Goldman, K. (2021, December) “American Jewish Women and Volunteerism: Gender, Unpaid Labor, Activism, and Community in the Twentieth Century,” chair and respondent, Association for Jewish Studies conference, Chicago, IL
Bornheimer, L. A., Smith, M. J., Humm, L., Vas, S., Coles, M. E., Mastroleo, N., Stewart, E., & Acenowr, C. (2021). Acceptability of a CBT Skills Assessment Tool for Simulated Clinical Training in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. Poster presentation (virtual) at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Identity versus Confusion:The (Sometimes Confusing, Always Exciting) Work with Adolescents, guest lecture for Dr. Safyer's SW617: Advanced Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents, Arizona State University, April 2021
Berry, M. (2021, October) Supporting one Another to Establish Tier I Interventions, District Wide Professional Development, Crestwood School District, Dearborn Heights, MI
Ribaudo, J. (2021). Attachment as a Fear Regulation System: Helping Parents Develop and Retain Reflective Functioning. University of Wisconsin Infant, Early Childhood Family Mental Health Capstone Program. Madison, WI. (Virtual Presentation).
Fedina, L. (2021, June). Interpersonal violence, state-sanctioned violence, and health outcomes among women. Virtual Forum on Anti-Racism & Intersectionality in Feminist Criminology (& Academia). Sponsored by American Society of Criminology, Division of Women and Crime.
Hong, J.S., Valido, A., Espelage, D.L., Lee, S.J., deLara, E.W., & Lee, J.M. (2021, November). Racial/ethnic and sex differences in adolescent bullying victimization and psychosomatic symptoms in the United States: Can fathers’ involvement buffer this association? Paper presented at the World Anti-Bullying Forum, Stockholm, Sweden.
Faller, K. C., Everson, M. D., & Cordisco Steele, L. (2021). Forensic Interviewing: Variations on the single interview model. Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Virtual.
Kattari, S. K. (2021, November). Differential experiences of mental health among transgender and gender diverse adults. Paper accepted for presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL
Ellis, K.R., Oh, S., Hecht, H., Northouse, L.N. (2021). Symptom Distress and Quality of Life Among Middle-Age and Older Black Americans with Cancer and Their Caregivers. Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mixed Migration Center Policy Workshop, Feb 2021, virtual- Gonzalez Benson, O., et al. Families of Missing Migrants: Loss, action, hope
Peter, E.; Wexler, L., Rasmus, S., Allen, J., Larson, C.V., Apok, C. (2021, March). Knowledge Exchange with Greenland about the Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience.
Ibekwe, N., & Wood, A. K. (2016). Early Head Start: Who does it work for? Presentation at American Educational Research Association Conference, International Network on School Family and Community Partnerships, Washington, D.C.
Park, S. & Brudney, J. L. (April 2021). Not only in the public sector: Toward a theory of co-production in the nonprofit social service field. Paper presented at the 2021 International Research Society for Public Management Conference (Virtual).
Brydon, D. M. (2021, January). “Proud to be me:” Resilience and transformation across the lifespan for individuals returning to society from juvenile life without parole sentences. (January 2021). Paper presented at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference.
Hudda, N., Hamilton, G. A., Meglio, D., Zamore, W., Reisner, E., & Durant, J. L.(2021, August). Sustainable Air Quality in Near Highway Affordable Housing: A multiple stakeholder engagement study in Somerville, MA. Oral presentation, 2021 International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting.
Ward, K. P., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Pace, G. T., Cuartas, J., & Lee, S. J. (2021, January). Predictors of Spanking across 60 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Multilevel Analysis. Poster at the annual Society for Social Work and Research.
Graham, L., Rousson, A., Treves-Kagan, S., Herrenkohl, T.I. (2021). Ending the cycle of violence: Advancing equity through public health social work interventions for effective policy responses. Roundtable at the Society for Social Work and Research annual conference (online).
Maguire-Jack, K., Solomon, A., & Wachsberger, E.S. (August 2021). Increasing access to Earned Income Tax Credit. Oral presentation at Prevent Child Abuse America National Converence, Virtual, August 10-12, 2021.
Cosgrove, D., Kramer, C., Christensen, M.C., DeChants, J., & Jordan, S. Queer experiences with participatory action research: Early career scholars’ reflections on the intersection of identity and methodology. Roundtable presentation at the Society for Social Work Research. Virtual Conference.
Levin, N., Zhang, A., & Zebrack, B. (2021, Jan.). Sexual and gender plurality: Considerations for a diverse and inclusive approach to quality care for adolescents and young adults with cancer. Panel presentation at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Social Change. Online Virtual.
Okpych, N. J., Park, S., & Courtney, M. E. (September 2021). Care leavers in California—Policies and programs that support persistence in post-secondary education. Paper presented at the 2021 European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents conference (Virtual).
Park, S., Powers, J., Okpych, N. J., & Courtney, M. E. (July 2021). Examining transition-age foster youths’ participation in case-level decision-making: Predictors of youth roles in their independent living plan development. Paper presented at the 2021 International Society for Third Sector Research (Virtual).