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School of Social Work Research Publications for Mary C. Ruffolo

  1. Ruffolo, M., Thoburn, J., & Allen-Meares, P. (2010). Children, young people, and families. In I. Shaw, K. Briar-Lawson, J. Orme & R. Ruckdeschel (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Social Work Research 378-391. London: Sage Publications.
  2. Ortega, R. M., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Ruffolo, M., Clarke, J. & Karb, R. (2010). Racial and ethnic diversity in the initial child welfare experience. In M. B. Webb, K. Dowd, B. J. Harden, J. Landsverk, & M. F. Testa (Eds.), Child Welfare and Child Well-Being; New Perspectives from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being. New York: Oxford University Press.
  3. Ruffolo, M. C. & Fischer, D. J. (2009). Using an Evidence-Based CBT Group Intervention Model for Adolescents with Depression Symptoms: Lessons Learned from a School-Based Adaptation. Child and Family Social Work, 14, 189-197.
  4. Goodkind, S., Ruffolo, M., Bybee, D., & Sarri, R. (2009). Coping as a mediator of the effects of stressors and supports on depression among girls in juvenile justice. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 7, 100-118.
  5. Capobianco, J., Svensson, J., Wiland, S., Fricker, C., & Ruffolo, M. (2008). Guide to Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health. Rockville, MD: National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare.
  6. Ruffolo, M., Fischer, D., Frayley, S., Postlewaite, K., Hill, S., & Neal, D. (2008). Adapting, Manualizing and Evaluating an Evidence Based CBT Group Intervention for Youth with Depressive Symptoms for Delivery in School Based Settings. In C. Canali, T. Vecchiato, & J. K. Whittaker (Eds.), Assessing the Evidence-Base of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and their Families 110-112. Padova, Italy: Fondazione E. Zancan.
  7. Ruffolo, M. C., & Allen-Meares, P. (2008). Intervention with children. In C. N. Dulmus, L. Rapp-Paglicci, W. Rowe, & K. M. Sower (Eds.), Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare: Social Work Practice, 3, 246-267. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  8. Ruffolo, M., Savas, S., Neal. D., Capobianco, J., & Reynolds, K. (2008). The challenges of implementing an evidence-based practice to meet consumer and family needs in a managed behavioral health care environment. Social Work and Health Care, 6.
  9. Ruffolo, M. (2008). Enhancing skills with students vulnerable to under achievement and academic failure. In C. Franklin, M. Harris & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School Practitioner's Concise Companion to Preventing Dropout and Attendance Problems 13-22. New York: Oxford University Press.
  10. Ruffolo, M., Grogan-Kaylor, A. Ortega, R. M., & Clarke, J. (2008). Behaviors of youth involved in the child welfare system. Child Abuse and Neglect, 32(1), 35-49.
  11. Howard, M. O., Allen-Meares, P., & Ruffolo, M. C. (2007). Teaching evidence-based practice: Strategic and pedagogical recommendations for schools of social work. Research on Social Work Practice, 17(5), 561-568.
  12. Capobianco, J., Svensson, J., Wiland, S., Fricker, C., & Ruffolo, M. (2006). Implementing Multiple Evidence-Based Practices in Public Mental Health Organizations: An Implementation Field Guide for Project Managers and Clinical Supervisors. State of Michigan, Department of Community Health Grant publication.
  13. Fischer, F., Fraley, S., Postelwaite, K., Salada, G., Leskinen, E., & Ruffolo, M. (2006). Supervision Manual: Implementing Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in School Settings. State of Michigan, Department of Community Health Grant publication.
  14. Ruffolo, M., Gioia, D., Fischer, D., Himle, J., Adlaf, A., & Lindsay, R. (2006). An Exploratory Study of Parent and Young Adult Perspectives on the Transition from the Child Mental Health System to the Adult Mental Health System. In L. Gordon, J. Bradley, N. Aue, & A. Holman(Eds.), Building on Family Strengths: Research and Services in Support of Children and Families:Conference Proceedings. Portland, OR: Portland State University Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health.
  15. Ruffolo, M. (2006). [Review of the book Redressing the Emperor: Improving out children's public mental health system]. Children and Youth Services Review, 28(7), 858-860.
  16. Ruffolo, M. (2006). Enhancing skills of students vulnerable to underachievement and academic failure. In C. Franklin, M. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-based Professionals 405-411. New York: Oxford University Press.
  17. Ruffolo, M., Kuhn, M., & Evans, M. (2006). Developing a parent-professional team leadership model in group work: Lessons learned in work with families with a child experiencing behavioral/emotional problems. Social Work, 51(1), 39-47.
  18. Ruffolo, M., Kuhn, M., & Evans, M. (2005). Support, empowerment and education: A study of multiple family group psychoeducation. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 13(4), 200-212.
  19. Ruffolo, M., Spencer, M., Bares, C., & Rushton, J. (2005). Examining mental health service needs in pediatric primary care settings. Social Work and Mental Health, 4(1), 33-48.
  20. Ruffolo, M. (2005). CHEAR Medicaid Final Report: Child Mental Health Services Use in the State of Michigan.
  21. Sarri, R. C., Goodkind, S., & Ruffolo, M. (2005). Community-based programs for high-risk adolescent girls: A longitudinal study. Youth and Violence.
  22. Ruffolo, M., & Savas, S. (2004). Mental health issues in juvenile justice residential placements: A multi-method agency evaluation. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 22(1), 19-32.
  23. Ruffolo, M., Sarri, R., & Goodkind, S. (2004). Study of delinquent, diverted and high-risk adolescent girls: Implications for mental health intervention. Social Work Research, 28(4), 237-245.
  24. Neal, D., Ruffolo, M., Spencer, M. & Bares C. (2003). Mental health service needs of children seen in pediatric primary care settings. In W. J. Spitzer (Ed.), Selected Proceedings of the 2003 National Society for Social Work Leadership In Health Care Annual Conference.
  25. Ruffolo, M. C., Evans, M., & Lukens, E. (2003). Primary prevention programs for children in the social service system. Journal of Primary Prevention, 23(4), 425-450.


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