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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Brower, K. J., & Perron, B. E. (2010). Sleep disturbance as a universal risk factor for relapse in addictions to psychoactive substances. Medical Hypotheses, 74(5), 928-33.
  2. Brower, K. J., & Perron, B. E. (2010). Prevalence and correlates of withdrawal-related insomnia among adults with alcohol dependence: Results from a national survey. American Journal of Addictions, 19(3), 238-244.
  3. Jarman, C. N., Perron, B. E., Kilbourne, A. M., & Teh, C. F. (2010). Perceived treatment effectiveness, medication compliance, and complementary and alternative medicine use among veterans with bipolar disorder. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(3), 251-255.
  4. Perron, B. E., Gillespie, D. F., Alexander-Eitzman, B., & Delva, J. (2010). Availability of outpatient substance use disorder treatment programs in the United States. Substance Use and Misuse, 45(7-8), 1097-1111.
  5. Vaughn, M. G., Fu, Q., DeLisi, M., Wright, J. P., Beaver, K. M., Perron, B. E., & Howard, M. O. (2010). Prevalence and correlates of fire-setting in the United States: Results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 51(3), 217-223.
  6. Howard, M. O., Perron, B. E., Vaughn, M., Bender, K., & Garland, E. (2010). Inhalant use, inhalant-use disorders, and antisocial behavior: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71(2), 201-209.
  7. Powell, T. J., & Perron, B. E. (2010). Self-help groups and mental health/substance use agencies: The benefits of organizational exchange. Substance Use and Misuse, 45(3), 315-329.
  8. Perron, B. E., Fries, L. E., Kilbourne, A. M., Vaughn, M. G., & Bauer, M. S. (2010). Racial/ethnic group differences in bipolar symptomatology in a community sample of persons with bipolar I disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198(1), 16-21.
  9. Sanchez, N., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Castillo, M., Caballero, G., & Delva, J. (2010). Sexual intercourse among adolescents in Santiago, Chile: A study of individual and parenting factors. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 28(4), 267-274.
  10. Holland, S., Burgess, S., Grogan-Kaylor, A., & Delva, J. (2010). Understanding neighbourhoods, communities and environments: New approaches for social work research. The British Journal of Social Work 1-19.
  11. McLaughlin, S. J., Connell, C. M., Heeringa, S. G., Li, L. W., & Roberts, S. (2010). Successful aging in the United States: Prevalence estimates from a national sample of older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 65B(2), 216-226.
  12. Li, L. W., & Conwell, Y. (2010). Pain and self-injury ideation in elderly men and women receiving home care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 2160-2165.
  13. Taylor, R. J., Chatters, L. M., Mattis, J. S., & Joe, S. (2010). Religious involvement among Caribbean blacks in the United States. Review of Religious Research, 52(2), 125-145.
  14. Yi, J., & Zebrack, B. (2010). Self-portraits of families with young adult cancer survivors: Using photovoice. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28(3), 219-243.
  15. Tropman, J. E. (2010). The history of the MSW/MBA program at the University of Michigan: 1987-2009. Shukutoku Research Bulletin, Special Issue 41-56.
  16. Momper, S. L. (2010). Implications of American Indian gambling for social work research and practice. Social Work: Special Issue on Integrative Reviews, 55(2), 139-146.
  17. Momper, S. L., & Dennis, M. K. (2010). American Indian women report on the community impact of a tribal casino. Race and Social Problems, 2(1), 59-68.
  18. Kossoudji, S. (2010). Cybermind [Review of the book Technology and inquiry: Future, present, and past]. Qualitative Social Work.
  19. Hollingsworth, L. D., Bybee, D., Johnson, E. I., & Swick, D. C. (2010). A comparison of caseworker characteristics in public and private foster care agencies. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 578-584.
  20. Williams Shanks, T., & Danziger, S. K. (2010). Antipoverty policies and programs for families and children. In J. Jenson & M. Fraser (Eds.) , Social Policy for Children and Families: A Risk and Resilience Perspective (2nd ed.). 25-56. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  21. Danziger, S. K. (2010). The decline of cash welfare and implications for social policy and poverty. Annual Review of Sociology, 36, 523-545.
  22. Checkoway, B., & Fisher, R. (2010). Facilitation of intergroup dialogues for youth empowerment and community change. In K. Maxwell, R. Nagda, & M. Thompson (Eds.), Intergroup Dialogue Facilitation: Bridging Differences, Catalyzing Change. Herndon: Stylus Publishing.
  23. Chadiha, L. A., & Sanders, S. (2010). Revisiting Gibson's guest editorial on "Minority Aging Research: Opportunity and Challenge" 20 years later. African American Research Perspectives, 13, 1-5.
  24. Nápoles, A. M., Chadiha, L. A., Eversley, R., & Moreno-John, G. (2010). Developing culturally sensitive dementia caregiver interventions: Are we there yet? American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 25(5), 389-406.
  25. Zebrack, B. (2010). Cancer and job loss. Oncology Nurse Edition, 24(4), 19.


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