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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. An R, Kang H, Cao L, & Xiang X. (2020). Engagement in outdoor physical activity under ambient fine particulate matter pollution: a risk-benefit analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 63(6-7), 662-664.
  2. Xiang X., Ning Y., & Kayser J. (2020). The implications of COVID-19 for the mental health care of older adults: Insights from emergency department social workers. Journal of Gerontologic Social Work, 63(6-7), 662-664.
  3. Xiang X., Lai P., Bao L., Sun Y., Chen J., Dunkle R., & Maust D. (2020). Dual trajectories of social isolation and dementia in older adults: A population-based longitudinal study. Journal of Aging and Health, 33(1-2), 63-74.
  4. Jackson Levin, N., Kattari, S. K., Piellusch, E. & Watson, E. (2020). “We just take care of each other”: Navigating ‘Chosen Family ’in the context of health, illness, and the mutual provision of care amongst queer and transgender young adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Special Issue on Health Inequalities and Social Support among LGBTQ+ Populations, 17(19), 7356.
  5. Garvin, C., Gutiérrez, L., & Davis, L. E. (2020). Social work luminaries: Luminaries who contributed to social work theory and scholarship in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Oxford Press.
  6. Garvin, C., Gutiérrez, L., & Davis, L. E. (2020). Social work luminaries: Luminaries contributing to the founding of social work practice, policy, and research in the United States. Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Oxford Press.
  7. Garvin, C., Gutiérrez, L., & Davis, L. E. (2020). Social work luminaries: Luminaries contributing to the clarification and elaboration of social work practice and theory. Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Oxford Press.
  8. Smith, M. J., Mitchell, J., Blajeski, S., Parham, B., Harrington, M., Ross, B., Sinco, B., Brydon, D. M., Johnson, J. E., Cuddeback, G. S., Smith, J. D., Jordan, N., Bell, M. D., McGeorge, R., Kaminski, K., Suganuma, A., & Kubiak, S. (2020). Enhancing vocational training in corrections: A type 1 hybrid randomized controlled trial to evaluate virtual reality job interview training among returning citizens preparing for community re-entry. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 19, 100604.
  9. Taylor, R. J., Taylor, H. O., Nguyen, A. W., & Chatters, L. M. (2020). Social isolation from family and friends and mental health among African Americans and Black Caribbeans. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90(4), 468.
  10. Mouzon, D. M., Taylor, R. J., & Chatters, L. M. (2020). Gender differences in marriage, romantic involvement, and desire for romantic involvement among older African Americans. PLOS ONE, 15(5), e0233836.
  11. Nguyen, A. W., Taylor, R. J., Chatters, L. M., Taylor, H. O., & Woodward, A. T. (2020). Professional service use among older African Americans, Black Caribbeans, and Non-Hispanic Whites for serious health and emotional problems. Social Work in Health Care, 59(3), 199-217.
  12. Nguyen, A. W., Taylor, R. J., Taylor, H. O., & Chatters, L. M. (2020). Objective and subjective social isolation and psychiatric disorders among African Americans. Clinical Social Work Journal, 48(1), 87-98.
  13. Taylor, R. J., & Chatters, L. M. (2020). Psychiatric disorders among older Black Americans: within-and between-group differences. Innovation in Aging, 4(3), igaa007.
  14. Schulz, A. J., Mehdipanah, R., Chatters, L. M., Reyes, A. G., Neblett Jr, E. W., & Israel, B. A. (2020). Moving health education and behavior upstream: Lessons from COVID-19 for addressing structural drivers of health inequities. Health Education and Behavior, 47(4), 519-524.
  15. Chatters, L. M., Taylor, H. O., & Taylor, R. J. (2020). Older Black Americans during COVID-19: Race and age double jeopardy. Health Education and Behavior, 47(6), 855-860.
  16. Mouzon, D. M., Taylor, R. J., Nguyen, A. W., Ifatunji, M. A., & Chatters, L. M. (2020). Everyday discrimination typologies among older African Americans: gender and socioeconomic status. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(9), 1951-1960.
  17. Taylor, R., & Chatters, L. (2020). Church and family informal social support networks of African Americans. Innovation in Aging, 4(Suppl 1), 658.
  18. Rivkin, I., Black, J., Lopez, E. D. S., Filardi, E., Salganek, M., Newman, J., Haire, J., Nanouk, M., Philip, J., Charley, D., & Wexler, L. (2020). Integrating mentorship and digital storytelling to promote wellness for Alaska Native youth. Journal of American Indian Education, 59(2 & 3), 169-193.
  19. McLaughlin, S., Kim, S., Li, L. W., & Zhang, J. (2020). Educational differences in trajectories and determinants of healthy ageing in midlife and older Americans. Maturitas, 134, 21-28.
  20. Font, S. A., Maguire-Jack, K., & Dillard, R. (2020). The Decision to Substantiate Allegations of Child altreatment. In J.D. Fluke, M. López, R., Benbenishty, E.J. Knorth, & D. Baumann (Eds.), Decision-Making and Judgment in Child Welfare and Protection: Theory, Research, and Practice. Oxford Scholarship: Online.
  21. Ruppert, R., Sussman, S. Y., & Kattari, S. K. (2020). Review: Prevalence and co-occurrence of addictions among sexual minority subgroups. The Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health, 1(3), 210-248.
  22. Rodems, R. & Shaefer, H. L. (2020). Many of the kids are not alright: Material hardship in the United States. Children and Youth Services Review, 112.
  23. Evangelist, M. & Shaefer, H. L. (2020). No place called home: Student homelessness and structural explanations. Social Service Review, 94(1), 4-35.
  24. Shaefer, H. L., Fusaro, V., Wu, P. & Edin, K. (2020). The decline of cash assistance and the well-being of poor households with children? Social Forces, 98(3), 1000-1025.
  25. Ribaudo, J. Safyer, P., & Stein, S. F. (2020). S.A.F.E Communication and Covid-19: A resource for parents. Tender Press Books.


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