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SSW Presentations

  • Williams, A. (2022, January). An Organizational Examination of Microaffirmations: A Case Study Analysis of an Academic Social Work Program. Society of Social Work Education.

  • Fedina, L., Ashwell, A., Tolman, R., & Herrenkohl, T. (2022, June). Prevalence and demographic correlates of campus sexual assault victimization: Attending to marginalized student experiences and needs. Paper presented at the 24th Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International Conference, Durham, NC.

  • Bess K, Miller A, Sokol R, & Mehdipanah R. Examining Housing as a Determinant of Child Health: Does Housing Instability and Utility Impact Weight? Workshop on Housing and Obesity: Gaps, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Advancing Health Equity, November 2022; Virtual.

  • Gress, M. (2022, March) Supervision Styles, Eastern Michigan University

  • Okpych, N. J., Park, S., Powers, J., & Courtney, M. E. (January 2022). Predictors of college degree completion at Age 23/24 for youth with foster care backgrounds. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Lacombe-Duncan, A., Logie, C.H., Persad, Y., Leblanc, G., Nation, K., Kia, H., Scheim, A.I., Lyons, T., Horemans, C., Olawale, R., & Loutfy, M. (2022, January). Reducing discrimination and bias and improving gender-affirming care competency through a provider education intervention: Implementation and evaluation of Transgender Education for Affirmative and Competent HIV and Healthcare (TEACHH). Accepted for poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Shires, D., Hill, H., Modi, I., Kattari. L., Prieto, L., Misiolek, B. A., & Kattari, S. K. (2022, January). Hormone therapy use and mental health outcomes among transgender adults. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Elliott, W. (2022, April). Case for CSAs. The Campaign for Grade level Reading. Durham, NC.

  • Mattison, D., Balzer, K., Anderson, O., Bishop, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Patterson, V., Rulli, D., Trupiano, N. & Smith, L. (2022). Putting the patient at the center of IPE learning and evaluation. University of Michigan, Heath Professions Education Day, April 5, 2022. Poster Presentation.

  • Park, S., Feng, H., Okpych, N. J., & Courtney, M. E. (May 2022) Effectiveness of Public-Nonprofit Collaboration in Providing Transition Housing Placements in California. Presented at Public Management Research Conference (PMRC). Phoenix, AZ.

  • Farr, S., Friedline, T., & Wedel, X. (2022). Neighborhood racial change and the locational decisions of financial services in Metro Detroit. Paper presented at the 2022 American Sociological Association conference. Los Angeles, CA. (National Convening).

  • Health-related quality of life in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: Measuring what matters most?, International Society for Quality of Life Research 29th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, October, 2022.

  • Wexler, L. & Peter, E. Community Strengths as a Key to Supporting Youth Wellness. Alaska Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Institute Child, Adolescent & Family Behavioral Health Conference, April 11, 2022.

  • Wood, AK. Historical Representations of Campus Sexual Assault in University Press Releases, 2006-2019. Presentation for the Social Movements Workshop, UM Dept. of Sociology.

  • Eiler, A. Suicide in College Athletes & Athletics. (May 2022). Athlete Talk, Webinar.

  • Gerke, D.R., Kattari, S.K., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Call, J., & Misiolek, B. (2022, July). Examining PrEP cascade engagement in a statewide sample of transgender, nonbinary, and gender diverse adults in the United States. Accepted for poster presentation at the 24th International AIDS Conference, Montreal, Canada.

  • Marchand, A., Cross, F. L., Rowley, S., & Rivas-Drake, D. (2022, May). Raising children tonavigate a racialized society: Ethnic-racial socialization practices in Latinx and Blackfamilies. Paper presented at the Special Topics Meeting Construction of the ‘Other’:Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discriminationof the Society for Research on Child Development, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA

  • Wiland, S. R. (2022, May) Addressing Compassion Fatigue & Secondary Traumatic Stress intensive breakout presentation, Michigan Mental Health & Aging Conference 2022, Lansing, MI

  • Morrow, S., Friedline, T. (2022). Debt Takes over Your Mind: A Qualitative Exploration of Women and Debt. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

  • Zhang, A., & Walling, E. (2022, January). “Mind Your Total Health” for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: A feasibility trial. Symposium Presentation at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC.

  • Mattison, D. & Blackburn, S. (2022). Embracing brokenness and reclaiming life: Wabi sabi and kintsugi in oncology social work practice. Association of Oncology Social Work 2022 Annual Conference.

  • Issues facing young children and families in the child welfare system: Policy, program evaluation, legal, and mental health perspectives. January 12, 2022. Zero to Thrive Translational Network Winter Meeting.

  • Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., Ashwell, L., Herrenkohl, T., & Tolman, R. (2022, May). Intimate partner violence and economic insecurity during COVID-19. Paper presented at the Society of for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

  • Acquati, C., Miller-Sonet, E., Zhang, A., & Ionescu, E. (2022, January). Social wellbeing during cancer survivorship: A cross-sectional examination of self-reported positive and negative effects of the illness in the context of close relationships. Oral Presentation at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC.

  • Fedina, L. and Tolman, R.M. (2022) Population and Subgroup Differences in the Prevalence and Predictors of Campus Sexual Assault, National Institute of Justice Webinar.


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