“I can make a difference”: Assessing the impact of Fair Play: Sexual Violence Prevention for Athletes. North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, May 2023.
Wexler, Lisa, & Ullrich, Jessica Sanigaq. (2023, October) Community Strengths: How Communities are Supporting Young People: Alaska Native Community Resilience Study. The Alaska Mental Health Board(AMHB), Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse(ABADA) and the Statewide Suicide Prevention Council, Alaska Mental Health Board, Convention and Civic Center, Valdez, Alaska
“What’s at Stake?” An Exploration of the Merits and Drawbacks of the Welcome Corps Program. Oral presentation at the Refugee Resettlement Symposium, Switchboard and Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
Pinto, R.M., Lee, C. A., Im, V., Hall, E., & Park, E. (January 2023). Symposium Paper: The Impact and Responses to Disruptions to HIV Services Due to the COVID Pandemic: A State-Level Stakeholder Perspective. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Zhang, A. (session chair) & Zebrack, B. (co-chair) (2023, June). Understanding and evaluating health and mental health disparities among adolescents and young adults with cancer: Investigation findings from an integrative research group affiliated with an AYA Oncology Program. Breakout Session at The 5th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress, Long Beach, CA.
Eiler, A., Williams. C., Flatt. R., & Asplund, C. Mental Health Considerations in Athletics. (February 2023). United States Council for Athletes’ Health, Webinar.
Buyuktur, Cross, F., A., Woolford, S., Williamson, S., Bailey, S., Ledon, C., Ramakrishnan, A.,Marsh, E., Israel, B., Aramburu, J., Militzer, M., Cornwall, T., Esqueda, A. P., Platt, J.(2023, April). Bearing a higher burden: Black and Latinx community perspectives on theImpact of COVID-19. Poster presented at the Translational Science conference inWashington, DC.
Smith, M. J., Smith, J. D., Fleming, M. F., Jordan, N., Bell, M. D., Mueser, K., McGurk, S., Razzano, L. (2023, January). Virtual Reality Job Interview Training As an Emerging Solution to Employment Inequities Among Individuals with Serious Mental Illness. 28th Annual Society for Social Work and Research conference. Phoenix, AZ.
Identifying Concerns of Adolescent and Young Adult Sarcoma Patients and Survivors Following Fertility Preservation, Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS) annual meeting, Dublin, Ireland, November, 2023.
Sokol, R. & Austin, A. (2023). Reporting on guns in schools: State expansion of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility and rates of firearm-involved deaths in the United States. National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Chicago, IL
Song, Kyungeun (2023) Double Jeopardy: Exploring the Moderating Effect of Educational Mismatch in the Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and Depressive Symptoms Among Korean Working Women. Korean Public Health Association Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Wood, A.K. "Perceived Social Precarity and Status Negotiation Between Predominantly White Fraternities." Accepted Paper for American Men’s Studies Association Conference, June 14-16
Doering-White, J., Mathias, J., Gonzalez-Benson, O. & Staller, K.M. (2023). Return to normal inequality? Social Work and the Anticipated aftermath of the pandemic Society for Social Work Research.
Schultz, K. & Ivanich, J. D. (2023). Findings from a social network study with American Indian youth on a Northern Plains reservation. Presentation. ResilienceCon 2023, Nashville, TN.
What do Social Workers Bring to Student Affairs Roles?, Association of Social Workers in Higher Education, September 29, 2023 (Co-presented with Rachel Naasko, DSW, LMSW-C)
Thulin, E.J., Kusunoki, Y., Kernsmith, P.D., Smith-Darden, J., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Zimmerman,M.A., & Heinze, J.E. (2022). Longitudinal Health Effects Of Cyber Dating Violence inAdolescence. Poster Presentation, Promoting Research in Social Media and HealthSymposium (PRISM), University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
Fischer, D. (2022, June 15). The Friendship Circle: Cognitive behavioral interventions for children/youth anxiety problems [Invited virtual workshop presentation]. The Friendship Circle.
Pinetta, B., Martinez, S. B., Cross, F. L., & Rivas-Drake, D. (2022, May). Inherently political?Associations of parent ethnic-racial socialization and sociopolitical discussions withLatinx youth's emergent civic engagement. Paper presented at the Special Topics MeetingConstruction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discrimination of the Society for Research on Child Development, RioGrande, Puerto Rico, USA.
Smith, M.J., Weaver, A., Himle, J.A., & Zhang, A. Leveraging technology and community-engaged approaches toincrease access to evidence-supported mental health treatment. Symposia at the National Institute of MentalHealth’s 25th National Conference on Mental Health Services Research, August 2022, Virtual.
Williams, A. (2022, January). Strengthening Social Work Education through Anti-Racist Teaching: A Case Study of a Social Work Community Change Course. Society of Social Work Education.
Quinn, C.R., Boyd, D. T., Lynch, R., Mitchell, M., M., Washington, L., Voisin, D. R., & DiClemente, R. (November 2022). Health and mental health equity associated with individual, familial and peer domains on offending behavior among Black girls in detention Paper/Poster presentation for the American Public Health Association, Boston, DC. (refereed).
Williams-Butler, A., Liu, F., Howell, T., Menon, S. E., Rodgers, K., & Quinn, C. R. (March 2022). Mental health service use and recidivism among justice-involved African American youth: Exploring gender differences. Paper Presentation for the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Conference, New Orleans, LA. (refereed).