Irish, K. (PI) Cohn, M. (2009). Interhemispheric communication does not predict religious/social beliefs or cognitive complexity. poster presented at the American Psychological Society Convention (The Architecture of the Mind) in San Francisco, CA
Li, L. W. (2022). Reducing social isolation for homebound older adults. Department of Psychiatry, Medical School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Taylor, S. F., King, C. A., & Himle, J. A. (2022, May).
Modifying a cognitive behavioral suicide prevention treatment for adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community mental health. Poster presentation at the annual University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry Albert J. Silverman Conference.
Watkins, DC. This is America: Where Mental Health is Your Most Valued Asset. University Health Service Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium Keynote. February 24, 2022
Goldman, K. (2022, May) “’Cincinnati’s Best Citizens’: Queen City Jews and the Path from Immigrant Aid to Civic Leadership, 1881-1930,” American Jewish Historical Society Biennial Scholars’ Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
Kattari, S. K., Atteberry-Ash, B., Collins, C. Kattari, L., & Harner, V. (2022, January). Differential experiences of dating violence and sexual violence among trans/gender diverse youth. Paper accepted for presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Volling, B. L., & Grogan-Kaylor, A. C. (2022). Examining Mechanisms Linking Economic Insecurity to Interparental Conflict in Unmarried Residential Father Families with Low Income. Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
Ward, K. P., Lee, S. J., & Chang, O. D. (2022, January). "Tell me what I'm doing wrong:" Criticism of parenting and associations with mental health during COVID-19. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, D.C.
Goldman, K. (2022, January) “American Israelites: Cincinnati and the Shaping of Jewish Community in the United States,” Mercantile Library, Cincinnati, OH
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Persad, Y., Shokoohi, M., Underhill, A., Machouf, N., Côté, P., Wheatley, M.,
Gupta, M., Kyne, L., Besharati, A., Chan, L., Hranilovic, S., Nguyen, Q., & Loutfy, M. (2022, April). Factors associated with HIV prevalence among a Canadian clinical cohort of transgender women. Accepted for poster presentation at the 31st Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research.
Kattari, S. K., Kynn, J., Verdino, A., & Kattari, L. (2022, August). We’re here, we’re queer: Defining, conducting, and engaging queer research in the cis het academy. Workshop presented at the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, Washington, DC.
Smith, M. J., Sherwood, K., Ross, B., Smith, J. D., Dawalt, L., & Bishop, L. (2022, February). Transitioning to Adulthood: Interventions to Guide the Way for Autistic Youth. Symposium presentation at the 2022 International Neuropsychological Association. Virtual Meeting.
Kim, Y. J., Quinn, C. R., & Moon, S. S. (January 2022). How does parental monitoring work in suicidal ideation? ePoster presentation for the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC. (Withdrawn due to COVID-19) (refereed).
Watkins, DC. Centering Communities and Families with Peers. At the Communities, Families, and Peers: Opportunities to Address Diabetes, Racism, and Inequities Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research (MCDTR) Core 3 Workshop, May 12
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Jacobs, A. (2022, May). A qualitative exploration of HIV care providers' considerations of trans women in gender-specific HIV care. Accepted for poster presentation at the 34th
National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS, New Orleans, LA.
Coker, E. & Quinn, C. R. (November 2022). Co-Creating Social-Emotional Interventions to
Strengthen Mental Health Outcomes of At-Risk and Justice-Involved Black Girls. Oral presentation for the American Public Health Association. Boston, MA. (refereed)
Yoshihama, M., Fernández-Pacheco Sáez, J.L, Marques, E., & Patrão, A. (2022, October). PhotoVoice in social work research, practice, and education: Challenges and possibilities. Workshop presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2022 (SWESD2022, jointly organized by the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Council on Social Welfare), Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Sokol R, Heinze J, Hsieh, H, & Isherwood J. Correlates of student expulsion for firearm possession in Michigan public high schools. National Research Conference on Firearm Injury Prevention, November 2022; Washington, D.C.
Storer, H., Schultz, K., Hamby, S., & Willey-Sthapit, C. (2022). Strategies for Reciprocally Conducting Research with Domestic Violence Agencies across Various Service Environments. Roundtable Presentation, Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference. Washington DC.
Stein, S.F., Galano, M.M., Grogan-Kaylor, A.C., Ngo, Q.M. (November 2022). The individualand relational risk factors for intimate partner violence victimization in a community sample of high-risk emerging adults. Paper presentation at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 2022 Meeting. Atlanta, GA.