Bornheimer, L. A., Humm, L., Kallen, M. A., Coles, M. E., Mastroleo, N., Vas, S., & Smith, M. J. (2022). Validity and Acceptability of a CBT Skills Assessment Tool for Simulated Training in The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. Poster presentation at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research conference, Washington, DC.
Fedina, L., Tolman, R., Ashwell, L. (2022, April). Prevalence and sub-population differences in sexual assault victimization among college students. Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice and the Rutgers University Violence Against Women Research Consortium.
Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, J., Smith, F., Im, V., Sliwa, H., & Himle, J. A. (2022, January). Client, Peer, and Provider Stakeholder Input on the Modification of a Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention Treatment for Adults with Psychosis. Poster presentation at the annual Society for Social Work and Research conference, Washington, D.C.
Council for Social Work Education Conference, Anaheim CA, Nov 2022 Gonzalez Benson, O., Bares, C., Lopez, K., Cureton, A. & Yoshihama. Aiming for critical, reflexive, transformative global SW pedagogy: Insights on curriculum development.
Lee, J.Y., & Lee, S.J. (2022, January). Examining mechanisms linking economic insecurity to interparental conflict in unmarried residential father families with low income. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, D.C.
Renn, T., Moore, J., Veeh, C., & Schultz, K. (2022). Comparing behavioral health outcomes and treatment utilization of justice-involved and non-justice-involved Native adults. ePoster Presentation, Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference. Washington DC. Virtual.
Ellis, K.R., *Raji, D., *Jones, C., Veenstra, C., & Langford, A. (2022) Family disease management and health behaviors among early-stage Black American cancer survivors and family members. Poster presented at the Society for Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 2022 Annual Meeting.
Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, J., Smith, F., Himle, J. A., Taylor, S. F., King, C. A., & Tarrier, N. (2022, April). Adapting a cognitive behavioral suicide prevention treatment for adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Poster (virtual) presentation at the annual 2022 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS)
Ortega, R.M. & Garvin, Charles D. (2022, June) Applying Critical Race Theory: Examining Critical Aspects of Group Interactions to Address Harm. International Association of Social Work in Groups Virtual Symposium.
Kattari, L., Kattari, S.K., Shires, D. (2022, January). Examining the Impact of the LGBTQIA+
policy landscape on the field of social work. Accepted at the Society of Social Work
Research Conference, Washington, D.C.
Newman, P.A., Reid, L., Lacombe-Duncan, A., & Tepjan, S. (2022, January). Bullying victimization of
LGBTQ+ youth: A methodological scoping review of qualitative research. Accepted for oral presentation
at the Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Barth, R. & Shanks, T. (2021). Grand Challenges Framework for Creating Social Work Impact. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Roundtable. Washington, DC January 2022.
Wood, A.K., & Terri Friedline. Racialized Administrative Burdens to Cares Act Relief: Evidence from Interviews with Bank Employees. Oral paper presentation at the Society for Social Work Research.
Patrão, A., Marques, E., Fernández-Pacheco Sáez, J.L, & Yoshihama, M. (2022, October). Climate change and catastrophic wildfires in Portugal: PhotoVoice in disaster risk reduction. Paper presented at 30 Years of Photovoice: Past, Present, and Future, First Virtual Conference About Photovoice organized by Photovoice Worldwide.
A Community Level and Strength-Based Approach to Suicide Prevention, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (with E. Peter, S. Rasmus, J. Allen). Virtual. July 22, 2022.
Pinto, R. M., Lee, C. A., Arthur, M., & Windsor, L. Format: (January, 2022). Men of Color with Histories of Incarceration and Drug Use Developing Critical Consciousness: From Homophobic and Sexist Attitudes to Sympathy Toward LGBTQ+ Individuals. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Conference, Washington, DC. (Poster presentation).
Nadon, M., Park, S., Feng, H., & Courtney, M. E. (January 2022). Examining prevalence and predictors of economic hardships for transition-age foster youth. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Bolden, G., Hepburn, A., & Angell, B. Discussing healthy lifestyle issues in psychiatry. International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy, Ghent, Belgium, September 2022.