Stone, D., Hiltz, B., Yu, J.H. (2022). Establishing external non- credit pathways into academic programs: Key success factors, Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Song, Kyungeun (2022) Prolonged Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Depressive Symptoms among Korean Married Couples: The Intersection of Gender and Education. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo. Boston, MA.
Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, J., Smith, F., Im, V., Sliwa, H., & Himle, J. A. (2022, January). Client, Peer, and Provider Stakeholder Input on the Modification of a Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention Treatment for Adults with Psychosis. Poster presentation at the annual Society for Social Work and Research conference, Washington, DC.
Park, S., Bakko, M., & Pinto, R. M. (January 2022). Organizational constructs in dissemination and implementation models: A narrative review. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Arthur, M. & Pinto, R. M., (August 2022). Theatrical Performance as a potential tool to identify stigmatizing encounters and build community trust among PLWHA. 24th International AIDS Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Yoshihama, M. (2022, May). (Re)Imagining future following a major disaster via PhotoVoice. Paper presented at the CombART 2022 - International Conference on Arts, Activism and Citizenship, University of Porto, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Porto, Portugal.
Herrenkohl, T.I. (2022). Well-being of children and youth before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Invited panelist for the 14th annual Susan B. Meister annual lecture in child health policy.
Koumoutzis, A., Ellis, K.R., Lewis, J.P., Lin, Z., Zhou, Y., Chopik, W., & Gonzalez, R. (2022). All hands on deck: Conceptualizing and operationalizing collaboration within care networks. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of American (GSA) Annual Conference.
Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Taylor, S. F., King, C. A., & Himle, J. A. (2022, May). Modifying a cognitive behavioral suicide prevention treatment for adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community mental health. Poster presentation at the annual University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry Albert J. Silverman Conference.
Collaborative and Cultural Responsible Suicide Prevention Programming: Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide at the Society for Prevention Research. June 3, 2022, Seattle WA.
Smith, M. J., Sherwood, K., Ross, B., Smith, J. D., Dawalt, L., & Bishop, L. (2022, May). Virtual Interview Training for Transition-Age Autistic Youth: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility and Initial Effectiveness trial. Division on Career Development and Transition, Council for Exceptional Children.
“There is no winning”: The racialized violence of debt on health and how women resist. Paper presented at 2022 Association for Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. (National Conference). Friedline, T., & Morrow, S. (2022)
Parmenter, S., Benavides, J., Maguire-Jack, K., Yoon, S. (2022, May). Using Social Capital to Address the Behavioral Health Needs of Rural Youth in Foster Care. National Citizen Review Panel Conference, Monterey, CA
Bornheimer, L. A., Czyz, E., Jung Koo, H., Eisenberg, D., Zheng, K., Pistorello, J., Albucher, R. C., Coryell, W., Favorite, T., & King, C. A. (2022, June). Profiles of suicide risk and professional help-seeking barriers among college students with elevated risk for suicide. Oral presentation at the inaugural Suicide Research Symposium.
Bishop, T., Smith, L., Anderson, O., Ursuy, P. Trupiano, N., & Mattison, D. (2022). Fostering
an interprofessional learning community of scholars: A model for contemporary faculty and system partners development. Nexus Summit
Anderson, O., Mattison, D., Trupiano, N., Bishop, T., Balzer, K., Patterson, V. & Smith, L. (2022).
Awareness of social and environmental factors of healthcare through patient-centered experiential IPE in early health professional learners. National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting & Forum: Promoting diversity, resilience and interprofessional collaboration in education, practice and research. San Diego, CA.
Jacobs, A., Lacombe-Duncan, A. (2022, June). Exploring HIV providers’ considerations of trans women in gender-specific care. Invited presentation, Professional Association for Social Workers in HIV/AIDS (PASWHA), Virtual.
Brydon, D. M., Bennett, J.Z., & Abrams, L.S. (2022, November). A story of three states: The impact of sentencing policies on juveniles sentenced to life without parole. Symposium paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Harty, J., Okpych, N. J., Park, S., & Courtney, M. E. (January 2022). More than just a parent: Examining parental subgroup differences for foster care alumni. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Quinn, C. R., Goodwill, J., Vance, M. M., Richardson, S., Boyd, D. (January 2022). Suicide Prevention & Intervention for Black Americans. In R. Lynch & Mitchell, M. (Discussants), Quinn, C. R., Duprey, E., Boyd, D., Handley, E., & Cerulli, C. The Contribution of Protective Factors to Suicidal Behavior among Justice-Involved Black Youth: Findings from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health. Symposium presentation for the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC. (refereed).
Wexler, L., Redwood, Johnson-Jennings. Building a Research Portfolio Discussion. Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (IRINAH). Seattle, WA.
Yu, J.H., Hiltz, B., Stone, D. (2022). A synchronous online master's degree program: Design considerations and faculty response, Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Las Vegas, NV