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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Husson, O., Zebrack, B., Block, R., Embry, L., Aguilar, C., Hayes-Lattin, B., & Cole, S. (2017). Posttraumatic growth and well-being among adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer: a longitudinal study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 25(9), 2881-2890.
  2. Forsythe-Brown, I., Taylor, R. J., Chatters, L. M., Govia, I. O., Matusko, N., & Jackson, J. S. (2017). Kinship support in Jamaican families in the United States and Jamaica. Journal of African American Studies, 21, 187-202.
  3. Akinyemi, E., Watkins, D. C., Kavanagh, J., Johnson-Lawrence, V. D., Lynn, S., & Kales, H. C. (2017). A qualitative comparison of DSM depression criteria to language used by older church-going African Americans. Aging and Mental Health, 14, 1-7.
  4. Tolman, R. M., Walsh, T., & Nieves, B. (2017). Engaging men and boys in preventing gender-based violence. In C. Renzetti (Ed.), Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Policy Press.
  5. Carlson, J., Allen, C. T., Leek, C., Storer, H., Casey, E., & Tolman, R. M. (2017). Participants’ perceptions of the nature of events aimed at engaging men to eliminate gender-based violence. Global Social Welfare, 4(2), 91-103.
  6. Casey, E. A., Leek, C., Tolman, R. M., Allen, C. T., & Carlson, J. M. (2017). Getting men in the room: perceptions of effective strategies to initiate men’s involvement in gender-based violence prevention in a global sample. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 19(9), 979-995.
  7. Chan, K. L., Emery, C. R., Fulu, E., Tolman, R. M., & Ip, P. (2017). Association among father involvement, partner violence, and paternal health: UN Multi-Country Cross-Sectional Study on Men and Violence. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 52(5), 671-679.
  8. Walsh, T., Tolman, R. M., Davis, R. N., & Singh, V. (2017). Expectant fathers’ presence at prenatal ultrasounds: An opportunity for engagement. Social Work Research, 41(3), 181-185.
  9. Taylor, R. J. (2017). Race and religious participation: Introduction to special issue. Race and Social Problems, 9(1), 1-3.
  10. Staller, K. M. (2017). The methodology of The Witch-Hunt Narrative: A question of evidence; Evidence questioned. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(6), 853-874.
  11. Shanks, T. R. (2017). Introducing the six good neighborhoods communities. In Allen-Meares, P., Shanks, T., Gant, L., Hollingsworth, L., & Miller, P. (Eds.), A Twenty-First Century Approach to Community Change: Partnering to Improve Life Outcomes for Youth and Families in Under-Served Neighborhoods 58-79. Oxford University Press.
  12. Shanks, T. R., & Miller, P. L. (2017). Building and maintaining community capacity: How the TAC supported neighborhood residents. In Allen-Meares, P., Shanks, T., Gant, L., Hollingsworth, L., & Miller, P. (Eds.), A Twenty-First Century Approach to Community Change: Partnering to Improve Life Outcomes for Youth and Families in Under-Served Neighborhoods 131-144. Oxford University Press.
  13. Shanks, T. R., Harb, S. & Savas, S. A. (2017). Measurable results of good neighborhoods: What was accomplished? In Allen-Meares, P., Shanks, T., Gant, L., Hollingsworth, L., & Miller, P. (Eds.), A Twenty-First Century Approach to Community Change: Partnering to Improve Life Outcomes for Youth and Families in Under-Served Neighborhoods 131-144. Oxford University Press.
  14. Kwarteng, J. L., Schulz, A. J., Mentz, G. B., Israel, B. A., Shanks, T. R., & White Perkins, D. (2017). Does perceived safety modify the effectiveness of a walking-group intervention designed to promote physical activity? American Journal of Health Promotion.
  15. Shaefer, H. L., Wu, P., & Edin, K. (2017). Can poverty in America be compared to conditions in the world’s poorest countries. American Journal of Medical Research, 4(10, 84-92.
  16. Ruffolo, M. & Maker, C. (2017). Evidence-based group work in mental health practice. In Garvin, C., Gutierrez, L., & Galinsky, M. (Eds.), Handbook of Social Work with Groups (2nd ed.). NY, NY: Guilford Publications.
  17. Nicoll, K., Richards-Schuster, K. & Ruffolo, M. (2017). Beyond service-learning: Helping undergraduates define and plan for civic engagement. In Soria, K. & Mitchell, T. (Eds.), Educating for Citizenship and Social Justice: Practices for Community Engagement at Research Universities. Chicago: Lyceum.
  18. Tobier, N., Richards-Schuster, K. , Draus, P & Roddy, J. (2017). Introduction: Special Section on Detroit. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
  19. Ribaudo, J. (2017). Becoming a family. In Shirilla, J. (Ed.), Reflections from the Field. 148-151. Southgate: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  20. Ribaudo, J. (2017). Beyond mothers: Beyond singular relationships. In Shirilla, J. (Ed.), Reflections from the Field. 97-99. Southgate: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  21. Ribaudo, J. (2017). Nineteen protectors. In Shirilla, J. (Ed.), Reflections from the Field. 65-68. Southgate: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  22. Mucka, L. E., Dayton, C. J., Lawler, J., Rosalind, K., Alfafarsa, E., Schuster, M., Miller, N, Ribaudo, J., Rosenblum, K. L., & Muzik, M. (2017). Mixed methods evaluation of participant recruitment and retention in the Mom Power early parenting intervention program. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38, 536-550.
  23. Li, P., Heitzig, M., Becker, J., Zucker, R., McClellan, M., & Reed, B. G. (2017). Gender differences in the transmission of risk for antisocial behavior problems across generations. PLOS ONE.
  24. Choi, H., Brooks, C., Reed, B. G., & Fitch, D. (2017). Social work in the classroom? A tool to evaluate topic relevance of student writings. Journal of International Educational Data Mining.
  25. Rahman, R., Pinto, R. M., & Wall, M. (2017). HIV Education and Welfare Services in Primary Care: An Empirical Model of Integration in Brazil’s Unified Health System. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 294.


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