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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Font, S. & Maguire-Jack, K. (2020). It’s not “just poverty”: Educational, social, and economic functioning among young adults exposed to childhood neglect, abuse, and poverty. Child Abuse and Neglect, 101, 104356.
  2. Maguire-Jack, K., Jespersen, B., Korbin, J., & Spilsbury, J. (2020). Rural child maltreatment: A scoping review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 22(5), 1316-1325.
  3. Marco, M., Maguire-Jack, K., Gracia, E., & López-Quílez, A. (2020). Disadvantaged neighborhoods and the spatial overlap of substantiated and unsubstantiated child maltreatment referrals. Child Abuse and Neglect, 104, 104477.
  4. Yoon, S., Dillard, R., Pei, F., Shockley McCarthy, K., Beaujolais, B., Wang, X., Maguire-Jack, K., Wolf, K., & Cochey, S. (2020). Defining resilience in maltreated children from the practitioners’ perspectives: A qualitative study. Child Abuse and Neglect, 106, 104516.
  5. Acri, M., Bornheimer, L. A., Hamovitch, E., & Lambert, K. (2020). Outcomes associated with adapting a research-supported treatment for children with behavior disorders. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(1), 74-83.
  6. Hamovitch, E., Acri, M., Bornheimer, L. A., Falek, I., Lambert, K., & Galler, M. (2020). Providers’ perspectives on implementing a multiple family group for children with disruptive behavior. Child and Family Studies, 29, 1008-2020.
  7. Choy-Brown, M., Hamovitch, E. K., Bornheimer, L. A., & Acri, M. C. (2020). Getting to the table: Agency characteristics and evidence-based intervention adoption. Children and Youth Services Review, 110, 1-7.
  8. Bornheimer, L. A., Wang, K., Zhang, A., Li, J., Trim, E. E., Ilgen, M., & King, C. (2020). National trends in non-fatal suicide behaviors among adults in the United States from 2009-2017. Psychological Medicine, 1-9.
  9. Yarrington, J. A., LeBeau, R. T., Ruiz, J., Bornheimer, L. A., Himle, J., & Craske, M. G. (2020). Exploring factors related to suicide risk in a unique sample of socially anxious job seekers. The Behavior Therapist, 43(8), 325-334.
  10. Smith, M. J., Bornheimer, L. A., Li, J., Blajeski, S., Hiltz, B., Fischer, D. J., Check, K., & Ruffolo, M. (2020). Computerized clinical training simulations with virtual clients abusing alcohol: Initial feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness. Clinical Social Work Journal, 49(2), 184-196.
  11. Faber, J., & Friedline, T. (2020). The racialized costs of “traditional” banking in segregated America: Evidence from entry-level checking accounts. Race and Social Problems.
  12. Friedline, T., Chen, Z., & Morrow, S. (2020). Families’ financial stress & well-being: The importance of the economy and economic environments. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
  13. Friedline, T., Franklin, T., Morrow, S., & Kugiya, J. (2020). The promises and perils of community benefits agreements: Evidence from public comments to a large bank merger. Journal of Community Practice, 28(4), 337-355.
  14. Friedline, T. (2020). Banking on a Revolution: Why Financial Technology Won’t Save a Broken System. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  15. Herrenkohl, T., Hong, S. & Verbrugge, B. (2020). Advancing trauma-informed programs in schools: Recommendations to advance systems change. APSAC Advisor, 32(1), 10-16.
  16. Weaver, A., Hahn, J., Tucker, K. M., Bybee, D., Yugo, K., Johnson, J. M., Buccalo, N., Pfeiffer, P., Kilbourne, A., & Himle, J. A. (2020). Depressive symptoms, material hardship, barriers to help seeking, and receptivity to church-based care among recipients of food bank services in rural Michigan. Social Work in Mental Health, 18(5), 515-535.
  17. Duntley-Matos, R. M., Ortega, R. M. & Matos, M. (2020). Where’s social work? A critical analysis of gender invisibility, ethical conflict, and advocacy in medical teams. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 18(3), 1-10.
  18. Backes, B., Fedina, L, & Holmes, J. (2020). The criminal justice system response to intimate partner stalking: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative research. Journal of Family Violence, 35(7), 665-678.
  19. DeVylder, J., Fedina, L., & Link, B. (2020). Impact of police violence on mental health: A theoretical framework. American Journal of Public Health, 110(11), 1704-1710.
  20. Jackson, A., Fedina, L., DeVylder, J., & Barth, R. (2020). Victimized by the state: Police violence and associations with public perceptions of the police. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
  21. Stein, S. F., Prakken, K., Grogan-Kaylor, A. C., Galano, M. M., Clark, H. M., & Graham-Bermann, S. A. (2020). Longitudinal correlates of maternal involvement and spanking in Spanish-speaking Latinas who have experienced intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  22. Lee, J. Y., Volling, B. L., & Lee, S. J. (2020). Testing the father-child activation theory: A replication study with low-income unmarried parents. Psychology of Men and Masculinities (Special Issue on Fathering: New Perspectives, Paradigms, and Possibilities).
  23. Wiley, C., Jen, S., Storer, H. & Gonzalez Benson, O. (2020). Discursive decisions: Signposts to guide the use of critical discourse analysis in social work. Qualitative Social Work.
  24. Ward, K. P., & Lee, S. J. (2020). Mothers’ and fathers’ parenting stress, responsiveness, and child wellbeing among low-income families. Children and Youth Services Review.
  25. Gilbert, T., & the Michigan Center for Youth Justice. (2020). COVID-19 in the Michigan Youth Justice System: Crisis, Response, and Opportunity.


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