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School of Social Work Research Publications for Daphne C. Watkins

  1. Watkins, D., Patton, D., & Miller, R. (2016). Introduction to the special issue on the intersections of race, gender, and class in the wake of a national crisis: The state of black boys and men Post-Ferguson. Journal of Men's Studies, 24(2), 119–129.
  2. Cook, S. H., Watkins, D. C., Calebs, B. J., & Wilson, P. A. (2016). Attachment orientation and sexual risk behavior among young gay and bisexual black men. Psychology and Sexuality, 7(3), 177-196.
  3. Hawkins, J., Watkins, D. C., Bonner, T., & Thompson, T. L. (2016). Racial/ethnic differences in predictors of mental health treatment in person with comorbid diabetes and depression. Social Work and Public Health, 31(6), 511-619.
  4. Jäggi, L. J., Mezuk, B., Watkins, D. C., & Jackson, J. S. (2016). The relationship between trauma, arrest and incarceration history among black Americans: Findings from the National Survey of American Life. Society and Mental Health, 6(3), 187-206.
  5. Jefferson, O., Watkins, D., & Mitchell, J. (2016). The retrospective roles of black women in the coddling of black boys. Journal of Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in Social Work, 25(3), 173-192.
  6. Thompson, T. L., Watkins, D. C., & Johnson-Lawrence, V. D. (2016). Masculinity, socioeconomic status, and self-rated health among African American men. Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men, 4(2), 61-81.
  7. Assari, S., WAtkins, D. C., & Caldwell, C. H. (2015). Race attribution modifies the association between daily discrimination and major depressive disorder among blacks: The role of gender and ethnicity. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 5(2), 200-210.
  8. Hawkins, J., Watkins, D. C., Kieffer, E., Spencer, M., Espitia, N., Sinco, B., & Anderson, M. (2015). Structural and psychosocial factors that influence health care use and self-management for African American and Latino men with type 2 diabetes: An exploratory study. Journal of Men's Studies, 23(2), 161-176.
  9. Thompson, T., Mitchell, J., Johnson-Lawrence, V., Watkins, D. & Modlin, C. (2015). Self-rated health and health care access associated with African American men's health self-efficacy. American Journal of Men's Health.
  10. Watkins, D. C., & Gioia, D. (2015). Mixed methods research. Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods Series. Oxford University Press.
  11. Watkins, D. C., Wharton, T., Mitchell, J. A., Matusko, N., & Kales, H. (2015). Perceptions and receptivity of non-spousal family support: A mixed methods study of psychological distress among older, church-going African American men. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
  12. Mitchell, J., Watkins, D. C., J. & Shires, D., Chapman, R., & Burnett, J. (2015). Clues to the blues: predictors of self-reported mental and emotional health among older African American men. American Journal of Men's Health.
  13. Piette, J. D., Valenstein, M., Eisenberg, D., Fetters, M. D., Sen, A., Saunders, D., Watkins, D., & Aikens, J. E. (2015). Rationale and methods of a trial to evaluate a depression telemonitoring program that includes a patient-selected support person. Journal of Clinical Trials, 5(1), 1-8.
  14. Hawkins, J., Watkins, D. C., Kieffer, E., Spencer, M., Espitia, N., & Anderson, M. (2015). Psychosocial factors that influence health care use and self-management for African American and Latino men with type 2 diabetes: An exploratory study. Journal of Men's Studies, 23(2), 161-176. Sage Publications.
  15. Watkins, D. C., Assari, S., & Johnson-Lawence V. D. (2015). Race and ethnic differences in comorbid psychiatric disorders with chronic medical conditions. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 2(3), 385-394.
  16. Watkins, D. C., & Gioia, D. (2015). Mixed Methods Research: Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods Series. New York: Oxford University Press.
  17. Assari, S., Watkins, D. C., & Caldwell, C. H. (2015). Race attribution modifies the association between daily discrimination and major depressive disorder among blacks: The role of gender and ethnicity. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
  18. Watkins, D. C. & Hawkins, J. (2015). Qualitative evidence in health promotion. In K. Olson, R. Young, & I. Z. Schultz (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Health Research for Evidence-Based Practice. New York, NY: Springer.
  19. Watkins, D. C., Hawkins, J., & Mitchell, J. A. (2015). The discipline's escalating whisper: Social work and black men's mental health. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(2), 240-250.
  20. Watkins, D. C. Hawkins, J., & Mitchell, J. (2014). The discipline’s escalating whisper: Social work and black men’s mental health. Research on Social Work Practice.
  21. Watkins, D. C., & Griffith, D. M. (2014). Mental Health Promotion Programs: A Scoping Review of Men’s Mental Health Promotion Programs in the United States. Movember Foundation and the Centre for Men’s Health at Leed’s University, London, UK.
  22. Watkins, D. C. (2014). [Review of the book Publish and prosper: A strategy guide for students and researchers, by N. M. Lambert]. Research on Social Work Practice, 24(4), 503-505.
  23. Mitchell, J., Shires, D., Thompson, H., Watkins, D. C., & Modlin, C. (2014). Disparities in health-related internet use among African American Men, 2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, E43-48.
  24. Watkins, D. C. (2013). Qualitative research: The importance of conducting research that doesn’t 'count'. In Goldman, K. D. & Schmalz, K. J. (Eds). Tools of the Trade: Tools for Translating Health Education Theory into Practice. Society for Public Health Education. Washington, DC.
  25. Wallace, P. M., Watkins, D. C., & Dixon-Terry, E. (2013). Be it resolved: Writing resolutions to influence health policy. In Goldman, K. D. & Schmalz, K. J. (Eds). Tools of the Trade: Tools for Translating Health Education Theory into Practice. Society for Public Health Education. Washington, DC.


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