The 2-credit Global Course Extension (SW785) builds off a 1-credit on-campus Advanced Global Topics in Social Work course (SW789). These courses focus on a specific global social work-related topic, such as migration, displacement, poverty, climate change, indigeneity, etc. The Global Course Extension involves a 2-3 week trip to an international location that will allow students to further engage and explore the themes and topics introduced in the classroom-based course. Participation in the Global Course Extension requires that students satisfactorily complete the associated 1-credit Advanced Global Topics in Social Work course (SW789) during the same term. Additionally, students must apply and be accepted to participate in a Global Course Extension course through an M-Compass application process.
Applications for the Global Course Extension in Chennai, India were due on Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. The application period is now closed.
The Global Course Extension is open to online and residential MSW students from all pathways, including pre-MSW students in the Ph.D. program. Students must be enrolled in the Spring/Summer term in order to participate. Preference will be given to students in the Global Social Work Practice Pathway.
Students who have already participated in or committed to an OGA-funded international experience (e.g., the Global Activities Scholars Program, Global Independent Study Grant, etc.) are not eligible to apply.
Students who have limited or no previous international travel experience are encouraged to apply. The Office of Global Activities offers a Passport Grant of $165 per person to MSW students who have never held a passport before. Students are automatically considered for the Passport Grant once they complete the Global Course Extension application.
A program fee is required of all participants. The cost of the Global Course Extension trip is subsidized by the Office of Global Activities to cover transportation, accommodations, and most meals. Students will be responsible for any discretionary spending.
A need-based financial aid scholarship is available to reduce the cost of the program fee. Students apply through a separate application process after they have been accepted to the program.
All applications must be submitted through M-Compass. Only complete applications will be reviewed. The application process includes:
Based at the Madras Christian College in Chennai, India, this course draws on the "grand challenges" facing social work professionals encompassing a broad range of issues, from eliminating racism or caste and family violence to closing the health gap and reducing extreme economic inequality.
The course is intended to be both locally grounded and explicitly comparative and combines both practical fieldwork experiences with coursework and structured, critical reflection at the Madras Christian College. This course will provide students with an intensive introduction to the ways in which the social work profession is organized in India, key issues confronting vulnerable populations, and how the issues in India compare with the United States.
Travel for this course will take place for two weeks in August. Dr. Ashley Cureton and Dr. Katie Lopez will co-lead the experience abroad.
All applications must be submitted through M-Compass. Applications for the Global Course Extension in Chennai, India were due on Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. The application period is now closed.
If you have questions, please contact OGA at (734) 615-0012 or [email protected].
Apply for the 2024 Global Course Extension in Chennai, India »
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106