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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Vaughn, M. G., Perron, B., Beaver, K. M., DeLisi, M., & Wexler, J. (2009). Transactional pathways in the development of externalizing behaviors in a sample of kindergarten children with impaired self-control. In F. Columbus (Ed.), Control Theory and Its Applications.
  2. Perron, B., Alexander-Eitzman, B., Watkins, D., Taylor, R., Neighbors, H. W., & Jackson, J. S. (2009). Ethnic differences in delays to treatment for substance use disorders: African Americans, Black Caribbeans and Non-Hispanic Whites. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41(4), 369-377.
  3. Perron, B. E., Howard, M. O., Vaughn, M. G., & Jarman, C. N. (2009). Inhalant withdrawal as a clinically significant feature of inhalant dependence disorder. Medical Hypotheses, 73(6), 935-937.
  4. Perron, B. E., Mowbray, O. P., Glass, J. E., Delva, J., Vaughn, M. G., & Howard, M. O. (2009). Differences in service utilization and barriers among Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites with drug use disorders. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 13(4).
  5. Woodward, A. T., Bullard, K. M., Taylor, R. J., Chatters, L. M., Baser, R. E., & Perron, B. E. (2009). Use of complementary and alternative medicines for mental and substance use disorders: A comparison of African Americans Black Caribbeans, and non-Hispanic Whites. Psychiatric Services, 60(190), 1342-1349.
  6. Kilbourne, A. M., Perron, B. E., Mezuk, B., Welsh, D., Ilgen, M., & Bauer, M. S. (2009). Co-occurring conditions and health-related quality of life in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(8), 894-900.
  7. Vaughn, M. G., Fu, Q., Delisi, M., Beaver, K. M., Perron, B. E., Terrell, K., & Howard, M. O. (2009). Correlates of cruelty to animals in the United States: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 43(15), 1213-1218.
  8. Garland, E. L., Howard, M. O., & Perron, B. E. (2009). Nitrous oxide inhalant among adolescents: Prevalence, correlates, and co-occurrence with volatile solvent inhalation. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41(4), 337-347.
  9. Vaughn, M. G., Beaver, K., DeLisi, M., Howard, M. O., & Perron, B. E. (2009). Dopamine D4 receptor gene associated with binge drinking phenotype. Alcohol, 43(3), 179-184.
  10. Perron, B., & Howard, M. O. (2009). Adolescent inhalant use, abuse, and dependence. Addiction, 104(7), 1185-1192.
  11. Perron, B. E., Jarman, C., & Kilbourne, A. M. (2009). Access to conventional mental health and medical care among users of complementary and alternative medicine with bipolar disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(4), 287-290.
  12. Perron, B. E., Howard, M. O., Nienhuis, J. K., Bauer, M., Woodward, A., & Kilbourne, A. M. (2009). Prevalence and burden of general medical conditions among adults with bipolar-I disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70(10), 1407-1415.
  13. Howard, M. O., & Perron, B. E. (2009). A survey of inhalant use disorder among delinquent youth: Prevalence, clinical features, and latent structure of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. BCM Psychiatry, 9(8).
  14. Perron, B. E., Howard, M. O., Maitra, S., & Vaughn, M. G. (2009). Prevalence, timing, and predictors of transitions from inhalant use to inhalant use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 100(3), 277-284.
  15. Delva. J., Dietz, N. A., Perron, B., Sanchez, N., & Woolley, M. E. (2009). Adult awareness of a youth-focused anti-tobacco campaign: Does having children matter? Substance Use and Misuse, 44(6), 763-774.
  16. Vaughn, M. G., Beaver, K., Delisi, M., & Perron, B. E. (2009). Gene-environment interplay and the importance of self-control in predicting substance-related problems. Addictive Behaviors, 34(1), 112-116.
  17. Perron, B., Zeber, J, Bauer, M., & Kilbourne, A. (2009). A brief measure of perceived clinician support by patients with bipolar spectrum disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(8), 574-579.
  18. Hasche, L., Perron, B. E., & Proctor, E. K. (2009). Making time for dissertation grants: Strategies for social work students and educators. Research on Social Work Practice, 19, 340-350.
  19. Nicklett, E. J., & Burgard, S. A. (2009). Downward social mobility and major depressive episodes among Latino and Asian American Immigrants to the United States. American Journal of Epidemiology, 170(6), 793-801.
  20. Tropman, J. (2009). High performance teams: Having effective and efficient meetings. Effective Executive 39-44. The Icfai University Press.
  21. Richards-Schuster, K. (2009). Speaking for themselves: Multicultural, participatory evaluation with young people. In X. Ucar (Ed.), Enfoques Y Experiencias Internacionales. Barcelona: GRAO.
  22. Momper, S. L. (2009). [Review of the book Indigenous social work around the world: Towards culturally relevant education and practice, Mel Gray, John Coates, and Michael Yellow Bird (Eds),]. Qualitative Social Work, 8(4), 540-548.
  23. Kossoudji, S. & Gant, L. (2009). Evaluating GEAR-UP Over Time: Student Outcomes. State of Michigan.
  24. Checkoway, B. (2009). Multicultural participation in an Israeli neighborhood. Community Development Journal, 46(1), 42-56.
  25. Richards-Schuster, K., & Checkoway, B. (2009). Youth participation in public policy at the local level: New lessons from Michigan municipalities. National Civic Review, 98, 26-31.


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