Genova, H., Sung, C., Sherwood K & Smith, M. J. (2021). Transition-age autistic youth: Are we meeting their needs? Special Interest Group at the 2021 International Society for Autism Research Conference [Virtual].
Cureton, A. (2021, January). Strangers in the School: Facilitators and Barriers Regarding Refugee Parental Involvement. Oral virtual presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference.
Wood, A. K. & Chanin, Z. (2021). “Kangaroo Courts?” Media and Contestation over Campus Adjudication Processes. Presentation for University Responses to Sexual Assault (URSA) Project Workshop.
Gutiérrez, L., Mora, A., Meier-Austic, E., Greer, C., Inahuazo, S. (2021, January). Social Work Faculty Attitudes towards Diversity and Social Justice. Society for Social Work and Research. Virtual Conference.
Wiland, S. R. (2021, June) Engaging and Motivating Older Adults into Treatment for Substance Use Disorders Virtual Training Session, Michigan Mental Health & Aging, Lansing, MI
Sokol R, Mehdipanah R., Bess K., Mohammed L, & Miller A. When parents request help: Assessing a social determinants of health screening tool in practice. Society for Prevention Research 29th Annual Meeting, 2021; Virtual.
Wexler, L., McEachern, White, L., Garnie, J., Moto, R. Translating Research to Practice: Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide. Half-day workshop Aboriginal Mental Health Network (Canada). 27th Summer Program in Cultural and Community Psychology, McGill University, (3 hours) June 24, 2021.
Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., & Ashwell, L. (2021, September). Prevalence and demographic correlates of selling sex during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual paper presentation presented at the International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference
Adunbi, F. & Carey, J. (2021, September) "Out of the Alleys; into the Open: Missed Conversations With Patients Using Medical Cannabis", Michigan Medicine 6th Interprofessional Research Symposium,
Yoshihama, M., Gonzalez Benson, O., & Pimentel Walker, A.P. (2021, February). Participatory action research and multi-level perspectives to education pathways of Congolese refugee youth. Paper presented at the IV International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum of Sociology (Virtual)
Fedina, L., King, C., DeVylder, J., & Herrenkohl, T. (2021, October). Violence exposure and suicide risk in a national sample of emerging adults. Virtual paper presentation presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Expo.
Chang, O.D., Lee, S.J., & Ward, K. P. (2021, April). Parental psychological wellbeing and perceived parenting change as predictors of COVID-19 parent-child communication: Self-efficacy matters! Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference virtual meeting.
Park, S. (July 2021). Co-production and substance use disorder treatment clinics’ service output patterns. Paper presented at the 2021 International Society for Third Sector Research (Virtual).
Hodge, J. (2021, March). Social Workers in Healthcare Policy Panel. Social Work Healthcare Education and Leadership Scholars (HEALS). NASW & CSWE Social Work HEALS Student Policy Summit. Washington, D.C.
Courtney, M., Okypych, N. J., Park, S., & Pollack, H. (January 2021). Effectiveness of campus-based support programs (CSPs) on college persistence for transition-age youth in California foster care. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference (Virtual).
Kattari, S. K., Bakko, M., Hecht, H. K. & Kinney, M. K. (2021, January). Intersecting experiences of healthcare denials among transgender and nonbinary patients. Poster presented virtually at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference.
Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., Ashwell, L., Herrenkohl, T., & Tolman, R. (2021, October). Intimate partner violence and economic insecurity during COVID-19. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Expo, Denver, CO.
Ghazi, A. (2021, June) Vincent Chin 39th Commemoration & Rising APA Violence, American Citizens for Justice/Asian American Center for Justice (Detroit, MI)
Wiland, S. R. (2021, March) Practicing Trauma-informed Care virtual breakout presentation, Michigan Assisted Living Association Conference, Lansing, MI