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Laura Sanchez

Global Activities Scholars Program

Laura was born and raised in northern México, but spent every summer visiting family in Detroit, Michigan. Michigan has been her home for the past five years; she graduated from the University of Michigan-Dearborn in 2016 with double majors in International Studies and Women's and Gender Studies. Following a study abroad experience in Spain, she wrote her senior independent study on immigration patterns of Latin American woman-headed migrations to Spain. Most recently, she spent ten months working as an Americorps-Public Allies member at her placement with the mental health department at ACCESS, a non-profit centered around the needs of Arab-Americans in Michigan. Laura wishes to obtain her MSW in order to work with immigrant communities to advocate for a just and equitable society for all. In addition, she wishes to practically expand her academic interests of analyzing how dimensions of gender and politics transcend national borders, and affect immigrant and refugee communities. Laura is excited to travel as a part of the Global Activities Scholars program to expand her community organizing skills abroad!

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