We’re Here, We’re Queer: Defining, Conducting, and Engaging Queer Research in the Cis Het Academy. Woodhull Foundation’s Sexuality Freedom Summit, August 2022.
Pinto, R. M., Lee, C. A., Arthur, M., & Windsor, L. (August 2022). From homophobic and sexist
attitudes to tolerance toward LGBTQ+ individuals: Critical consciousness as a tool against stigma.
24th International AIDS Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Gilbert, T. (2022, November) Locked Up Too Long: Opportunities for addressing the unmet needs of LGBTQ and older youth in the youth justice system. Michigan Center for Youth Justice Convening.
Patrão, A., Marques, E., Fernández-Pacheco Sáez, J.L, & Yoshihama, M., (2022, May). Extreme wildfires: a dystopia? Fire Photovoice as a tool for a utopian wildland fire management. Paper presented at the CombART 2022 - International Conference on Arts, Activism and Citizenship, Porto, Portugal
“An Introduction to Infant Mental Health Theory and Practice for Home Visitors: Part Two.” The Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health, Southgate, MI.
Working Conference on Community, Peers, and Family Support. Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research. Facilitator for Panel 1: Community Approaches and Opportunities for Growth. (May, 2022).
Langford, A., Ellis, K.R., Eddens, K., Orellana, K., & Buderer, N. (2022). Correlates of having family and friends to talk with about health: an analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey. Poster at the Society for Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 2022 Annual Meeting.
“Hopefully I will have the financial resources to pay for all of that”: Financial concern for adolescent and young adult cancer patients encountering infertility and fertility preservation services. Poster presentation. Organization for the Study of Sex Differences 16th annual meeting, Marina del Rey, CA, May, 2022.
Acquati, C., Zhang, A., Miller-Sonet, E., Ionescu, E. (2022, January). Psychological distress and perceived change in self-reported quality of life during cancer survivorship: Exploring sociodemographic, clinical, and relational factors. Oral Presentation at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC.
Ellis, K.R. (2022). Understanding and supporting the health of African American cancer survivors and their family caregivers. Completed works recorded presentation at the 2022 RCMAR Annual Conference.
Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., Ashwell, L., Ward, M., Herrenkohl, T., & Tolman, R. (2022, January). Experiences of help-seeking among IPV victims during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual poster presented at the Society of Social Work and Research Annual Conference.
Kattari L., Kattari, S. K., & Paceley, M. (2022, January). Examining the impact of the LGBTQIA policy landscape on the field of social work. Roundtable accepted for presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Anderson, O., Rulli, D., Smith, L. Ascalera-Torres, A., Patterson, V., Mattison, D., Balzer, K., Bishop, T., Fitzgerald, M., Ursuy, P. & Farris, K. Engaging early health profession students with real patients develops awareness of social determinants of health and biases. Nexus Summit.
Park, S., Bakko, M., & Pinto, R. M. (January 2022) Organizational constructs in dissemination and implementation models: A narrative review. Presented at Society for Social Work and Research Conference (SSWR), Washington, D.C.
Farris, K., Anderson, O., Balzer, K., Bishop, T., Fitzgerald, M., Mattison, D., Patterson V., Smith, L., & Ursuy, P. Introductory, experiential, inter-professional education (IPE) teams: concordance in ratings of team performance by students, patients and faculty experts. Nexus Summit.
Keynote Balancing Scientific and Community Knowledge To Mobilize for Wellness Native Children’s
Research Exchange (NCRE)(with Lauren White). Denver, CO, September 15, 2022.
Bolinger, C., Wood, A.K., Hall, K., & Friedline, T. (2022). Credit scoring as a carceral practice. Paper presented for conversation at a convening of the Abolition and Social Change Collective meeting. Virtual.(National Convening).