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Sexual Health Certificate FAQ

  1. Am I able to participate in the program if I live outside of the U.S.?

    Our programs are open to a global audience, and the course fee is the same for international participants as it is for U.S.-based participants. If you have questions about how your geographic location or visa status may impact participation in our programs, please contact [email protected].

  2. Am I certified after completing this continuing education certificate program?

    No. This certificate program is not a certification. It provides participants with a curriculum that supports more intensive study in a particular specialty area. Our certificate programs are not designed to be certifications for performance of particular jobs or tasks. However, the hours you complete in this program can be counted toward a professional certification. Please view the program website for more information.

  3. Am I required to attend all live sessions?

    Yes. Please check the schedule for the times you are expected to be signed on. All times listed are in Eastern time.

  4. Are applications for the Sexual Health certificate reviewed on a rolling basis?

    Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Prospective participants are encouraged to submit their application as early as possible, because the program often fills several months before the cohort start date.

  5. Are continuing education contact hours available in disciplines other than social work for this program?

    Yes, please see the program home page for information about the types of continuing education hours offered.

  6. Can I complete part of the evaluation now and return to it later?

    The evaluation should be done all at once, so give yourself enough time. Most evaluations can be completed within 5-10 minutes.

  7. Can I use GI bill benefits toward the program?

    Past Sexual Health Certificate Program participants have not been able to apply GI bill benefits toward the program because the program has not been considered eligible for these benefits.

  8. Do I come to campus for all Sexual Health Certificate Program courses?

    No. The program currently includes live interactive online courses, and portions of courses that include self-directed online learning.

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