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PhD Research Publications

  1. Vitalis Im
  2. Yuliya A. Shyrokonis
  3. EB  Gross
  4. Sunghyun Hong
  5. Brittany Ribeiro Brown
    Watkins, D. C., Brown, B. R., Abelson, J. M., & Ellis, J. (2023). First-Generation Black College Men and the Value of Cohort-Based Programs: Addressing Inequities Through the YBMen Project. Health promotion with adolescent boys and young men of colour: Global strategies for advancing research, policy, and practice in context. Springer: New York, NY.
  6. Ronke G. Olawale
  7. Danae Ross
  8. Olivia D. Chang
    Marçal, K. E., Chang, O. D., Park, Y., & Maguire-Jack, K. (2023). Material hardship in the postpartum year: Links to child maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106438.
  9. Olivia D. Chang
    Maguire-Jack, K., Chang, O. D., Adelgais, K., & Leonard, J. (2023). Neighborhood risks and child maltreatment investigations: A comparison across urban and rural contexts. International Journal of Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy, and Practice, 6, 595-611.
  10. Olivia D. Chang
  11. Olivia D. Chang
    Chang, O. D., Ward, K. P., & Lee, S. J. (2023). Examining coping strategies and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence for the protective role of problem-focused coping. Health and Social Work.
  12. Jay R Kayser
  13. Sunghyun Hong
  14. Vitalis Im
  15. Sunghyun Hong
  16. Valerie Taing
    Taing, V. (2023). Rethinking Concepts of Care and Labor as an Intersectional Politics of Redistribution. In S. Pinto and J. C. Nash. The Routledge Companion to Intersectionalities 608-613. New York, NY: Routledge.
  17. Valerie Taing
  18. So'Phelia Morrow
  19. Vitalis Im
    Bornheimer, L. A., Wastler, H., Li Verdugo, J., Im, V., Burke, H., Holzworth, J., Velasquez, E., & Mahmood, M. (2023). Depression, suicide intent, and plan among adults presenting in an emergency department after making a suicide attempt: Exploratory differences by psychosis experience. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 157, 197-201.
  20. Brittani Symone Parham
  21. Kari Sherwood
  22. Kari Sherwood


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