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Nicoll, K., Richards-Schuster, K. & Ruffolo, M. (2017). Beyond service-learning: Helping undergraduates define and plan for civic engagement. In Soria, K. & Mitchell, T. (Eds.), Educating for Citizenship and Social Justice: Practices for Community Engagement at Research Universities. Chicago: Lyceum.
Perron, B., Vaughn, M., Ryan, J., Salas-Wright, C., Ruffolo, M. & Guerrero, E. (2014). Predictive validity of self-reported head injury among delinquent youth. In M. DeLisis & M. G. Vaughn (Eds.), International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Ruffolo, M. (2014). Practice interventions with adolescents. In Edward J. Mullen (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ruffolo, M., & Allen-Meares, P. (2013). Intervention with children. In M. Holosko, C. Dulmas, & K. Sowers (Eds.), Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: A Foundation of Social Work. Wiley Publications.