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Marna Clowney-Robinson

LEO Adjunct Lecturer


Year Degree   School
2017 MSW Interpersonal Practice/Mental Health University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Clowney-Robinson, M., & et al. (2021). Chapter 7: Underserved patrons in university libraries: assisting students facing trauma, abuse, and discrimination: Bringing Trauma-Informed Practices to Underserved Patrons at University Libraries. Libraries Unlimited.
  • Clowney-Robinson, M. M., et al. (2019). "Mixed-race matters: the growing multiracial population and it's implications for libraries". University of Michigan Library.
  • Clowney-Robinson, M., et al. (2019). "Being multiracial in a mono-racially organized world: What does the growing interracial population mean for academic librarians?". Association of College & Research Libraries.

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