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School of Social Work Research Publications for Daphne C. Watkins

  1. Hong, S., Ribaudo, J. M., Safyer, P., Routte, I. E., & Watkins, D. C. (2025). Advancing psychodynamic-based clinical social work practice to address structural trauma: Integrating neuroscience and attachment theory. Social Work, swaf003.
  2. Opozda, M. J., Galdas, P. M., Watkins, D. C., & Smith, J. A. (2024). Intersecting identities, diverse masculinities, and collaborative development: Considerations in creating online mental health interventions that work for men. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 129, 152443.
  3. Watkins, D. C., Brown, B. R., Abelson, J. M., & Ellis, J. (2023). First-Generation Black College Men and the Value of Cohort-Based Programs: Addressing Inequities Through the YBMen Project. Health promotion with adolescent boys and young men of colour: Global strategies for advancing research, policy, and practice in context. Springer: New York, NY.
  4. Watkins, D. C. & Johnson, N. C. (2023). Advancing education research through mixed methods with existing data. In Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 12.
  5. Watkins, D. C. & Johnson, N. C. (2023). Integrating Secondary Data from Ethically and Racially Minoritized Groups in Mixed Methods Research. In C. Poth and T. Guetterman SAGE Handbook of MMR Designs, Section 4.
  6. Smith, J. A., Watkins, D. C., & Griffith, D. M. (2023). Health promotion with adolescent boys and young men of colour: Global strategies for advancing research, policy, and practice in context. Springer: New York, NY.
  7. Spolum, M., Lopez, W., Watkins, D. C., & Fleming, P. J. (2023). Reducing the harms of policing through alternative unarmed response teams. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S1), S37-S42.
  8. Ahmed, Y., van Bakel, P. A. J., Hou, H., Sukul, D., Likosky, D. S., van Herwaarden, J. A., Patel, H. J., Watkins, D. C., & Thompson, M. P. (2023). Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis, management and outcomes of aortic stenosis in the medicare population. PloS ONE, 18(4), e0281811.
  9. Williams, E. G., Casanova, A., & Watkins, D. C. (2023). Black boys perceptions of depression and mental health: Findings from the YBMen Project. Social Problems.
  10. Gerlach, L. B., Turnwald, M., Geczi, K., O’Neil, T., Watkins, D. C., Bynum, J. P. W., & Maust, D. T. (2023). Factors associated with benzodiazepine and antipsychotic prescribing in hospice: A qualitative study of hospice prescribers. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, S1525-8610 (23), 00397-3.
  11. Watkins, D. C. (2022). Secondary Data in Mixed Methods Research. In V.L. Plano-Clark and N. Ivankova Mixed Methods Research Series. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
  12. Cascino, T. M., Colvin, M., Lanfearb, D., Richards, B., Khalatbari, S., Mann, D. L., Taddei-Peters, W. C., Jeffriese, N., Watkins, D. C., Stewart, G. C., & Aaronson, K. D. (2022). Racial inequities in access to VAD and transplant persist after consideration for preferences for care: A report from the Registry Evaluation for Vital Information for VADs in Ambulatory Life (REVIVAL). Circulation: Heart Failure, 16(1),
  13. Varma, D. S., Samuels, E., Piatt, G., Watkins, D. C., Spiroff, M., Cottler, L., Gaxiola, S. A., & Murphy, S. L. (2022). Community health workers and promotoras' perspectives of a research best practice course: A focus group study. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 6(1), e137.
  14. Ribeiro Brown, B., Williams, E.-D. G., Abelson, J. M., Chandrakapure, A., & Watkins, D. C. (2022). An exploratory case study of the types of resources black boys use to support their mental health. Healthcare 2022, 10, 1082.
  15. Cascino, T. M., Somanchi, S., Colvin, M., Chung, G. S., Brescia, A. A., Pienta, M., Thompson, M. P., Stewart, J. W., Sukul, D., Watkins, D. C., Pagani, F. D., Likosky, D. S., Aaronson, K. D., & McCullough, J. S. (2022). Racial and sex inequities in the use of and outcomes after left ventricular assist device implantation among medicare beneficiaries. Cardiology, 5(7), e2223080.
  16. Goodwill, J. R., Mattis, J., & Watkins, D. C. (2022). "I didn't know who to talk to": Black college men's sources and descriptions of social support. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 23(2), 197-208.
  17. Burns, J. C., Reeves, J., Calvert, W. J., Adams, M., Ozuna-Harrison, R., Smith, M. J., Baranwalt, S., Johnson, K., Rodgers, C. R. R., & Watkins, D. C. (2021). Engaging young black males in reproductive health care: A review of the literature. American Journal of Men's Health, 15(6), 15579883211062024.
  18. Anyiwo, N. A., Rowley, S., & Watkins, D. C. (2021). "They can’t take away the light": Hip-hop culture and Black youth’s racial resistance. Youth and Society, 54(4), 611-634.
  19. Goodwill, J. R., Taylor, R. J., & Watkins, D. C. (2021). Everyday discrimination, depressive symptoms, and suicide ideation among African American men. Archives of Suicide Research, 25(1), 74-93.
  20. Mezuk, B., Needham, B., Joiner, K., Watkins, D. C., Stoddard, S., Burgard, S., & Link, B. (2020). What elephant? Pedagogical approaches to addressing stigma attitudes toward mental disorders in undergraduate public health education. Pedagogy in Health Promotion.
  21. Watkins, D. C., Goodwill, J. R., Johnson, N. C., Casanova, A., Wei, T., Allen, J. O., Williams, E. G., Anyiwo, N., Jackson, Z., Talley, L. M., & Abelson, J. M. (2020). An online behavioral health intervention promoting mental health, manhood, and social support for Black men: The YBMen project. American Journal of Men’s Health, 14(4), 1-17.
  22. Smith, J. A., Griffith, D. M., White, A., Baker, P., Watkins, D. C., Drummond, M., & Semlow, A. (2020). COVID-19, equity and men’s health: Using evidence to inform future public health policy, practice and research responses in pandemics. International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health, 3(1), e48-e64.
  23. Allen, J. O., Watkins, D. C., Mezuk, B., Chatters, L. & Johnson-Lawrence, V. D. (2020). Mechanisms of racial health disparities: Evidence on relationships between coping and psychological and physiological stress responses from MIDUS II. Ethnicity and Disease, 30(4), 563-574.
  24. Smith, J. A., Watkins, D. C., & Griffith, D. M. (2020). Reducing health inequities facing boys and young men of colour in the United States. Health Promotion International, 36(5), 1508-1515.
  25. Leggett, A. N., Bugajski, B., Webster, B., Broderick, B., Watkins, D., Gitlin, L., & Kales, H. C. (2019). Style and substance: A qualitative characterization of dementia caregiving management styles. Innovation in Aging, 3(Suppl 1), S594-S595.


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