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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Williams, E. D., & Smith, M. J. (2023). Virtual interview training among BIPOC autistic transition-age youth: A secondary analysis of an initial effectiveness RCT. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  2. Genova, H. M., Haas, M., Chen, Y., Elsayed, H., McGrath, R. E., & Smith, M. J. (2023). Development and adaptation of a strength-based joob interview training tool for transition age youth on the autism spectrum using community engaged methods. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.
  3. Smith, M. J., Sherwood, K., Genova, H., Ross, B., DaWalt, L., Bishop, L., Telfer, D., Brown, C.,Sanchez, B., & Kallen, M. A. (2023). Psychometric properties of the mock interview rating scale for autistic transition-age youth. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.
  4. Blajeski, S., Smith, M. J., Harrington, M., Johnson, J., Ross, B., Weaver, A., Razzano, L. A., Jordan, N., Oulvey, E. A., Mueser, K. T., McGruk, S., Bell, M. D., & Smith, J. D. (2023). A mixed-method implementation evaluation of Virtual Reality Job Interview Training for individuals with serious mental illness in IPS-supported employment. Psychiatric Services, 75(3), 228-236.
  5. Hall, S. V., Zivin, K., Piatt, G. A., Weaver, A., Tilea, A., Zhang, X., & Moyer, C. A. (2023). Racial disparities in diagnosis of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders among symptomatic Medicaid enrollees, 2015–2015. Psychiatric Services.
  6. Hall, S. V., Zivin, K., Piatt, G. A., Weaver, A., Tilea, A., Zhang, X., & Moyer, C. A. (2023). Factors associated with mental health treatment among Michigan medicaid enrollees with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, 2012–2015. General Hospital Psychiatry, 83, 164-171.
  7. Weaver, A., Landry C., Jacobson, M., Whitted, R., Zeaiter, H., Ross, D., Hall, S., Holzworth, J., Egbuogu, B., Smith, F. N., & Butterfield, A. (2023). Initiating perinatal depression screening in rural WIC clinics: WIC provider perceptions of barriers and facilitators. Social Work in Mental Health, 6, 701-735.
  8. Yoon, S., Maguire-Jack, K., Ploss, A., Benavides, J. L., & Chang, Y. (2023). Contextual factors of child behavioral health across developmental stages. Development and Psychopathology, 36(2), 660-673.
  9. Marçal, K. E., Chang, O. D., Park, Y., & Maguire-Jack, K. (2023). Material hardship in the postpartum year: Links to child maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106438.
  10. Solomon, A., Maguire-Jack, K., & Marçal, K. E. (2023). Neighborhoods and child abuse: Multiple information perspectives. Child Abuse & Neglect, 144, 106331.
  11. Maguire-Jack, K., Chang, O. D., Adelgais, K., & Leonard, J. (2023). Neighborhood risks and child maltreatment investigations: A comparison across urban and rural contexts. International Journal of Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy, and Practice, 6, 595-611.
  12. Marçal, K., Showalter, K., & Maguire-Jack, K. (2023). The impact of state workplace protections on socioeconomic outcomes of IPV survivors. Journal of Family Violence.
  13. Baron, E. J., Jacob, B., & Ryan, P. (2023). Pretrial juvenile detention. Journal of Public Economics, 217, 104798.
  14. Baron, E. J., Goldstein, E. G., & Ryan, J. (2023). The push for racial equity in child welfare: Can blind removals reduce disproportionality? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 42(2), 456-487.
  15. O’Donnell, L. A., Brydon, D. M., & Gonzalez-Prendes, A. (2023). Technological advances in cognitive behavioral therapy and clinical practice: Challenges in an evolving field. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 75(4), 186-190.
  16. Rodriguez, C. M., Lee, S. J., & Ward, K. P. (2023). Applying socio-emotional information processing theory to explain child abuse risk: Emerging patterns from COVID-19 pandemic. Child Abuse and Neglect, 135.
  17. Lee, S. J. (2023). Social workers should stand against physical punishment of children. Social Work, 68(3), 241-249.
  18. Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Yoon, S., Kirsch, J., Pace, G. T., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2023). Family stress processes underlying material hardship and parental detachment and warmth amongst racially diverse fathers and mothers with low income. Journal of Family Violence.
  19. Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Oh, S., Xu, A., Radney, A., & Rodriguez, C. M. (2023). Family stress processes underlying COVID-19 related economic insecurity and children's internalizing behavior problems. Journal of Family Psychology.
  20. Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Ward, K. P., Pace, G. T., & Chang, O. D. (2023). Shared parental responsiveness amongst fathers and mothers with low income and early child outcomes. Family Relations.
  21. Lee, J. Y., & Lee, S. J. (2023). Implementing a text messaging intervention to engage fathers in home visiting. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 27, 1697-1704.
  22. Ward, K. P., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Ma. J., Pace, G. T., & Lee, S. J. (2023). Associations between 11 parental discipline behaviors and child outcomes across 60 countries. British Medical Journal Open, 13(10).
  23. Chang, O. D., Ward, K. P., & Lee, S. J. (2023). Examining coping strategies and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence for the protective role of problem-focused coping. Health and Social Work.
  24. Blanco, S., Aramburu, J., Grimes, E., Lucio, J., & Cross, F. L. (2023). Sharing the burden: Latinx immigrant parents and teens' sociopolitical discussions and their impact on youth mental health. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development.
  25. Cross, F. L., Marchand, A., Diaz, M., Ledón, C., Waller, A., & Kruger, D. (2023). The role of documentation status concerns, perceived discrimination, and social support on Latinx adults' physical and mental health,. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.


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