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SSW Presentations

  • Brutus, A. & Eiler, A. Navigating Mental Health in Collegiate Sports. (December 2021). College Basketball Parents Association, Webinar.

  • Bechtel, T. (2021, June). Animal Celebrity: Learning to care for what the other cares about, presented at the Franciscan Connections Conference, Lesser Ethics: Retrieving the Good Life in the Franciscan Tradition, (virtual conference).

  • Morrow, S. (2021). Fundamental Cause Theory: Addressing Structural Racism in Health. Structured discussion facilitated at 2021 Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, Virtual. (National Conference)

  • Nexus Summit 2021: Working Together, in the Nexus Site, Improving Interprofessional CommunicaMon During Virtual Team Conferences with Parent/Caregiver: Video-Based Simulation Learning, September 2021

  • Fernandez, A., Cano, M., & Cordova, D. (2021, January). Examining familism and ethnic Identity as moderators of associations between ethnic discrimination, acculturative stress, and sex risk behaviors among Latinx emerging adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work Research. Virtual.

  • Bornheimer, L. A. (2021, October). Modifying a Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention Treatment for Adults with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders in Community Mental Health: A Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Approach. Oral presentation (virtual) at the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds Lightning Talks.

  • Panelist “Health Professionals Day at Peace Neighborhood Center”. (2021 March). University of Michigan Medical School. [Ann Arbor, MI]

  • Hodge, J. (2021, January). NASW M-PACE Post Election Town Hall Panelist. Michigan Political Action for Candidate Election. National Association of Social Workers - Michigan Chapter. Lansing, MI.

  • Smith MJ, Sherwood K, Ross B, Smith JD, Dawalt L, Bishop L, Humm L, Elkins J, & Steacy C. (2021). Virtual Interview Training for Autistic Transition-Age Youth: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Oral presentation at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research Conference [Virtual].

  • Hodge, J. (2021, December). Social Work, Health Equity and Civic Health Engagement. Health Equity Speaker Series Lecture. Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Work & Health's and Vot-ER. Boston, MA.

  • Ward, K. P., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Pace, G. T., Lee, S. J., & Ma, J. (2021, January). Examining 9 Forms of Parental Discipline across 60 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Bayesian Multilevel Analysis. Paper presented at the annual Society for Social Work and Research.

  • Rosen, J., Lemon, C., Savas, S., and Udow-Phillips, M. (2021). Emergence in Practice: Network Building for Innovation in Washtenaw County Aging Services, Michigan Council of Foundations, online.

  • Ellis. K.R. (2021). Cancer and caregiving among older Black Americans and families. Symposium paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Conference.

  • Mattison, D., Anderson, O., Balzer, K., Bishop, T. , Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Patterson, V., Phanudulkitti, C., Rulli, D. Trupiano, N. and Smith, L. (2021). Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience (LIFE). University of Michigan, Heath Professions Education Day,

  • Jackson Levin, N., Kattari, S. K., Piellusch, E. , & Watson, E. (2021, January). Chosen family and queer kinship: Navigating chosen family in the context of health, illness, and the mutual provision of care amongst queer and trans young adults. Paper presented virtually at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference.

  • Lacombe-Duncan, A., Hranilovic, S., & Persad, Y. (2021, December). Reproductive and sexual health for transgender people living with HIV – Researcher, health care provider, and community perspectives. Invited presentation, International Workshop on HIV and Transgender People, 2021, Virtual.

  • Recovering social work histories: Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans during the Great Depression [Colloquium]. University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, Chicago, Illinois.

  • Williams, A. (2021, October). Learning and Community: Graduate Students’ Experiences Seeking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education and Engagement Opportunities. Association for the Study of Higher Education.

  • Anderson, O., Mattison, D., Fitzgerald, M., & Smith, L. (2021). An experiential IPE opportunity to expose students to the social and environmental complexities of healthcare. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center Annual Conference.

  • Watkins, DC. Centering Race in Health Equity Research and Leadership. Diabetes Peer Support Special Interest Group. Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research (MCDTR). April 7, 2021

  • Fuller, R. J. Persons, J., Woods, D., Bornheimer, L. A., Stadnick, N., Dopp, A., & Graham, A. K. (2021, November). Using technology to improve access, engagement, research, and outcomes with cognitive behavioral therapy. Clinical roundtable (virtual) at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

  • Co-Planner and Facilitator “Major Minor Feelings: An AAPI Experience”. (2021 April). Michigan Medicine Office of Health Equity and Inclusion. [Ann Arbor, MI]

  • Smith, M. J., Sherwood, K., Ross, B., Smith, J. D., Smith, L. D., Bishop, L., Humm, L., Elkins, J., & Steacy, C. (2021, April). Virtual Interview Training for Transition-Age Autistic Youth: results of a randomized controlled feasibility and effectiveness trial. Poster presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting.

  • Shanks, T., Sherraden, M., Romich, J., Castro Baker, A., & Pate, D. (2021). Policy Ideas that Rise to the Challenge of COVID-19 and Reduce Inequality: Learning from the Past to Shape the Future. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Roundtable. Virtual Conference, January 22, 2021.

  • Anderson-Butcher, D., Wheeler, D., Leung, P., Shanks, T., Clapp, J. & Dawson, B.A. (2021). Navigating the Path to Full Professor. SSWR Research and Capacity Development Committee. February 10, 2021.


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