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Annie Maguire

Global Activities Scholars Program

Although Annie (she/her/hers) claims she is new to the field of social work, she has been passionate about social work for her whole life. Born and raised in Madison, WI, Annie remembers the view from her parents' shoulders at city-wide protests distinctly, as this was a perch that she took to engage in movements for social change before she could even walk. Annie is particularly passionate about contributing to the common good, as it relates to advocating for immigrants and refugees. She had the profoundly impactful experience of living and working at a shelter for refugees in Texas after her undergraduate degree, and has worked in the non-profit sector since. She is an avid nature-lover, and when she is not studying, she likes to keep herself busy by working with children, volunteering, brewing coffee, hiking in nature, playing music, and spending time with others. She loves exploring new places and meeting new people, and she begins her chapter at the University of Michigan School of Social Work with an open mind and open heart.

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