Gutierrez, T., Wang, K., & Zhang, A. (2019, Oct.). Instructor-Student Relationship Quality and Student Engagement in Online Social Work Education. Oral presentation at the 2019 Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting: Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Denver, Colorado.
Perron, B.E. (2019). Developing research infrastructures in global and multicultural context (Keynote speech). Center for Studies of Ethnic Minorities in Northwest China. Lanzhuou University. Gansu, Lanzhou, PR China.
Li, L.W., Cheng, J., Xu, H., Liu, J., Zhang, Z. & Conwell, Y. (2019, November). Depression increases risks of myocardial infarction in two years: Evidence from CHARLS. Poster presented at the 70th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX.
Hu, R., Li, L.W., & Antonucci, T. (2019, November). Transitions in grandchild care: Health status and self-perceptions of aging as predictors. Poster presented at the 70th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX.
Mennicke, A., Christensen, M.C., Brewer, N.Q., Wood, L., & Klein, L.B. Critiquing research methods and outcomes on campus sexual misconduct prevention and response: An intersectional perspective. Roundtable presentation at the Society for Social Work Research, San Francisco, CA.
Zebrack, B. (2019, June). Screening and Tools and Data, Oh My! The value and import of measuring patient outcomes and oncology social work practice, Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ.
Ober, J.A., Chatters, L.M., Watkins, D., Johnson-Lawrence, V. (2019, November). Does Coping Matter? Coping and Chronic Physiological Distress Among Aging U.S. Black and White Men. Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA.
Smith M. J. (2019, July). Virtual Reality Job Interview Training: Supporting Decarceration and Reentry Initiatives. Annual Meeting for the Correctional Education Association. Detroit.
Jun, J., DeVylder, J., Fedina, L., & Barth, R. (2019, January). Police victimization exposure among adults diagnosed with mental illness. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Understanding How Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Impact Employee Recruitment and Retention - National Association of Social Workers, Annual Conference, Michigan
Sokol R, Rupp L, Heinze J, Cunningham R, Zimmerman M, & Carter P. Firearm-related risks among child welfare involved families. Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens Symposium, 2019; Ann Arbor, MI
Lacombe-Duncan, A., Bauer, G.R., Logie, C.H., Newman, P.A., Shokoohi, M., Kay, E.S., Persad, Y., O’Brien, N., Kaida, A., de Pokomandy, A., Loutfy, M. (2019, May). A mixed-methods investigation of the HIV care cascade among transgender women with HIV in Canada. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the 28th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Maguire-Jack, K., Font, S.A., & Dillard, R. “Child Protective Services Decision-Making: The Role of Children's Race and County Context.” Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA, January 16-20, 2019.
Zhang, A., Bornheimer, L. A., Franklin, C., & Oh, S. (2019, Oct.). Supporting Asian-Pacific-Islanders doctoral students for an increasingly competitive job market. Panel presentation at the 2019 Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting: Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Denver, Colorado.
Zhang, A., Oh, S., & Hai, A. H. (2019, Jan.). Improving propensity score analysis using machine learning: A friendly introduction with R demonstration. Workshop presentation at the 2019 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Ending Gender Based, Family and Community Violence, San Francisco, CA.
Faller, K. C., Corwin, D., et al. (2019). 70+ Years of Addressing Child Maltreatment in the USA: Pioneers and APSAC’s Role in Improving Practice. Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Salt Lake City.
Jones, T., Fleming, C., Herrenkohl, T.I., Gavin, A., Lea, C. (2019, January). Perceived school
climate and social emotional learning as levers for addressing racial equity in student achievement: Evidence of mediating and moderating effects. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research annual conference.
Camp, J.K. (2019, February). Introduction to Trauma and Trauma Informed Care. Office of Counseling and Disability Services. University of Michigan- Dearborn, Dearborn, MI.
Kang, S., & Xiang, X. (2019). The influence of cognitive impairment on health behaviors among older adults. Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San Francisco.
Persad, Y., Lacombe-Duncan. A. (2019, November). Mental health and psychological wellbeing among trans women living with HIV in Canada. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the Canadian Professional Association of Transgender Health Conference 2019: Advancing Trans Health and Wellbeing in Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Social (de)construction of disaster: Collaborative knowledge development and action through photovoice. Sharing Society Project (Ed.), Sharing Society International Conference 2019
Proceedings. Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain): Sharing Society Project-The Impact of Collaborative
Collective Actions in the Transformation of Contemporary Societies, University of the Basque Country