Maguire-Jack, K., Wachsberger, E.S., Johnson-Motoyama, M., & Gonzalez, E. (May 2021). Research and practice partnerships with Children’s Trust Funds to prevent child maltreatment. Oral presentation at National Citizen Review Panel Conference, Virtual, May 25-26, 2021.
Gilbert, T. (2021, March) The School to Prison Pipeline and the Impact of Restorative Justice Practices on School Discipline, SPARK Lab, Michigan State University School of Social Work.
Smith L., Mattison, D. Balzer, K. Bishop, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M. Gross, M. Rulli, D. Patterson, V. Phanudulkitti, C., Trupiano, N., & Anderson, O. (2021). Longitudinal Interprofessional FamilyBased Experience (LIFE) – A Framework for virtual experiential introductory learning. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center
Gilbert, T., Hambrick, N., Logan, T. (2021, October) Systems Change: Painfully Slow But Possible! Center for Behavioral Health and Justice, Michigan NASW LEAD Conference.
Ewell Foster, C., Derwin, S., Magness, C., Kahsay, E., Bornheimer, L. A., Li, J., Rivara, F., Massey, L., Beidas, R., Hohl, B., & King, C. (2021, April). Culturally Tailored Firearm Safety Education to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in Rural Youth. Poster presentation (virtual) at the annual American Association of Suicidology conference, Orlando, FL.
Acquati, C., Hibbard, J. H., Soner, E., Zhang, A., & Lonescu, E. (2021, June). The moderating role of informal caregiver’s involvement on the relationship between patient activation and adherence to treatment: Implications for self-management intervention in cancer care. Poster presentation at the 2021 American Society of Clinical Oncology: Equity: Every Patient, Every Day, Everywhere. Online virtual.
Hong, S., Goetschius, L.G., Gard, A. M., Hein, T. C., Maguire-Jack, K., McLoyd, V.C., Brooks-Gunn, J., McLanahan, S.S., Mitchell, C., Lopez-Duran, N.L., Hyde, L.W. & Monk, C.S. (March 2021). An examination of childhood neighborhood violence exposure and mother-child closeness on adolescent wellbeing and frontostriatal white matter connectivity. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Virtual, March 2021.
Exploring the Impact of Institutional Betrayal on Youth Who Have Experienced Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 2021.
Williams, A. (2021, March). Fostering International Social Work Education through Global Partnership: A Model for Student Exchange in India and the U.S. The International Social Work Education and Development Conference.
Fedina, L., Hong, S., Rousson, A.N., Lee, J-O, & Herrenkohl, T.I. (2021). Trajectories of child
maltreatment and intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the Society for Prevention Research annual conference (online).
Pimentel Walker, AP., Gonzalez Benson, O. & Yoshihama, M. (2021, July). Migrants Housing Migrants: The Role of Refugee- and Immigrant- Run Grassroots Organizations in the United States. International Association of the Study of Forced Migration Conference.
Hawkins, J., Kolsciek, N., Funnel, M., Nwakwo, R., & Piatt, G. (2021). Diabetes Distress, Depressive Symptoms, and Gender Disparities in Glycemic Control among African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes. Poster presented at the American Diabetes Association’s 81st Scientific Sessions.
Saba, S., Lee, J.O., Rousson, A.N., & Herrenkohl, T.I., (2021). Does partner warmth moderate
the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and somatic symptoms in adulthood? Paper
presented at the Society for Prevention Research annual conference (online).
Wooten, N., Clark Goings, T., Schultz, K., Hudson, D., Williams, J.H., Herrenkohl, T.I. (2021).
Developing antiracist research. Preconference workshop at the Society for Social Work and Research annual conference (online)
Bechtel, T. (2021, June). Animal Celebrity: Learning to care for what the other cares about, presented at the Franciscan Connections Conference, Lesser Ethics: Retrieving the Good Life in the Franciscan Tradition, (virtual conference).
Morrow, S. (2021). Fundamental Cause Theory: Addressing Structural Racism in Health. Structured discussion facilitated at 2021 Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, Virtual. (National Conference)
Nexus Summit 2021: Working Together, in the Nexus Site, Improving Interprofessional CommunicaMon During Virtual Team Conferences with Parent/Caregiver: Video-Based Simulation Learning, September 2021
Fernandez, A., Cano, M., & Cordova, D. (2021, January). Examining familism and ethnic Identity as moderators of associations between ethnic discrimination, acculturative stress, and sex risk behaviors among Latinx emerging adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work Research. Virtual.
Bornheimer, L. A. (2021, October). Modifying a Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention Treatment for Adults with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders in Community Mental Health: A Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Approach. Oral presentation (virtual) at the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds Lightning Talks.
Hodge, J. (2021, January). NASW M-PACE Post Election Town Hall Panelist. Michigan Political Action for Candidate Election. National Association of Social Workers - Michigan Chapter. Lansing, MI.
Smith MJ, Sherwood K, Ross B, Smith JD, Dawalt L, Bishop L, Humm L, Elkins J, & Steacy C. (2021). Virtual Interview Training for Autistic Transition-Age Youth: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Oral presentation at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research Conference [Virtual].