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SSW Presentations

  • Sherwood K, Smith, M.J., Ross, B., Johnson, J., Harrington, M., Blajeski, S., Dawalt, L., Bishop, L., & Smith, J.D. (2021). Mixed-Methods Implementation Evaluation of Virtual Interview Training for Transition-Age Autistic Youth in Pre-Employment Transition Services. Oral presentation at the 2021 Gatlinburg Conference [Virtual].

  • Sherwood, K., Genova, H., Bishop, L., Dawalt, L., Smith, J. D., Harrington, M., Wellman, H., & Smith, M. J. (2021, January). Initial validation and correlates of a novel measure of job interview skills for autistic transition-aged youth. Symposium presentation at the 26th Annual Society for Social Work and Research conference, Virtual Meeting.

  • Fedina, L., Peitzmeier, S., Ashwell, L., Herrenkohl, T.I., & Tolman, R. (2021). Intimate partner violence and economic insecurity during COVID-19. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Expo, Denver, CO (October).

  • Sherwood K, Kallen, M., Genova H, Bishop L, Dawalt L, Smith JD, Harrington M, Wellman H, & Smith MJ. (2021). Initial Validation and Correlates of a Novel Measure of Job Interview Skills for Autistic Transition-Aged Youth. Oral presentation at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research Conference [Virtual].

  • Lacombe-Duncan, A., Logie, C.H., Persad, Y., Leblanc, G., Nation, K., Kia, H., Scheim, A.I., Lyons, T., Horemans, C., & Loutfy, M. (2021, May). Implementation and Evaluation of a Provider Education Intervention: Transgender Education for Affirmative and Competent HIV and Healthcare (TEACHH). Paper accepted for poster presentation at the National LGBTQ Health Conference: Bridging Research & Practice. [Virtual]

  • Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, J., Smith, F., Sliwa, H., & Himle, J. A, Stephan, T., & King, C. A. (2021, October). Modifying a Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention Treatment for Adults with Schizophrenia Spectrum disorders: A Community Based Participatory Research Approach. Poster Presentation (virtual) at the IASR/AFSP International Summit of Suicide Research.

  • Levin, N. J., Zhang, A., Kattari, KS., Moravek, M. B., Zebrack B. J. (2021, December). Sexual and gender plurality: Considerations for a diverse and inclusive approach to oncofertility care. Oral Presentation at the 4th Global Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Congress. Virtual.

  • Bornheimer, L. A., Hong, V., Li, J., & King, C. A. (2021, March). Hallucinations, delusions, depression, suicide ideation and plan among adults with psychosis in psychiatric emergency care. Oral presentation (virtual) at the University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center 2021 Suicide Prevention Summit.

  • Gilbert, T. (2021, December) The importance, and challenges, of juvenile justice data in Michigan: Juvenile justice data landscape. Michigan Juvenile Justice Reform Task Force.

  • Smith, M. J., Sherwood, K., Atkins, M. A., Jordan, N., Van Ryzin, M., & Smith, J. D. (2021, April). Virtual reality job interview training in pre-employment transition services: a dose effect analysis. Roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting.

  • Ortega, R.M. and Garvin, C.D. (2021, June) Socially just practice: Implications for social work with Groups. International Association of Social Work in Groups Virtual Symposium.

  • Pinto, R. M., Doering-White, J., & Park, Ethan. (2021). Evaluating a Language Interpretation Training for Monolingual and Multilingual Practitioners. Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (Virtual).

  • Hodge, J. (2021, March). What is Political Social Work Workshop. Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy. Washington, D.C.

  • Hodge, J. (2021, June). Young Leaders in Public Service. Program in Practical Policy Engagement. University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy. Ann Arbor, MI.

  • Maguire-Jack, K., Greenberg, S., & Smith, R. (presented October, 2021). Economic policy and child welfare. Fedele F. and Iris M. Fauri Memorial Lecture. University of Michigan, School of Social Work. Ann Arbor, MI, October 7, 2021.

  • Racism and the economy series: Focus on financial services. Invited keynote presentation to the Federal Reserve System Racism and the Economy Series: Focus on Financial Services. (National Conference).

  • Eiler, A. (May, 2021). Student-Athlete and Coach Mental Health. NCAA Coaches Academy, WeCoach Webinar.

  • Faller, K. C., Corwin, D., Mercer, J., Myers, J. E. B., J. D., & Jeanette Scheid. Parental Alienation: A Simple but Potentially Harmful and Poorly Supported Explanation for the Complex Problem of Parent Contact Resistance/Refusal. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Conference. Virtual.

  • Hodge, J. (2021, October). Opportunity For All - Using Policy to Promote Equity. 2020 Virtual Legislative Education and Advocacy Day. National Organization of Social Workers, Michigan Chapter. Lansing, MI.

  • Irish, K. (2021). Phi Alpha Honor Society - Induction Ceremony. Inductee; invited speaker. Michigan State University – April 23, 2021.

  • Quinn, C. R., Boyd, D., Kim, B. K. E., Menon, S. E., Logan-Greene, P. B., Asemota, E., DiClemente, R., & Voisin, D. R. (January 2021). Examining the health and well-being of racial and ethnic minority youth: The role of multiple contexts and experiences. In Amid and among: Support and self-efficacy of Black girls in juvenile correctional facilities. Panel presentation for the Society for Social Work Research – SSWR Virtual Conference. (refereed

  • Stuchell, B., Walling, E., Zhang, A., & Dils, A. (2021, May.). Creating a program to support adolescents and young adults with cancer. Oral presentation at the 2021 Virtual Conference on Adolescent Health. Online Virtual.

  • Ward, K.P., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Pace, G.T., Lee, S.J., & Ma, J. (2021, January). Examining 9 forms of parental discipline across 60 low- and middle-income countries: A Bayesian multilevel analysis. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (virtual conference).

  • Schultz, K., Renn, T., & Trawver, K. (2021). Disproportionality and Recidivism among Alaska Native and American Indian Women in Criminal Justice Systems. Panel Presentation, International Academy of Law and Mental Health XXXVIIth Congress. Lyon, France.

  • Robinson, Y.D. & Price, D. (2021, September). Trauma Informed Programs and Practices for Schools. The Roeper Upper School, Teacher Training. Bloomfield Hills, MI


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