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SSW Presentations

  • Gonzalez Benson, O., Bares, C., Lopez, K., Yoshihama, M., & Cureton, A. (2022). Aiming for Crtifical Reflexive and Transformative Global Social Work Pedagogy: Insignts on Curriculum Development presented at the CSWE 2022 Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.

  • Bond, T., Chavez-Martinez, M., Riebschleger, J. (PI), Rosario, R., Irish, K., Kramer, E., Hassevoort, B. (2022, April 8). What are the Mental Health Information Needs of Rural & Migrant Youth [UURAF mentor for student poster presentation]. University Undergraduate Research & Arts Forum (UURAF), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

  • Meehan, P., & Shanks, T. (2022). Factors Related to Entering and Exiting Material Hardship during COVID-19. Association for Public Policy and Management (APPAM) Research Conference, March 28, 2022.

  • Mattison, D., Anderson, O. , Bishop, T., Farris, B., Fitzgerald, M. Trupiano,, N., Ursuy, P., Smith, L. (2022). Dipping your toes in the water: A low-stakes, experiential strategy to recruit and engage faculty in interprofessional education. Nexus Summit.

  • Elliott, W. (2022, May). Case Building: Evidence from the Scholarship of Savings. CollegePromise, Washington, D.C.

  • Schultz, K., Hamby, S., & Taylor, E. (2022). Strengths, adversities, and psychological functioning among American Indian and Alaska Native people in four southern states. Oral Presentation, ResilienceCon 2022. Virtual.

  • Pinto, R.M. (May 2022). Realizing the Power of Prevention Through Equitable Dissemination & Implementation Science. Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, Seattle.

  • Rosenblum, N & Khang, E (2022) Developing and Revising an Anti-Racist Field EducationProgram: One Program’s Evolution. Council on Social Work Education Annual ProgramMeeting. Anaheim, CA.

  • Alvarez, L., Seelman, K., Kattari, S. K., & Vassi, A., (2022, January). Predictors of health care mistreatment among transgender and nonbinary individuals: Are there different patterns by patient race and ethnicity? Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Ethical Considerations on the State of Social Work Practice, NASW Michigan Chapter (August, 2022)

  • Understanding the Specific Aims Page and Why it's So Important, Promoting Indigenous Research Leaders (with Paul Estabrooks). Grand Forks, ND, October 11, 2022.

  • Berry, M. (2022, May) Crestwood School District Social Emotional Student Support Team Presentation, Crestwood School Board and Community, Dearborn Heights, MI

  • Fedina, L., King, C., DeVylder, J., & Herrenkohl, T. (2022, June). Latent class profiles of victimization and suicide risk among emerging adults. Virtual presentation at the Suicide Research Symposium.

  • Schultz, K. & Ivanich, J. D. (2022). Developing and implementing a social network study with American Indian youth on a Northern Plains reservation. Presentation. Native Children’s Research Exchange 2022, Denver, CO.

  • Todić, J, Christensen, M.C., & McMahon, S., Park, K., & Garner, J. (2022). Restorative and transformative justice responses to sexual violence: A scoping review. Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. (E-poster).

  • Integrating a Social Worker in the Pre-Doc Clinic for Student-Patient Success (2022, March), American Dental Educators Association (ADEA)

  • Stotz, C., Bosak, J., Lunze, K., Lang, S.W., Walt, G., Sprague Martinez, L., Battaglia, T., Chassler, D., Hamilton, G., McClay, C., Gillen, F., Rodriguez, S., Kim, E., Bell, S., Medley. (2022, November). Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member Perspectives from Early Engagement in the HEALing CommunitiesStudy. 2022 AMERSA Conference

  • Ghazi, A. (2022, September) Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, Asian American Community Leaders Event, Office of the Governor, State of Michigan

  • Manzor Mitrzyk, B., Gonzalez, L., Alegria, M., Pinto, R. M., & Farris, K. Developing AMILDA: An Intervention to Improve Symptoms and Medication Adherence among Latinx Adults with Depression and Anxiety. Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS), Translational Science 2022. Chicago, Illinois.

  • Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., Ashwell, L., Herrenkohl, T., & Tolman, R. (2022, January). Intimate partner violence and economic insecurity during COVID-19. Virtual poster presented at the Society of Social Work and Research Annual Conference.

  • Constante, K., Cross, F. L., Piceno, V., & Rivas-Drake, D. (2022, May). Latinxadolescent ethnic-racial discrimination and expected future barriers over time.Poster presented at the Special Topics Meeting Construction of the ‘Other’:Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discriminationof the Society for Research on Child Development, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA.

  • Distinguishing Oncology Social Work: Competencies, Opportunities, Roles, and Expertise (CORE), Association of Oncology Social Work 38th Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, June, 2022.

  • Exploring Refugee Youths’ Engagement in After-School Programs. Oral presentation at the Michigan Pre-College & Youth Outreach Conference, Grand Rapids, MI

  • Smith, M. J., Sherwood, K., Ross, B., Smith, J. D., Smith, L. D., Bishop, L., Humm, L., Elkins, J., & Steacy, C. (2022, August). Virtual interview training for transition-age autistic youth: a randomized controlled trial. [Poster presentation]. 2022 NIMH Mental Health Services Research Virtual Conference. Bethesda, MD.

  • Maguire-Jack, K., Cao, Y., & Yoon, S. (April 2022). Are social services universally protective against child maltreatment?: Racial disparities in the effectiveness of social services. Paper presented at ResilienceCon, virtual, April 3-5, 2022.


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