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Reilly Krawczyk

Global Activities Scholars Program

After a decade living in Arizona, Reilly (she/her/hers) returns to her Michigan roots where she was born and raised. She received her BSW from Northern Arizona University, complemented by minors in French and Psychological Sciences, where she uncovered a profound passion for understanding the complexities of international systems, particularly those affecting refugees, immigrants, and vulnerable family dynamics. Additionally, Reilly’s wanderlust has taken her to diverse corners of the world, with extensive stays in Southeast Asia, Western Europe, and Central America. Her travels have driven her to investigate critical global social justice issues, including sex trafficking in Thailand, international human rights law in France, the practice of Chhaupadi in Nepal, and migration patterns from the Maghreb region in Africa. Reilly has social work experience with survivors of domestic violence abuse, and currently interns with an institute in their legal immigration program. As a Global Activities Scholars Program recipient, she desires to expand her skillset to effectively cultivate grounds for creating a network of opportunities to serve local populations, advance social justice, dismantle institutional oppression, and promote human equality. When Reilly takes a break from her studies, she enjoys backpacking, kayaking, teaching dance, discovering coffee shops, reading, and playing games with friends.

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