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SSW Presentations

  • Hodge, J. (2022, January). Navigating Identity Alumni Panel. LSA Opportunity Hub. Ann Arbor, MI.

  • Elliott, W. (2021, Nov.) Connecting futures with Present: The role of Children’s Savings Accounts. Presentation to Kaufmann Foundation Grantees, Kansas City, KS

  • Yoshihama, M., Gonzalez Benson, O., & Pimentel-Walker, A.P. (2021, January). The Life History Calendar method: Examining the migrant journey over time and place. Paper presentation at the Symposium on Methodological Issues in Research: Critical Discussions on Innovation, Intentionality, Diversity. Society for Social Work Research Virtual Conference.

  • Kattari, S. K., Walls, N. E., Atteberry-Ash, B., & Kattari, L. (2021, November). Intentionally queering the academic enterprise: Community research, multi-directional mentoring, and doctoral education. Poster presented virtually at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality annual conference, San Juan, PR

  • Gress, M. (2021, April) Grant Writing for Novices, NASW MI

  • Kattari, S. K., Walls, N. E., Atteberry-Ash, B., & Kattari, L. (2021, November). Intentionally queering the academic enterprise: Community research, multi-directional mentoring, and doctoral education. Paper to be presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality annual conference, San Juan, PR.

  • Lee, J.Y., Lee, S.J., Lin, M., Albuja, A.F., & Volling, B.L. (2021, January). Challenges and joys of becoming a father: A qualitative study of low-income men's prenatal experiences. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (virtual conference).

  • Montoro, J., Miller, S., Cross, F. L., Rivas-Drake, D. (2021, April). Parent-adolescent dissimilarity in ethnic-racial identity exploration: Implications for adolescent family cohesion and depressive symptom. Paper accepted to the Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development.

  • Panelist for Democratizing the Arts: Imagining new inclusive and equitable practices. International Centre for Social Engagement and Inclusion in the Arts. Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

  • Ward, K.P., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Pace, G.T., Cuartas, J., & Lee, S.J. (2021, January). Predictors of spanking across 60 low- and middle-income countries: A multilevel analysis. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (virtual conference).

  • The Life of Social Worker: Introduction to Social Work class: Eastern Michigan University

  • Social connectedness: Protection or vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at a symposium at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, online

  • Hong, S., Goetschius, L.G., Gard, A. M., Hein, T. C., Maguire-Jack, K., McLoyd, V.C., Brooks-Gunn, J., McLanahan, S.S., Mitchell, C., Lopez-Duran, N.L., Hyde, L.W. & Monk, C.S. (2021). An examination of childhood neighborhood violence exposure and mother-child closeness on adolescent wellbeing and frontostriatal white matter connectivity. Oral presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19.

  • Walls, N. E., Atteberry-Ash, B., Kattari, S. K., & Kattari, L. (2021, November). Next practices in research on LGBQ and transgender/nonbinary people and communities. Poster to be presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality annual conference, San Juan, PR.

  • Quinn, C. R., Duprey, E., Lynch, R., Handley, E., Cerulli, C., & Ross*, A. (April 2021). Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors among Justice-involved Black Youth: Examining Risk and Protective Factors. Paper Presentation for the American Association of Suicidology Virtual Annual Conference. (refereed)

  • From the Ground Up: Developing Your Campus' Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion, University of Michigan Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team, National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) May 2021

  • Eiler, A., Neuman, A., Garvin, M., Ballard, R., Foltz, B. (March, 2021). Leading the Charge: Collectively Navigating Student-Athlete Mental Health & Wellness. Depression on College Campuses Conference: Addressing the Dual Pandemic, The Impact of Covid-19 and Racial Injustice Issues on College Student Mental Health.

  • Weaver, A., Tucker, K.M., Felsman, P., & Himle, J.A. Human service provider perceptions of mental healthcareneeds and priorities in a rural Michigan community. Accepted for poster presentation at the Society for SocialWork and Research 25th Annual Conference, January 2021, Virtual.

  • Ellis, K.R. (2021). Cancer Treatment and Survivorship among Black Adults and Families. Leon and Josephine Winkelman Memorial Virtual Lecture – Part II (Panelist). University of Michigan, School of Social Work.

  • Harty, J., Feng, H., Park, S., & Courtney, M. (January 2021). Emerging into parenthood while in foster care: Determinants of foster care involvement and parental involvement by age 21. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference (Virtual).

  • Bornheimer, L. A. (2021, October). Adapting a Cognitive-Behavioral Suicide Prevention Treatment for Adults with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders using Community-Based Participatory Research Methods. Oral presentation (virtual) in session 1 of the University of Michigan Centennial Lecture Series: Intervention Research in Mental Health, Intervention Innovations for Depression and Suicide.

  • Chatters, L. M., Taylor, H. O., & Taylor, R. J. (November 11, 2021). Racism and the Life Course: Social and Health Equity for Older Black Americans. Gerontological Society of America, Presidential Symposium: From Disruption to Transformation: Challenging and Changing the New Normal.

  • Price, D. (2021). Concerns over the Spread of Misinformation and Fake News on Social Media-Challenges Amid the Cornoavirus Pandemic: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health- Public Health Issues in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic; Virtual.

  • Simmons-Horton, S., Levin, D., & Christensen, M.C. Empowering voices: Qualitative ways of knowing at the annual SSWR conference. Roundtable presentation at the Society for Social Work Research. Virtual Conference.

  • Kattari, L., Hill, H., Shires, D.A., Prieto, L. R., Modi, I.K., Misiolek, B.A., Kattari, S.K. (2021, November). Prescription Pain Reliver Misuse Among Transgender Adults. Accepted to Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL


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