ground up, beginning with definitions and a roadmap of technology commonly used by young people. From there, we will examine how technology influences teen sexuality and relationships – for better or for worse. We will discuss teen relationship abuse and technology, as well as the way teen relationships and identity can be strengthened by technology. Finally, the class will focus on how to work with and relate to teens through the lens of technology.


    • Kaleigh Cornelison
    webinar (synchronous interactive)


    • 6/7/2024 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    CE Contact Hours

    • 3 regular live interactive online






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