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School of Social Work Research Publications for Mary C. Ruffolo

  1. Sarri, R., Ruffolo, M., Goodkind, S., Albertson, C. & Allen, J. (2003). Youth in Transition: A Comparative Study of Adolescent Girls in Community-based and Residential Programs. Final Report.
  2. Ruffolo, M. (2003). SAMHSA Final Report: Family Psychoeducation in an Integrated Health Plan.
  3. Ruffolo, M. (2001). Support, empowerment and education group intervention for parents of youth with serious emotional disturbance: Results of a randomized trial. In A. Bridge, L. Gordon, P. Jivanjee, & J. M. King (Eds), Building On Family Strengths: Research and Services in Support of Children and Families: 2000 Conference Proceedings. Portland, OR: Portland State University Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health.
  4. Savas, S., & Ruffolo, M. (2001). Using a three-phase decision-making model to integrate emerging practices. In Hernandez, M. & Hodges, S. (Eds), Developing Outcome Strategies in Children's Mental Health 167-182. MD: Paul A. Brookes.
  5. Ruffolo, M. (2001). NIMH Final Report: First Award R28 Study: Evaluating MFGPI for Parents of Youth with SED.
  6. Ruffolo, M. (2000). Support, empowerment and education: A multiple family group psychoeducational intervention model for parents of children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance. In A. Bridge, L. Gordon, P. Jivanjee, & J. M. King (Eds), Building On Family Strengths: Research and Services in Support of Children and Families: 1998 Conference Proceedings. Portland, OR: Portland State University Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health.
  7. Ruffolo, M. (1999). NIMH Final Report: 3rd BPD-IASWR-NIMH Summer Faculty Development Program.
  8. Ruffolo, M. (1999). NIMH Final Report: 2nd CSWE-NADD-NIMH Faculty/Development Workshop.
  9. Ruffolo, M. C. (1998). [Review of the book Perspectives in case management practice]. Journal of Case Management, 7, 39-40.
  10. Ruffolo, M. C. (1998). Special sections on mental health research in the undergraduate curriculum. The Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 3(4), 67-126.
  11. Ruffolo, M. C. (1998). Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents. In J. B. W. Williams & K. Ell (Eds.), Advances in Mental Health Research: Implications for Practice 399-419. Baltimore: NASW Press.
  12. Ruffolo, M. (1998). Evaluating multiple family group psychoeducational intervention with parent of child with SED. NIMH R29 Grant Progress Report: Year 4.
  13. Ruffolo, M. (1998). 2nd BDP-IASWR-NIMH BSW faculty development program in integrating mental health research in undergraduate curriculum. NIMH Final Report.
  14. Ruffolo, M. (1998). CSWE-NADD-NIMH MSW faculty development program in integrating mental health research in graduate curriculum. NIMH Final Report.
  15. Ruffolo, M. (1997). Challenges in obtaining and implementing a FIRST Award: A new investigator's experience. Social Work Research, 21(3), 186-189.
  16. Ruffolo, M. C. (1997). NADD Task Force on Administrative Research Infrastructures within Schools of Social Work. Challenges and Opportunities For Promoting Federally Funded Research in Social Work Programs.
  17. Ruffolo, M. (1997). First BPD-IASWR-NIMH BSW faculty development program in integrating mental health research in undergraduate curriculum. NIMH Final Report.
  18. Ruffolo, M. (1997). Evaluating multiple family group psychoeducational intervention with parent of child with SED. NIMH R29 Grant Progress Report: Year 3.
  19. Ruffolo, M. (1997). Final report: Undergraduate child welfare training grant. Administration for Children and Families, DHHS.
  20. Bellos, N. & Ruffolo, M. (1997). Update entry. Aged services. Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.).
  21. Ruffolo, M. (1996). Evaluating multiple family group psychoeducational intervention with parent of child with SED. NIMH R29 Grant Progress Report: Year 2.
  22. Bellos, N., & Ruffolo, M. (1995). Aged services. Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.). 156-173. MD: NASW.
  23. Ruffolo, M. (1995). Evaluating multiple family group psychoeducational intervention with parent of child with SED. NIMH R29 Grant Progress Report: Year 1.
  24. Steiner, J., Gross, G., Ruffolo, M., & Murray, J. (1994). Strategic planning in non-profits: Profit from it. Administration in Social Work, 18(2), 87-106.
  25. Ruffolo, M., Sugamele, M., & Taylor-Brown, S. (1994). Scapegoating of mothers: a study of mother-blaming in case studies included in core foundation social work practice textbooks. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 10(1/2), 117-128.


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