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Social Work License Exam Preparation Course - Advanced Generalist Exam


This online review course* is designed to help you prepare for the Advanced Generalist licensure examination. This self-paced course gives you access to the highest quality review materials, in addition to the support of an instructor and other course participants. With this online course, you will receive:

- Electronic access to the Social Work ASWB Exam Guide for your test by Springer Publishing Company, which includes practice test questions.
- Guidance on developing a self-directed study plan
- Online forum for ongoing support on major content areas
- Virtual office hours for guidance and coaching
- Other electronic resources to promote learning

* This licensure preparation program and materials associated with it were not included in the Association of Social Work Boards’ Approved Continuing Education (ACE) review and are not approved by ASWB for continuing education nor endorsed by ASWB in any manner.
exam preparation


  • self-paced

Skill Level






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