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SSW aspires to create and maintain an educational and working environment that is respectful of differences and free from harassing behavior. Michigan Social Work promotes education, empowerment, and engagement for transgender, bisexual, lesbian, gay, questioning, intersex and ally constituents throughout the School of Social Work.


  • Provide students, faculty, and staff with tools and basic knowledge related to the TBLGQIA+ communities
  • Educate and show evidence about the connections between transphobia, homophobia, sexism, capitalism, imperialism, multiple-oppressions, war and control, the prison system, social control, poverty, and other oppressions.
  • Encourage the practice of principles of self-determination.
  • Educate about gender identity, gender expression, and the realities of transgender people. Present the experiences and lives of TBLGQIA+ people as complex and reflective of multiple identities.


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