Participants requesting social work CE hours will receive a certificate upon completion of an evaluation after each individual course within the program. For more information about certificates, please see the CE policies page (
Students can add a class through their schedule in Wolverine Access until the drop/add deadline determined by the University Academic Calendar on the University's Office of the Registrar website.
To enroll, you must complete the online registration form and submit your payment. You will be asked to share why you are interested in this certificate and your goals for participating in the program. Your registration is not complete until the payment is submitted.
Students can drop a class through their schedule in Wolverine Access until the drop/add deadline determined by the University Academic Calendar on the University's Office of the Registrar website. Students cannot drop all registered elections under any given program in a term. (see How do I withdraw or disenroll from the term).
Please review the Transfer Applicants webpage for information and a form to request a review of potential transfer credits.
The University prefers you book your travel through the Chrome River system on Wolverine Access to access Conlin Travel. Conlin Travel (a FROSCH company), the university's designated travel agency, offers faculty and staff access to U-M negotiated rates on airfare, hotels, rental cars, and more for business travel.
Students can apply to Rackham for a leave of absence for specific reasons defined in their guidelines. "A leave will be granted to students for illness or injury, to provide care or assistance for family and dependents, to meet military service obligations, or for other personal reasons." Specific information regarding the leave of absence policies can be found on their website.
This can vary from student to student depending on individual circumstances. The general rule is this: Register for the courses needed to fulfill MSW degree requirements under the appropriate social work program. Also register for the courses needed to fulfill the other program's degree requirements (i.e. Rackham) under that program. Additional questions about which program to enroll classes under can be directed to the School Registrar.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106