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Matt Conahan

Coverdell Fellow Student Admitted 2023

Matt (he/him/his) was born and raised in Michigan. His journeys and work have taken him around the country and the world. Working mostly in technology after graduating from Michigan State University with a degree in journalism (specializing in photojournalism) Matt has lived and worked in Maryland, Chicago, Virginia, Belize, and the Bay area of California, where he spent the bulk of his post-degree years after serving in Belize as a Peace Corps information technology and then as an HIV/AIDs education volunteer. Returning to Michigan after nearly 14 years in California, Matt was far into the process of managing his own farm when illness stopped him from realizing his goal of making the farm a residential therapeutic treatment farm. Determined to continue his lifelong desire to serve others, Matt entered the MSW program with the intention of helping others who face life-altering illnesses. Matt enjoys spending time with his family as well as hiking (he has hiked the entire Pacific Crest Trail), running, reading, and fishing. As a Coverdell Fellow, Matt hopes to learn how to best help patients facing undiagnosed diseases.

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