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SSW Presentations

  • Jackson Levin N., Zhang A., Kattari S.K., Moravek M. B., & Zebrack B. J. (2021, December) Sexual and gender plurality: Considerations for a diverse and inclusive approach to oncofertility care. Paper presented at the 4th Global Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Congress. Virtual.

  • Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, J., Sliwa, H., & Himle, J. A. (2021, October). Provider Perspectives on COVID-19 Impact on clients, Service delivery, and Suicide Assessment. Poster Presentation (virtual) at the IASR/AFSP International Summit of Suicide Research.

  • Gress, M. (2021, September) Social Work Supervision, National Association of Social Workers

  • Lee, J.Y., & Lee, S.J. (2021, November). Testing the feasibility of an interactive, mentor-based text messaging program to increase fathers’ engagement in home visitation. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations virtual conference.

  • Li, J., & Bornheimer, L.A. (2021, April). Supporting family members caring for loved ones with schizophrenia: A theory for social worker involvement. Poster presentation (virtual) at the International Social Work Education and Development.

  • Maguire-Jack, K. (presented October, 2021). Child abuse and neglect prevention: Using data to tell your program’s story. Michigan Children’s Trust Fund Annual Conference. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services: Children’s Trust Fund. Lansing, MI, October 19, 2021.

  • Zheng, H and Elliott, W. (2021, Nov.). Panel on Family-Centered Approaches to College Promise Programs: Improving Postsecondary Success Among Low-Income Families. APPAM, Austin, TX.

  • Lee, S.J., & Ward, K.P. (2021, January). Mental health, relationships, and coping during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Paper presented at the annual Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (virtual conference).

  • Panelist “Improving Health through Increasing Diversity in Health Systems”. (2021 October). RAND Corporation Center to Advance Racial Equity Policy. [Ann Arbor, MI]

  • Victor B, Fedina L, Sokol R, Ryan J, & Perron B. Automated identification of domestic violence in written child welfare records: A mixed methods approach using text mining and machine learning. 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2021; Virtual.

  • Kattari, S. K., Kattari, L., Johnson, I., Lacombe-Duncan, A., & Misiolek, B. (2021, November). Differential experiences of mental health among transgender and gender diverse adults. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 67th Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, Florida.

  • Fedina, L., Chen, Z., King, C., DeVylder, J. (2021, October). Financial hardships and mental health: An examination of young adults’ COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences. Virtual poster presentation presented at IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research.

  • Wexler, L. (2021, March). Cultural, Community and Family Strengths to Reduce Suicide Risk. Measuring Risk and Protective Factors Across Multiple Domains; NIMH Roundtable 2.

  • Hawkins, J. (2020). Older Black Men's Perspectives on Factors That Influence Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Self-Management and Peer-Led Interventions. Paper presentation at the 41st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

  • Pinto, R., Doering-White, J., & Park, S. (January 2021). Evaluating a language interpretation training for monolingual and multilingual practitioners. Presented the poster at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference (Virtual).

  • Medeiros, P., Yu, A., Kazemi, M., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Persad, Y., Kihembo, M., Islam, S., Gormley, R., Logie, C., de Pokomandy, A., Kaida, A., & Loutfy, M., on behalf of the CHIWOS Research Team. (2021, May). Exploring the experienes and related care gaps among women living with HIV in Canada using concept mapping of Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS) findings. Paper accepted for poster presentation at the 30th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. [Virtual]

  • Adunbi, F., Battles, A., Carey, J., Canfield-Johnson, K. (2021, April) "Surrogate Decision Making and COVID-19: Ethical Dilemmas, Racial Disparities and How One Healthcare System Responded.", Regional NASW Conference

  • Bornheimer, L. A., Smith, M. J., Humm, L., Vas, S., Mastroleo, N., & Coles, M. E. (2021, December). Acceptability of an innovative simulated clinical training assessment tool for CBT skills in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Poster presentation (virtual) at the Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation.

  • Myszko Z, Botticello A, Maronna B, Murphy L, Smith MJ, Sherwood K, & Genova HM. (2021, February). Parental Perspectives of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Young Adults with Autism: A Pilot Study. Poster presentation at the 2021 International Neuropsychological Society Conference. San Diego.

  • Wexler, L. (2021, March). Learning from Alaska Native Communities: Understanding and Addressing Suicide Through Risk & Protective Factors, esp. Community Strengths. Alaska Shared Risk + Protective Factors (SRPF), Quarterly Meeting.

  • Mentoring session, Annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS), March, 2021 (online).

  • Fedina, L., Hong, S., Rousson, A., Lee, J.O., & Herrenkohl, T. I. (2021, June). Trajectories of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. Society for Prevention Research Annual Virtual Meeting.

  • Lee, S.J., Ward, K.P., & Grogan-Kaylor, A. (2021, April). Mental health and worries during the pandemic: Are parents faring worse than non-parents? Symposium presentation at the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting (Virtual).

  • Co-Planner and Facilitator “Processing Through Anti-Asian Racism”. (2021 March). Michigan Medicine Office of Health Equity and Inclusion. [Ann Arbor, MI]

  • Kattari, S. K., Bakko, M., Curley, K. M., & Misiolek, B. A. (2021, January). Trans-Inclusive Provider Scale. Paper presented virtually at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference.


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