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SSW Presentations

  • Genova, H., Sung, C., Sherwood K & Smith, M. J. (2021). Transition-age autistic youth: Are we meeting their needs? Special Interest Group at the 2021 International Society for Autism Research Conference [Virtual].

  • Cureton, A. (2021, January). Strangers in the School: Facilitators and Barriers Regarding Refugee Parental Involvement. Oral virtual presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference.

  • Wood, A. K. & Chanin, Z. (2021). “Kangaroo Courts?” Media and Contestation over Campus Adjudication Processes. Presentation for University Responses to Sexual Assault (URSA) Project Workshop.

  • Gutiérrez, L., Mora, A., Meier-Austic, E., Greer, C., Inahuazo, S. (2021, January). Social Work Faculty Attitudes towards Diversity and Social Justice. Society for Social Work and Research. Virtual Conference.

  • Wiland, S. R. (2021, June) Engaging and Motivating Older Adults into Treatment for Substance Use Disorders Virtual Training Session, Michigan Mental Health & Aging, Lansing, MI

  • Boussi, Z. (2021, February). Dearborn’s Covid 19 Forum. Panelist on Mental Health, City of Dearborn Government, Dearborn, MI

  • Sokol R, Mehdipanah R., Bess K., Mohammed L, & Miller A. When parents request help: Assessing a social determinants of health screening tool in practice. Society for Prevention Research 29th Annual Meeting, 2021; Virtual.

  • Wexler, L., McEachern, White, L., Garnie, J., Moto, R. Translating Research to Practice: Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide. Half-day workshop Aboriginal Mental Health Network (Canada). 27th Summer Program in Cultural and Community Psychology, McGill University, (3 hours) June 24, 2021.

  • Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., & Ashwell, L. (2021, September). Prevalence and demographic correlates of selling sex during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual paper presentation presented at the International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference

  • Clowney-Robinson, Marna. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. “Superhero Therapy”. Ann Arbor, MI May 2021 (Invited).

  • Panelist “Combating Anti-AAPI Racism Panel Discussion”. (2021 April). St. John’s University Office of Multicultural Affairs. [Queens, NY]

  • Adunbi, F. & Carey, J. (2021, September) "Out of the Alleys; into the Open: Missed Conversations With Patients Using Medical Cannabis", Michigan Medicine 6th Interprofessional Research Symposium,

  • Yoshihama, M., Gonzalez Benson, O., & Pimentel Walker, A.P. (2021, February). Participatory action research and multi-level perspectives to education pathways of Congolese refugee youth. Paper presented at the IV International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum of Sociology (Virtual)

  • "Becoming” – Speaker at TEDxUofM Salon, along with Cliff Lampe and Andrea Kelly. University of Michigan. November 2021

  • Clowney-Robinson, Marna. American Library Association, SRRT. “Racial Justice/Social Responsibilities”. Virtual, July 2021 (Invited).

  • Fedina, L., King, C., DeVylder, J., & Herrenkohl, T. (2021, October). Violence exposure and suicide risk in a national sample of emerging adults. Virtual paper presentation presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Expo.

  • Chang, O.D., Lee, S.J., & Ward, K. P. (2021, April). Parental psychological wellbeing and perceived parenting change as predictors of COVID-19 parent-child communication: Self-efficacy matters! Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference virtual meeting.

  • Park, S. (July 2021). Co-production and substance use disorder treatment clinics’ service output patterns. Paper presented at the 2021 International Society for Third Sector Research (Virtual).

  • Hodge, J. (2021, March). Social Workers in Healthcare Policy Panel. Social Work Healthcare Education and Leadership Scholars (HEALS). NASW & CSWE Social Work HEALS Student Policy Summit. Washington, D.C.

  • Courtney, M., Okypych, N. J., Park, S., & Pollack, H. (January 2021). Effectiveness of campus-based support programs (CSPs) on college persistence for transition-age youth in California foster care. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference (Virtual).

  • Hodge, J. (2021, March). Advocacy Session Facilitator. Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy. Washington, D.C.

  • Kattari, S. K., Bakko, M., Hecht, H. K. & Kinney, M. K. (2021, January). Intersecting experiences of healthcare denials among transgender and nonbinary patients. Poster presented virtually at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference.

  • Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., Ashwell, L., Herrenkohl, T., & Tolman, R. (2021, October). Intimate partner violence and economic insecurity during COVID-19. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Expo, Denver, CO.

  • Ghazi, A. (2021, June) Vincent Chin 39th Commemoration & Rising APA Violence, American Citizens for Justice/Asian American Center for Justice (Detroit, MI)

  • Wiland, S. R. (2021, March) Practicing Trauma-informed Care virtual breakout presentation, Michigan Assisted Living Association Conference, Lansing, MI


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