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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Perron, B. E., Hiltz, B. S., Khang, E. M., & Savas, S. A. (2025). AI-enhanced social work: Developing and evaluating retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) support systems. Journal of Social Work Education, 1-11.
  2. Senger-Carpenter, T., Zhang, A., Ordway, M., Stoddard, S., & Voepel-Lewis, T. (2025). Anxiety and depression symptoms, adverse childhood experiences, and persistent/recurrent pain across early adolescence. Academic Pediatrics.
  3. Dils, A. T., O’Keefe, K., Dakka, N., Azar, M., Chen, M., & Zhang, A. (2025). The efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for mental health and quality of life amongst individuals diagnosed with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Medicine.
  4. Jing, S., Zhang, A., Yang, X., & Solomon, P. (2025). Evaluating solution-focused brief therapy for Chinese older adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Research on Social Work Practice.
  5. Wu, C., Hong, S., Cross, F., Sypher, I., McLoyd, V. C., Huntley, E., Hyde, L. W., Mitchell, C. & Monk, C. S. (2024). Increasing diversity in neuroimaging research: Participant-driven recommendations from a qualitative study of an under-represented sample. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 101474.
  6. Hong, S., Hardi, F., Tillem, S., Goetschius, L. G., McLoyd, V. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Lopez-Duran, N. L., Mitchell, C., Hyde, L. W. & Monk, C. S. (2024). Mother-child closeness and adolescent structural neural networks: A prospective longitudinal study of low-income families. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsae083.
  7. Gonzalez Benson, O., Judelsohn, A., Pimentel Walker, A. & Mugumya, F. (2024). Shifting interorganizational relations and the COVID-19 pandemic as external shock: An analysis of organizational fields, capital, and habitus. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 35, 792-803.
  8. Elliott, W., Jones-Layman, A., Park, S., Min, S., & O’Brien, M. (2024). What are characteristics of tangible hope? A guaranteed income and asset experiment in Saint Paul, MN/A children's savings account program. Sociology Mind, 14, 95-120.
  9. Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Brdar, N., Im, V., Jeffers, N., Bushnell, C. B., Hoener, K., Tasker, M., DeWeese, K., Florence, T., Jester, J. M., King, C. A., Taylor, S. F., & Himle, J. A. (2024). A cognitive-behavioral treatment for suicide prevention among adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community mental health: Study protocol for a pilot feasibility and acceptability randomized clinical trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10, 99.
  10. Himle, J. A., LeBeau, R. T., Jester, J. M., Kilbourne, A. M., Weaver, A., Brydon, D. M.,Tucker, K. M., Hamameh, N., Castriotta, N. & Craske, M. G. (2024). Work-related cognitive behavioral therapy for racially and economically diverse unemployed persons with social anxiety: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 104, 102875.
  11. Barry, T. J., Treanor, M., LeBeau, R. T., Ruiz, J., Himle, J. A., & Craske, M. G. (2024). Generalization between perceptually similar stimuli is associated with improvement in social anxiety following cognitive-behavioural therapy. Behavior Therapy.
  12. Maguire-Jack, K., Park, Y., Chang, O. D., Solomon, A., Quinn, J., Greenberg, S., Coggins, H., & Hinton, J. (2024). Findings from the Michigan EITC Access Project: ACEs prevention through economic intervention.
  13. Maguire-Jack, K., Chang, O. D., Smith, D. Y., Solomon, A., Van Berkel, D., & Spilsbury, J. C. (2024). Understanding parenting support in rural neighborhoods. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice.
  14. Maguire-Jack, K., Park, Y., Feely, M., Schneider, W., Pace, G. T., Thibodeau, E. & Klika, B. (2024). Childcare subsidy employment require,ents and copayment requirements and child maltreatment. Child Maltreatment.
  15. Chang, O. D., Chang, Y., & Maguire-Jack, K. (2024). Intervening in suspected child maltreatment: Parent's responses to and perceptions of maltreatment in a rural midwestern county. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
  16. Showalter, K., Marçal, K., & Maguire-Jack, K. (2024). The protective effect of employment policies on intimate partner violence. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health.
  17. Parmenter, S., Shockley McCarthy, K., Benavides, J. L., Bayar, O., Maguire-Jack, K., & Yoon, S. (2024). The lived experience of youth in congregate care: Youth perceptions of safety, relationships, and support through qualitative inquiry with 10 young adults. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
  18. Katz, C., Attrash-Nahhar, A., Varela, N., Maguire-Jack, K., Chang, O. D., Fouché, A., Massarweh, N., Munoz, P., Priolo-Fillho, S., Walker-Williams, H., & Werkele, C. (2024). What was missed in child protection responses during COVID-19?: Perceptions of professionals from various countries. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  19. Katz, C., Cohen, N., Attrash-Najjara, A., Glucklich, T., Jacobson, M., Varela, N., Priolo-Filho,S., Chang, O. D., Haffejee, S., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Katz, I., Maguire-Jack, K.,Massarweh, N., Tarabulsy, G., Levine, D. T., & Wekerle, C. (2024). The remote work of child protection professionals during COVID-19: A scoping review and thematic analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  20. Katz, C., Attrash-Najjar, A., Maguire-Jack, K., Varela, N., Priolo-Filho, S., Bérubé, A., Chang, O. D., Collin-Vézina, D., Fouché, A., Jacobson, M., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Massarweh, N., Munoz, P., Tarabulsy, G. M., Tiwari, A., Walker-Williams, H., & Werkele, C. (2024). Experiences and responses of child protection professionals during COVID-19: Lessons learned from professionals around the globe. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  21. Katz, C., Jacobson, M., Priolo-Filho, S., Goldfarb, C., Liu, K., Zibetti, M. R., Varela, N., Attrash-Najjara, A., Bérubé, A., Collin-Vézina, D., Maguire-Jack, K., Massarweh, N.,Munir, A., Tiwari, A., & Wekerle, C. (2024). Examining resilience among child protection professionals during COVID-19: A global comparison across 57 countries. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  22. Friedline, T., Stewart, K., Bolinger, C., & Wood, A. K. (2024). Credit scoring as a carceral practice: An abolitionist framework. Race and Social Problems, 16, 230-248.
  23. Friedline, T., Stewart, K., Bolinger, C., & Wood, A. K. (2024). Fintech as invasive infrastructure: A critical discourse analysis of corporate newswires and press releases. Socio-Economic Review.
  24. Larson, M., Kubiak, S. Gilbert, T. Rabaut, C., Layton, K. Best, J. Broner, Z. Russ, R. & Luidens, L. (2024). 2023 Michigan data landscape: Overview of the criminal legal system: Adults and youth. Commissioned by the Public Welfare Foundation.
  25. Ewell Foster, C., Derwin, S., Bornheimer, L. A., Magness, C., Kahsay, E., Li Verdugo, J., Eis, M., Massey, L., Rivera, F. P., & King, C. (2024). Firearm safe storage in rural families: Community perspectives about ownership and safety messaging. Health Promotion Practice, 5(1), 33-48.


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